Chapter Thirty One

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The recruits arrived on schedule, the initial group coming from the first villages they had visited, Perramo and Fiastra in particular.

Elena walked along the ranks for her first inspection and saw a motley group, some in uniforms, many in ordinary clothes, many without arms. There were both Hilliri and Trillas, though the latter were more numerous. The Trillas were taller and heavier in build, but the wiry strength of the more slight Hilliri had often surprised her in the past. They would all need equipment, but there was fire in their eyes that told Elena they would do.

Elena wondered how the two groups would fare, working along side one another. Mostly they lived in separate villages. There would be frictions between them, no doubt, just as in there were in Legion. She had worked with people from all across the Empire back then, and had to listen to their bickering. From those days she learned a valuable lesson: it was necessary to constantly remind soldiers of their love for their land in order to distract them from their petty disagreements.

She also remembered how much better her Legion recruits had performed when the Emperor came around, so she asked Liran to be present.

He followed her as she paced across the line of soldiers, mostly men, but occasionally a woman would break the sameness. She nodded at a tall Trillas woman who looked strong and tough. Liran too, gave an approving nod as he passed.

The wind swept over the sand, bringing scents of the sea with it. It tasted of salt when she breathed in. The sand under foot was damp, making deep impressions where the soldiers trod. Elena made a mental note to take her group up into the forest on top of the cliffs at some point so they could practise on different terrain.

First, she would demonstrate, and then she would have them try their hand. Today she began with a short sword, a staple in battle gear. She called Captain Sandro over to assist in her demonstration. They had planned their presentation the night before, choreographed in detail to show the basic moves Elena wanted everyone to learn. She would then observe them to gauge their level of ability, and after, she would divide them into groups to work on a variety of skills.

The recruits stood in a group lining the edge of the base of the cliffs, leaving a wide stretch of sandy beach between them and the water for Elena and Sandro to work in. Liran stood to one side. Elena drew a circle around them with the point of her sword. The blade was long and sharp on both sides, but the handle short, intended to be held in one hand only while the other held a shield. Later on Elena would add the use of a shield with this sword to complete the basic equipment the soldiers would all have, but today they would all stick to swords alone. She and Sandro would work with a real blade, but for the moment, she would have the trainees use a wooden sword until she was sure they were ready for sharpened blades in practise.

Sandro stepped into the circle and drew his blade. Elena did the same. His long dark curls were tied back neatly. The sun rose high at mid-morning and outlined his tall frame from where he stood between her and the blazing orb, leaving his face in shadow and hers overwhelmed by the light shining in her eyes. She pointed to him and turned to her audience.

"You see, the Captain has chosen the more favourable ground forcing me to work with the sun in my eyes."

She focused on his outline. If he were a real adversary in a real fight, she would take care for his strength and avoid taking a blow directly on her blade. She might have difficulty in pressing back against his greater strength, so she would use her quickness and agility against him instead.

He stepped forward to engage, making a straight stab for her stomach. She swung her blade around and deflected his away. He twisted with the force, turning around fully, and using the motion to take a swipe straight across her front. Elena stepped back as she saw this and avoided the arc of his blade. As she leaned back, she moved sideways, crouched, and came back forward to strike at his hip. His blade had ended its arc down by his other side, so he simple brought it up diagonally to intersect with her swing.

Elena stepped back again to rest for a moment. The heat had made her sweat until she was soaked. Sandro simply stayed ready. He lowered his head to look down at her, for he was much taller, and for a second Elena, saw something odd in his expression. Before she had the time to name it, Sandro leapt forward, aiming for her sword arm. Surprised, she deflected the blow awkwardly, twisting her wrist and catching his hilt, knocking his hand away.

This wasn't part of the routine they had planned.

He continued his aggressive attack, reaching out and jabbing, stepping nearer, forcing Elena to step back until she was nearly at the circle's edge where Liran was standing.

The look in Sandro's eyes as he turned and the sun lit up his face was utterly foreign. Elena was becoming impatient with his show.

"Cease, Captain! That's enough."

Sandro kept coming. Elena fought back, distracted by the thought of why he was doing this; why he wouldn't obey, and hoping she could keep from hurting him.

The soldiers behind them began to murmur amongst themselves. Liran stepped forward a little.

"Captian Sandro, what are you doing? You've been ordered to stand down.

This made Sandro look up at him. Elena considered if he might dare to strike Liran too. A chill went through her as she realized the Prince was unarmed and much too close for comfort. She had no more time for thought as Sandro redoubled his attack. Elena tried to drive him back a little, away from the Prince, but he kept stepping forward, forcing her to retreat.

As he struck again and again, Elena was surprised by the fury with which he fought, like a desperate man with nothing to lose--the most dangerous kind. She needed to slow him down so she could gain an advantage. The sand under her feet sank down in with each step, making her footing unsure.


With her next move, she swung her sword straight across in front of her, allowing the motion to turn her. As she turned, she kicked backwards, lifting up the sand to spray in the air. The wind was blowing now in Sandro's direction. He cried out, lifting his hand to his eyes. She pushed forward, pressing him hard.

She watched Liran come around behind Sandro as he stepped back, yielding ground to her advance.

A young man stepped forward from among the line of recruits. He waved a few others to come forward with him.

"My Lord, can we assist?"

Liran shouted back without turning to look at him. "Yes, grab his arms and legs from behind. Be careful of his sword!"

Elena realized that she and Sandro were the only ones on the beach with weapons.

A group of men joined Liran and set upon Sandro from behind. The caught him by the ankles and knees, and a few by the arms, but Sandro was strong. He struggled until he broke free of their grasp, continuing to reach out with his sword to strike Elena. He reached too far, though, for he began to topple while the men held his legs firm. Elena realized he was about to fall on top of her and staggered back a pace.

Sandro fell hard, slicing Elena's thigh as he fell. She fell back as pain overcame her senses. She watched, fascinated, as her blood pour out from the deep cut. She blinked and shook her head as the world blurred. Everything began to spin about. She gasped for air, wanting to cry out, but she appeared to have no breath. The spinning continued until she had to close her eyes, and then she could remember nothing more.


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