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Evangeline's POV (10th century)

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Evangeline's POV (10th century)

Hi, my name is Evangeline Rae Morgan, I am 18 years old. I'm in love with Niklaus Mikaelson. My best friends are Rebekah, and Elijah. My parents died when I was 4. I was brought here by my aunt Cybel. I have a cousin who is 10 years old, her name is Thalia and she and Henrik are best of friends.

I was in the kitchen peeling potatos when I heared a scream. "Mother!" I know that voice. I put the knife and potato down before running outside to find Nik carrying a bloody Henrik. "Mother!" Nik cried. Rebekah had soon joined me. We were crying and holding onto each other. Esther, Nik's mother came out of their hut and once she saw what happend she ran to her son and started sobbing. "Ayanna there must be something we can do. Please you must help him." Esther cried. "The spirits won't let us. Your boy is gone." Ayanna said and with that Esther and all the Mikaelson's began to cry over their loss.

We had buried Henrik in the meadow near a beautiful pine tree. I was holding Nik's hand the whole time. "I didn't mean for it to happen." He whispered. "I know, it was a terrible accident." I said. "I don't understand why they didn't harm me, I was near Henrik, but they didn't harm me." He said. "I don't know, but I'm glad they didn't, if they did I would be more crushed than I am now." I replied. "Promise me something." Nik said. "Anything." I told him. "Promise me you will always be with me." He replied. "I promise if you promise." I stated. "I promise." He replies. I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips. After Henrik was burried I went back to finishing dinner. Thalia was still crying about Henrik, I knew she cared deeply for him so I just left her to mourn but not before giving her a hug and saying it would be okay.

After dinner I went out to the woods to meet Nik. We always went here to meet after dinner, no matter what. We would talk about anything and everything or just watch the sun set and look up at the stars. Once I was at our usual spot I sat down and waited. After a while the sun began to set and Nik hadn't shown up yet so I got up and went to look for him.

I was walking through the woods looking for Nik when I had started to cough up blood feeling my magic being taken away. "No." I muttered as I fell to the ground. "Nik?" I called through the woods. No one came. I called for everyone, anyone, but no one came. I layed on the ground coughing up blood as my magic was being taken.

After what seemed like forever I felt my all my magic go away. "No." I mumbled. "Evangeline?!" I heared. "Nik?" I called. "Evangeline!" He shouted once he saw me on the ground covered in my own blood. He ran over and put my head in his lap. "What's happened to you?" He asked. "I felt my magic being taken away and I started coughing up my blood. Nik, you feel different." I said. "Mother and Father had turned me and my siblings into monsters, vampires." He explained as the tears ran down his face. "She must have used my magic to help, she must'nt have been strong enough without it." I said. "You're going to be okay." He said letting out a small sob. "No I'm not, I'm dieing." I told him tearing up. "I love you." He said. "I love you too. Forever." I replied. "You can't leave me. You promised." Nik said crying out. "I'll... always... be with... y.. you." I said as my eyes began to close. "Evangeline?!" I heared and then... everything was quite and dark.

Klaus's POV

I just lost the love of my life and my brother in the same day. I had never cried so much in my life. I just sat there in the woods holding my Evie and crying. After a while I stopped crying and grew angry. My mother is the reason why my love is dead, she is the reason I am a monster. She is the reason for all of this. I looked down at my love before kissing her forehead. "I will be back my love, I promise." I got up and ran as fast as I could to my home. I walked in and saw mother in the den. "You killed her." I said. She turned to me "I didn't kill her, I channeled her." "She died while you did it. You killed the love of my life." I said. "I needed her magic to protect this family." She said. "You didn't have to do it! You chose to do it! You are the reason why she is dead!" I shouted. "Her death brought this family protection, her death made all of you live for eternity!" Mother explained. "I don't care! You chose to make us live for eternity! You killed her!" I shouted. "You will see her again." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "When you need her the most, she will be reborn." Mother said. "I need her now." I said. "When you need her most, she will be reborn and once she turns 18 she will live for eternity as a witch." Mother said. "I will see her again?" I questioned. "You will see her again." Mother concluded "When I was done with the spell I had done another one to make sure that she will come back when most needed." I nodded before heading back to Evangeline.

When I got back to her she looked as if she was asleep, only covered in blood. I picked her up before carrying her home to her family. I knocked on her aunts door and when it opened her aunt was shocked, she then began crying and dropped to her knees. Thalia then came to see what was wrong she started sobbing and said "No! She can't be dead! Not her too!" Her aunt then let me in and let me put Evie in her room. "We will burry her tomorrow. I will clean her up and tomorrow we will say goodbye." Her aunt said still crying. I nodded before turning around ready to leave. "She loved you. She loved you so much. I think you were the only reason why she ever smiled. Whenever she saw you she would instantly smile, even when you were young. She would want you to have this." Her aunt then placed a necklace in my hand. It was made of leather with a little wolf charm on it. "She was going to give it to you for your birthday, but now..." She trailed off. "Thank you." I said. "Just know that even with what your mother made you, you are always welcome here." Her aunt said. "How did you know?" I asked. "I'm a witch, Evangeline's mother was my sister, she also was a witch, the whole Morgan line is, even if the women are married, the husband always takes the name, unless they wish to have their spouses last name like I did." She replied. I nodded with a sad smile before leaving. Once everyone was at home I told them what happened with Evie, Elijah and Rebekah had began to cry over the loss of their friend. That night I feel asleep wondering when I will see my love again and wishing to be able to hold her once more.



Yeah I know, it was crappy af. Me No Care

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