Chapter 2 (Time for Lies)

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Okay, so that last chapter was crappy. But fear not! It'll get better. Here's the next chapter. This is where the story actually starts to take form, so enjoy. :) Feedback would be as sexy as Marshall. ;) The pic on the side is him, by the way. Obviously.

Ava tested every day that week, but every time it was positive. When she finally came to terms with that fact she was pregnant, it was already the 17th of February. She got around enough to know tomorrow was Dr. Dre's birthday, and he liked to throw large parties.

She also had come to realize who the man she'd had sex with the night of the party was. It was Marshall Mathers himself, known world wide as Eminem and Slim Shady. He was a famous and rich-as-fuck rapper, who also happened to be known for his violent raps about murdering his ex-wife and violently fucking women. But, he was rich.

So Ava made a devious plan. She needed money. Marshall could provide her with the money she needed. So she would go to Dre's party, because she knew he would be there.

Well, turns out he was, the night she went. He was standing by an open window, laughing, and if Ava craned her head up enough she could see his form right there. She cupped her hands to her mouth and started to yell up, but then decided to talk to him quietly. It'd be better.

So she walked into the house, getting past the security guard simply because he recognized her from last time. She went up stairs and went around peeking in doors, hoping to find him. Finally, she did. He was only with three other people, but she didn't know any of them. "Okay, people. I need to have a word with Marshall here."

Everyone looked at her for a moment, and then at Marshall. He kept his eyes locked with hers as he said, "I'll talk to ya later, guys. See what this shit's about."

The three people nodded. Marshall watched his friends- they were his manager, Paul, Obie, and one of the people from Shady Records, a nice guy named Marcus- leave. 

"What's this about?" he asked when they went. 

Ava pulled the door shut and straight up grabbed the glass out of his hand, and sipped, even though she didn't know what it was and she was aware it could damage the baby. It was hennessy.

"Mmm. Shitty flavor," she said. "Anyway, nice to meet you too, Marshall."

"I don't know you," he said warily. "So call me Em."

"Whatever, Marshall." she sneered. "My name's Ava. And if you recall December of last year, we slept together."

Marshall shifted uncomfortably. "That was you?"

"Yeah. And guess what?"

He didn't ask what. He instead tried to stare her down, standing five inches taller then her, even at his own slight 5'9 height. 

"Won't work. I'm used to it." She walked right up to him and tilted her head up to look up at him. "I'm pregnant. For that, I'm gonna sue you."

His mouth gaped for a minute, but he recovered quickly. "Your lying."

"No, I'm not. I brought proof." Ava pulled a pregnancy tester out of her purse. "Come here and watch so you know I'm not faking it."

He warily followed her to the bathroom attached to the room they were in and turned his head but not body as she peed on it so he would notice if she tried anything but still gave her a fair amount of privacy. They waited a moment and then Ava lifted it so he could see. It was indeed positive.

"Fuck. How do you know that's from me?"

"I haven't had sex with anyone since you."

Marshall winced at that. "Okay, so what if you're pregnant by me. Get an abortion. I'll pay."

"I don't think so. Too cruel. But paying works. I want you to pay me a million so I can always have enough to pay for raising him or her."

"That works, I guess. If you don't tell anyone about this, ever. If you do I will sue you for everything I gave you. So now you'll get out of my life, right?"

"Yeah. Alright, this is good. My job's done. Thanks for doing business with you, Marshall." She put her hand out.

"Uh-huh. Ava." He took her hand and shook.

Ava had originally not planned to tell him, but then she decided to go through completely with her plan. So she did. "How old are you, Marsh?"

He blinked and released her hand. His went to his pocket. "Thirty last October."

"Oh. You know how old I am? Why I'm asking for so much?"

Marshall looked genuinely uncomfortable now.

"I'm fifteen, Marsh."

His beautiful blue eyes widened, and even distressed as he was, they sparkled like a beautiful, moonlit lake or something. No, Ava thought. Can't think like that. Money and shelter- that's what I need. "You're fifteen? Fuck! You're as old as my fucking daughter! Fuck, you can't be fifteen!"

"But I am. And if you don't give me the money and let me into your home as a guest until this baby is born, so I can get back on my feet, I'll call the cops and they'll arrest you for rape."

Marshall's jaw tightened. "You fucking bitch."

Ava grinned. "That's me."

"Fuck. Fine. So what's the deal?"

"You fly me out to your house, wherever it is, and keep me safe and healthy there until the baby is born. Then you make sure I'm back home safe and the baby and me are doing fine, and then you'll never hear from me again."

"Fine, whatever." Marshall looked angry. His fists were clenched tightly by his side. "What'll be your story?" 

"Fucked around with the football team quarterback, got pregnant, and then he left. You took me in 'cause you felt bad."

"You thought this out."

"Hell yeah! I got raped by an old dude at the first party I went to!"

"You're parents weren't watching you. They shoulda been."

Ava's jaw and fists clenched. "Dad left when I was a baby. Mom's a drug addict. Neither gives a fuck about me."

"Same thing for me," he said. "So I feel ya."

There was quiet. Ava was about to say something when Marshall did. "I'll do it. I'll take you in and then I'll give you the money. But what about your school and stuff?"

"Got kicked out after I was smoking pot in the bathrooms in November," she said a little too quickly.

"Have you done any drugs or liquor since?"

"Little liquor, yeah, but no drugs. Sadly."

Marshall laughed, but barely. Just a little, half hearted chuckle. "Okay. Wait, what about my friends? They saw you."

"They were all drunk. They wouldn't know I was the same girl from that night. Only you and I know the truth. Everyone else'll believe the cover story. Did you tell anyone, or did anyone see?"

"Dre did. But I think we can tell him. He's cool."

"No. No one. I can, like, dye my hair or something. I won't look the same, trust me." Ava's hand went to her long, light brown hair.

"Shorter and blonde, maybe," Marshall suggested, inspecting her hair. "It'd look cute on you. Maybe when you come out, Laney can take you shopping. She's my niece, but she lives with me," he quickly explained. "She's nine. But she'll all into that shit already."

"She sounds cool," Ava said sweetly.

"Yeah. So, I'm flying back home to Michigan tomorrow afternoon. Here's a hundred bucks. Go get a perm or something. Then go to the airport and wait by the desk. I'll send a body guard to get you secretly."

"Okay. That LA one, right?"


"Okay. Thank you, Marshall."

He grunted, but didn't object to her calling him that. Nor did he object as she hugged his waist. 

You Tricked Me - Book One - An Eminem Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now