Chapter 6 (Father/"Daughter" Bonding Time)

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Hi again! The reception I'm getting, for me, is way too good to be true and thanks a ton! :D The pic on the side is Marshall's daughters as they'd appear in this story. Whitney isn't his yet, but she will appear eventually. I also guessed with the schools the kids go to because I wasn't sure where they went. :P I made up the ice cream parlor. Thanks, and enjoy!

Ava woke, tangled in the sheets. The sun peeked in through the windows, illuminating her face and causing her to squint. She closed her eyes, yawned, and stretched, nearly falling from the bed in the process. 

She flung the covers off her, not bothering to make the bed, and stood up. 

"Shit," she cursed as she stepped on her vest, which she had thrown carelessly on the floor the night before. Her foot had made contact with one of the buttons on it and she lifted her wounded foot, frowning. When she cursed, it was both for the pain and the realization. 

She was at "Shady Manor". Living with Mr. Mathers and his family. 

Ava went over to her suitcase, set neatly against the wall beneath the window, and hefted it up, setting it on the bed. She unzipped it quickly and reached for the first outfit she saw once more; a cute but long bright yellow tank top and white skinny jeans. 

She'd slept the night before in her clothing, and also her bra, so she fortunately found it simple to change, even in her half-asleep state. She threw her old clothing to the floor carelessly before realizing how trashy she was acting. His once well kept guest room now looked like a tornado had hit it. 

Ava's stomach growled and she sighed and said aloud, "Fuck it." She would eat and then fix the room. She figured it was maybe ten o'clock. Hopefully he was still home.

She then realized she'd been so distracted with her thoughts she'd forgotten to finish dressing. Her skinny jeans were halfway up her legs, stopping at her knees, and her shirt was revealing her stomach.

She frowned at it. She was definitely beginning to show now. It scared her deeply.

She pulled up the pants successfully, to her relief, but when she attempted to button them, they wouldn't close over her baby bump.

"Fuck!" she exclaimed as she fell onto the bed still tugging on the button. She found she couldn't do it, but when she stood, her shirt fell over to hide the unzipped pants, and she smiled thankfully. But still she thought sadly, Bye-bye, skinny jeans.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Ava looked up warily, closing her suitcase and zipping it. "Marshall?"

The door opened to reveal a girl, around ten, with limp brown hair and a tanned skin tone. "No."

Ava knew who this was. This girl looked nothing like Marshall, so she knew it must be his niece. "Laney?"

"Yeah," the girl said, closing the door behind her and sitting on the bed, looking over Ava. "I like your shirt."

"Thanks," Ava said, confused. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"It's six in the morning, Angel," Laney told her. 

Ava was about to say that her name was Ava when she realized Marshall must have told Laney all about her already.

"Oh. Okay. I misjudged the time."

"I guess so." Laney looked at her for a long time before saying, "So you're fifteen."

Ava gave her a sideways look and sat down on the bed beside her. "Yeah, I am."

"And you're pregnant."


"What's it like?" she asked.

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