Chapter 4 (Soon-To-Be Broken Promises)

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The next chapter. I hope these rapid updates are working good for y'all. :) I'm having fun because I can finally write about something I really love (Eminem) and it's great. Okay, so, here's when stuff picks up a bit. :D The pic on the side is the Shady Records crew. Note that some of the people there aren't a part of SR as of this story, in 2003. Honestly, I also really love this chappie, so I hope you like it too. :) Okay, thanks!

The plane was just like in the movies. However, much dirtier. Ava would soon learn that rappers were pigs.

There was trash everywhere. Bags that once contained chips, bags that once contained drugs, beer bottles, pill bottles. She headed right, away from the cockpit towards the couches provided, and now saw that the whole jet was near packed.

Kon Artis and Kuniva sat across from each other, playing cards. Bizarre was sleeping and snoring loudly, Proof and Swift giggling next to him. Obie was just going into the bathroom. 50 Cent was watching a football game beside Paul Rosenberg, and then there was a slew of other people from the Shady Camp everywhere else. 

Ava didn't see Marshall.

"Shit," she said, throwing her bag down on the ground and plopping down next to 50. "You guys should get a bigger jet. There's so many of you!"

50 gave her a sideways look. "Who are you?"

"I'm Angel." 

Angel. The name had come to her randomly, but she felt it fit, with her sweet heart-shaped face and her blonde curls. Plus, it just sounded good.

"Why ya here?" he asked in his signature permanently slurred voice.

"I'm a friend of Marshall's."

50 paused a moment before saying, "Aight, then. In that case, I'm 50."

"Nice to meet you, 50." Ava looked around. "Where's Marshall?"

"In the cockpit, messing with the pilots." Some blonde girl from the Shady Records team said. "Sometimes he's an asshole."

I noticed, Ava thought. 

Kuniva took over talking now. "He just leans over in there and annoys 'em. If ya want, you can get him."

"Nah, don't." Paul said. "Then he'll just annoy us."

At this everyone laughed, which jolted Bizarre awake and he nearly fell of the couch he was slewn over, which caused even more laughter. Even Ava laughed a little.

"So, Angel," Proof said, coming to sit beside her as the plane lifted up in the air. 

Ava was looking out the window in amazement, since she hadn't been on a plane before, let alone a jet.  She looked at him, though just for a second, before looking back to the window, saying, "So, Proof."

"You know me?"

"You're Marshall's best friend, and you sound like a dog when you rap. Yes, I know you."

He blinked. "I sound like a dog?"

"'Cause you have a deep, gravelly voice. Makes you sound like a dog."

"Hmm. I guess so."

"Yeh. So what do you want?"

"I was wonderin'- how'd you and Marshall meet and why are ya flying out to the D with us?"

Ava took a minute to answer, not to think up a story- she already had one- but to make it more dramatic. "Well, Proof, the first thing you should know is that I'm pregnant. Second thing you should know is that I'm fifteen."

You Tricked Me - Book One - An Eminem Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now