Chapter one- Flashback

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"No Stacie I'm not going to the party, everyone hates me because i'm the only kid in foster care, so I get picked on." I said.

"Awww come on steph." Stacie said.

"No not what happen to my parents a year ago and what happen to my brother six months ago." I said.

"Fine." Stacie said.

It all started when I was in 5th grade going it the 6th about mid June.......

** Stephanie's Flasheback **

"Stephanie were going out for a little while your brother is in charge." said my mom

"ok mom." I said.

"Be careful, don't leave the house, and don't open the door for anyone." said my mom.

"Ok mom see ya in a little while, love you." I said.x

"Love you too." said my mom and dad.

** an hour later **

"Let's watch the news sis." said my brother.

"Ok." I said.

That was a big mistake for us to cut the news on I mean we would have found out soon but it said 'mr. and mrs. Johnes have been in a wreck and they did not survive, we are sorry for there kids which will be placed in foster homes.' said the reporter.

I bursted in tears and so did my brother. We went to bed that night and the next morning and tall, police officer stood in our door way saying we needed to pack we were going to a foster home. I packed all my clothes, drawing supplies, pictures, and everything that reminded me of my mom and dad. I was so sad I didn't talk to no one, not even my brother, which he didn't talk to no one either except when the officer asked him a few questions.

** six months later **

"No you can't take him he's the only thing I have left in my real family." I yelled at the cops.

" Sorry ma'am but we have to we realize that this is your brother he'll be back in about 6 moths to a year. Were dearly sorry. He's gotta get help for his insaness." The officer said.

"Fine." I said.

So with that I gave up and let them take him, It's been six months no sighn of my bro. Now the school picks on me for my parents death, my brother's death, and me being in foster care.

** End of Flashback **

"I'm sorry Stac but I can't." I said.

"It's ok but i'm telling you the next party, your going too." She demanded.

"Fine but why's it such a big deal." I asked.

"Because I hear that Austin has a crush on you." she said.

"No way, he's the cuttest guy in school. I will go to the next party then." I said.

"OK." she said and walked off to her first block class.

Even though were best friends we have different classes. I take Ap classes and she takes regular classes.





** Author's note **

I'm sorry i'm slow at uploading but i'm typing on my tablet so it's hard. And sorry for all the mistakes on my sentences I try my best to keep my punctuation right.

I want to send a shout out to my boyfriend he has helped me through this saying it's gonna be good and he wanted me to write it. I love you.

If you want me to send you a shout out comment and tell me too and I will.

- Jaclyn

Words can hurt!! Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now