Chapter Five- The Fight

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"Oh, hey Stephanie, look at who i'm with."

I heard that nasty voice and I knew who it was and I knew who she was with I didn't fare wait til she sees who i'm with she'll go insane. Brandon and I turned around, and I was laughing at a joke he told me. Once we turned around she gave me shocked, hatred, and sad smirk. Then I could tell she still cared about him, he told me he loved it when I stood up fot myself and I was doing it.

"Whats the matter can't stand me being with Brandon." I said and about that time Brandon turned me around and kissed me with passion. Then Stacie came over there and pulled us apart and started yelling at me.

" Listen up, you dirty, skanky slut. You can go back to you foster mommy and daddy and cry because no matter what you do I will ALWAYS, ALWAYS be better than you, and don't let that ever leave your thick stupid skull." She yelled. Which I ignored her.

" Ok!! First off i'm not the dirty, skanky slut, you are and everyone knows you are oh wait yu wouldn't know that because you haven't been at school to know you've been with your back up boyfriend when Austin won't give you what you want just like you did Brandon, Ohh yeah thats right Austin and Brandon she cheated on Brandon and she is cheating on Austin and How do I know this is what your wondering is she told me. Oh and by the the way Stac Stac no one likes you no more yu are now the laughing stock of high school I took yur spot and now I am better than you." I said.

She had nothing to say to that and I turned around and started to walk off when she grabbed my ponytail and punched me in the face, not hard though and I turned around punched her in the face she fell to the ground I jumped on her and started hitting her and the boys pulled me off her. I promise they didn't pull me off her I could have gave her a concusion. All she had the next day that I saw at school was a black eye, broke nose, and busted lip. Austin dumped her once he found out about Stacie's back up boyfriend, they had a whole arguement about it she finally admitted it and then he dumped her people found out about the fight pretty quick with it being all over facebook. Everyone congradulated me. As for Stacie she now being tortured like I use to be. We always argue with each other she always tells me you ruined my life but I ignore her, like my boyfriend Brandon tells me to he tells me be the bigger person let her be a baby. As for Austin he's with a new girl named Kennedy. She's my new best friend, and Austin and Brandon are best buds as they like it to be called. This Friday were all going on a double date to some hot new reastraunt downtown. Then going to my house for a movie.





Author's Note

So how was that chapter, Ohh and wait to see what happens next.

Shout out to all my fans, voters, and commenters I really appreciate it.

- Jaclyn

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