Chapter Eight

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*Kris' POV*

So the whole thing with Adam was sending me into deep thought. He's been so unstable and messed up I'm starting to worry about him. Like, to the point where I'm worried to leave him alone. I was almost going to call Leila and tell her to keep an eye on him. And, of course, I didn't, so I had a hard time sleeping. My parents even got home and I was still up. After they chatted with me for a while and went to bed, I decided to call my sister.

Since she's been gone, she's gotten married, got her veterinary doctorate, and started her own business. I've only seen her at her wedding six years ago. I try to talk to her at least once a week, and usually she picks up because I call her when it's later at night at home but just in the evening where she is (because of the different time zones), but last night she didn't seem to have the time of day for me. Our conversation went like this:

"Hey, it's me."

"Oh... Hey, Kris."

"Can I talk to you? It's about me and Adam and—"

"Sorry, but is it important? 'Cause I'm kind of busy."

"Well it's really bugging me. We've never gotten into a fight before but we almost did. I really need y-"

"Kris, I think it can wait. I've got to do a lot of research night now. I think that you're adult enough to handle this yourself."

"I would if I could but I really want to talk about this with you."

"Seriously, I need to work. Call me tomorrow."


"Goodbye, Kris."

"Alright. Bye. I love you."

And that was it.

So I think it's safe to say I'm not in the best moos for a sunny Saturday, and I kind of feel like just hanging at home and smoking. So far it's been taking the edge off of a lot, but then again this is only my first joint.

I take another hit and turn up the volume on my MP3 player. My foot naturally taps the beat of the bass, and I lean my head back on the wall. I absentmindedly run my hand though the carpet. Someone knocks on the door and my mom opens it. For a moment we stare at each other blankly, then she rolls her eyes and folds her arms.

"I wish you would stop that," she sighs and I shrug.

"I will when you do." She shoots me a look and I shrug again.

"We'll talk about this later," she tells me, and I'm thinking in my head, Yep, another "do as I say, not as I do" lecture.


"What are you doing in here, anyway? It's a beautiful day. You should be outside."

"I don't feel like doing much today," I say and look away to hopefully avoid an explanation.

"You should stop being so lazy. You want to come with me and your father to the car show downtown?" she offers with a smile and I feel bad for refusing her.

"Sorry, I'm just not up for anything. I'm not doing too hot." She frowns.

"Well... We'll take the car so if you want to come meet up with u somewhere you can bring the truck."

"Okay, thanks, Mom." She nods and comes over to me, leaning down to kiss my forehead."

"Love you sweetie."

"Love you, too."

As she leaves, my dad pops in with his kid-at-heart energy and arms open like he's expecting to get tackled.

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