Chapter Eleven

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-Tommy's POV-

We sat there for what felt like forever before a nurse came in and almost freaked out that we were on the floor. As she helped us up off the floor, Adam held tightly onto my hand and we climbed onto his bed.

"Now, you two, stay here until the doctor comes in." She pointed a finger at the both of us, in warning, and then she turned and left the room.

The sound of her shoes clicking on the floor faded as she got farther away from the room. I lied on my side, my head sinking into the soft pillow and I pressed my lips tightly together to keep from crying loudly again. Trying to clear the tears from my eyes, I blinked which only made the tears fall from the corners of my eyes. I wrapped my arms tightly around my stomach as if that would somehow hold myself together. Jumping slightly when I felt an arm wrapped around my waist, I felt Adam rest his forehead against the back of my neck.

Afraid to say anything because if I opened my mouth there would be no sound leaving my lips, just a silent cry; I just lied there enjoying Adam's presence. God oh how I missed his touch. I drew in a shaky breath before exhaling, my body shaking slightly from the hysterics that happened just moments before.

"Tommy." I heard Adam's cracked voice from behind me.

"Mmmm." I hummed.

Then I felt him grab my hand which I didn't realize that I was scratching at my arms, "Sorry." I mumbled.

His next words made more tears stream from my eyes, "You did all you can do, at least you were there for her last moments." I heard his sniffle, "Just please, I already lost two friends, I don't want to lose the last person that I love."

A small sound escaped from my mouth as I tried to choke back the sob that was making my throat close up. I felt his arm tighten around me and he pulled me closer to him.

"Tommy, can you please come back to my house?" He asked.

I was taken back by the question, which caused me to hesitate. I thought about my stepfather, cringing at the memories of him beating me. Then I took a deep breath and answered, "Adam, I wish I could."

"You could. My mom and dad miss you so much and judging about how your body tensed up when I asked you that, tells me that your stepfather isn't treating you any differently than before." He was right, my stepfather is getting drunk every night and my mom is never home anymore, so he gets pissed at me so he beats me until my passed out on the floor.

I would wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes the next day, and my body would hurt so much I would've thought that he ran me over with his truck; twenty times. I still have black and blues, which are fading to a disgusting yellow and black marks and some of the bruises have faded completely. Thank god I was wearing a sweatshirt because Adam would freak if he saw those marks.

"Its okay, TJ. Take your time, you don't have to answer right away." He said, his fingers intertwined with mine.

Then I shook my head and finally answered, "Okay."

I felt him kiss the back of my neck, "Are you sure, Tommy?"

I nodded, "yes I am."

The doctor came in, his mother following right behind him and he checked us over. Then we left, his hand didn't detach from mine and through the car ride to my house he stayed by my side.

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