Chapter Eighteen

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-Tommy's POV-

  I hesitated before getting up, not wanting to leave Adam alone for even a split second. After what I witnessed just two seconds ago, I could tell this wasn't going to be a good confrontation. I walked towards the door, opening it and Rose pushed passed me.

 Without realizing what was happening I saw her rush up to Adam and I cringed as a loud slap echoed off of the walls. I watched his head snap hard to the left and Adam just held his head down, his hand lifting up to cup his already red cheek.

 I shook my head and rushed towards Rose and Adam. I shoved Rose to the side, ignoring her snapping comments and knelt in front of Adam.

 "Adam, Are you..." I didn't get a chance to finish asking my question, when a hand yanked me to my feet and I looked up to see Rose's narrowed eyes looking into mine.

 "Oh so now you are comforting him?" Rose snapped, throwing her hands up in frustration.

 "Rose what the fuck is your  problem?" I snapped back, confusion and anger flooded my veins.

 "He didn't even bother to tell me that not only Kris is dead, but that Allison is dead as well." She yelled, her voice cracked as tears spilled over the rims of her eyes.

 "That still doesn't give you the right to..."

 "No, she had every right to do what she did." Adam's broken voice cut my voice off and I tore my gaze from Rose's, to look down at his sad grey-blue eyes.

 I tried to calm myself down, but with Rose screaming in my ear, my mind nagging at me and with Adam's saddened expression; I just snapped. I grabbed a fist full of my hair and threw my head back, letting out a scream. Then I turned away and walked towards the wall, holding my head in my hands, covering my eyes.

 "Tommy calm down." I heard Adam's cracking voice say and I shook my head violently, lifting it and pushed back my fringe that was in my face. I felt the hot tears streaming down my face and I saw Rose staring at me with a shocked expression. It was like she didn't know what to say or do.

  I clamped my mouth shut, afraid of what I might say but I saw Rose take a step towards me and I held my hand out, stopping her. All I did was shake my head and more tears fell down my face with every shake. My hands were shaking and I balled them up into fists to control the shaking. I could feel my nails piercing my palms, but I didn't wince at the pain.

 Through my blurry vision, I caught sight of Rose opening her mouth to say something but I shook my head again.

 "Tommy, please, I'm sorry." She spoke anyway and I narrowed my eyes at her. 

 I took a step towards her, but Adam jumped to his feet and got in her face., "Sorry? You're sorry?!" His voice got louder with each step he took and he walked her backwards, until her back was pressed against the wall, "You want the truth, but you know you won't be able to take it. Well here it is, you don't know half of the shit that Tommy and I went through and we didn't tell you because we knew that this would happen if we told you the day that we were told that our best friends were dead."

I stood there in shock at the sight of Adam and Rose, I couldn't help but just stand there and watch, "Rose, you weren't with Allison when she died, you didn't feel the guilt and pain that Tommy felt when he watched as she died on that ice. You didn't breathe in the smoke and get burned like I did when I was trying to get Kris out of that burning house. You weren't at that hospital hoping and praying that they were going to be okay. We were there Rosalind, we went through it. So don't you fucking dare come into my house and flip out on us when you don't know the other half of the bigger picture."

 I glanced over at Rose and saw that she wanted to hide under a rock. I watched as Adam backed off and went back to the couch, sitting back down in his spot. Looking back at Rose, she was staring at the floor with tears falling from her face and she nodded.

"I had no idea, I'm sorry I came in and flipped out. That wasn't the right thing to do and I'm sorry." I looked at her and then to Adam, but he sat there, staring at his hands while he picked at his chipped nail polish.

 I didn't know what to say, honestly Adam had said everything that was needed to be said. I heard her sigh and she was hesitating, like she was debating on hugging one of us. But she bowed her head and walked out of the house without another word.

I can't believe that we are losing our friends.

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