Chapter Fourteen

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-Adam's POV-

 I carried Tommy into the house and upstairs to my room. My mom grabbed the first aid kit and followed me into the room. She helped me bandage up his cuts and after that was done, she left the room. I decided to tuck Tommy in and went to get something to eat.

 I grabbed myself a sandwich and a bag of chips, and I made Tommy a sandwich and also grabbed him a bag of chips for when he wakes up.

 As i was halfway up the steps, I heard his screams coming from the room. Quickly, I ran up the steps, almost tripping on the last step and ran into the room. I placed the food on my little table beside my bed and climbed onto the bed.

 I took him into my arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, to stop him from thrashing around.

-Tommy's POV-

 I woke up my old bedroom floor.

Wait, I thought that Adam picked me up and carried me out to the car. How did I end up back here?

 I carefully sat up, my body was screaming with pain as I struggled to get to my feet. Gripping the ledge of my nightstand tightly, I managed to pull myself up straight. My eyes scanned the room and saw that it was all destroyed, my posters were ripped off the walls, holes lined  the walls, my desk and laptop were broken into pieces, my windows were shattered.

What happened here?

 I took a step towards my door and I practically fell into it. My hands gripped the bronze handle and I twisted it.


Frantically, I twisted the handle and tried with all my strength to pull it opened. But still no luck. I pounded my fists against the door until they were bleeding and bruised.

 "Help! Someone let me out of here!" I exclaimed as my hits got weaker and weaker, until I was leaning against the door and my body slid down to the floor.

 My hands pressed against the floor, and I quickly pulled them away.

Why was the floor so hot? Then that's when i smelt it.

Smoke. I scrambled away from the door and I found myself pressed against my bed. I managed to pull myself to my feet, and I ran towards my window. Then I felt someone grab my shirt.

 "You aren't going to escape this time." I heard my stepfather's rough voice bounce off the walls, as he tugged at my shirt with such force that I was flung back into the wall.

 I screamed out in pain when my back connected with the wall and I fell to the floor. Crumpled and already weak with energy, I could barely lift my head. Through my blackened vision I saw him pull out a gun and aim it right at me. I tried to scream, make some noise, but the smoke filled my lungs and I could feel my throat starting to close. I felt the flames lick at my clothes and somehow a scream managed to make its way out of my parted lips.

"Tommy." I heard a voice scream out, but I could barely hear over my own screams.

"Tommy, wake up." The voice was faint and my screams were swallowed up by the raging flames.

Everything faded until all I could see was endless darkness.

 I woke up, screaming at the top of my lungs and my clothes seemed to stick to my body as my sweat coated them. I felt someone hold me tightly, I could still smell the faint smoky smell. my body was shaking uncontrollably and i felt hot tears stream down my face.

 "Its okay, Tommy. It was just a dream." Adam's voice cut floated through the air and into my ears.

 I pressed my lips tightly together, afraid to say anything because I knew that all that would come out was another scream. I just lied there in his arms and I felt the fragments of the dream disappear as he held me tightly.

 "You're safe, I promise, kitten." I felt him kiss my head and the tears seemed to slowly stop.

 I pressed my face into his chest and allowed his scent to chase away the smoky smell that seemed be lingering. My body seemed to stop shaking and I felt myself calm down.

 "I-I'm s-sorry for waking you." I managed to say, my voice was raw from screaming.

 "Its okay, Tommy. You're safe, now try and go back to sleep, sweetheart." He said in a soft voice.

 I didn't want to fall back asleep because I was afraid of going back into that nightmare. But I couldn't fight my heavy eye lids from closing. I fell asleep to his angelic voice as he sang softly to me.

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