Chapter 12

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"No because you two aren't married yet,remember?"Kyle said back to Soryu. I have found the chain saw and tried to pick it up. Its too heavy for me. I hear something move. I turned my light towards the direction I heard the noise. I spotted the guys looking around a corner. I started walking towards them. "How did you find us?"I whispered to them. "We got some of the people from Soryu's office so trck down you twos phones and came here to find you. Where is Soryu?"They all say whispering. "He is in there. He looks terrible. I have never seen him like that."I whispered to the guys. "How long has it been since he seen you?"Baba asked me. Now all of the guys are looking at me for an answer. "What's today?"I asked trying to remember. "You two have been missing for about two weeks."Ota said with a confused look. What!? Two week!? Was I sleep?Or drugged?! "You didn't know that?"Eisuke asked me. "No I didn't. That only felt like two days. If we were gone that come it took you guys so long to find us"I whispered to them but they didn't answer. "Kiya love where are you?" I hear but don't recognize the voice.
Soryu's P.O.V
I'm so sick of this "wanna be Kiya's husband" calling her his wife and such things. She is mine and she isn't going to walk away from me again. "Kiya love where are you!?" Kyle said picking up a small pipe. "Stop calling her-"I was cut off by a pipe hitting me. My vision got blurry and I blacked out.
Kiya's P.O.V
Who just called me? "Kiya who is that?"Ota whispered in my ear pointing around the corner. I couldn't really see who they were until they got closer. "Its...-" "Well my love isn't rude to hog the guest?"Kyle said. "Ohh I didn't notice that the guest were Eisuke Ichinomiya...Mitsunari Baba....Ota Kisaki..where is Mamoru Kishi?"Kyle asked reaching out to help me up. The guys were shocked because he knows their names. "How the hell do you know me?!"Eisuke stand standing up crossing his arms. "Well sir Ichinomiya I know they you give people a death glare to make them do as you say. You hold illegal auction in your hotel and I know Kiya was bought from one of your auctions for 20 million dollars. The guys looked my way thinking that I told him that but really didn't. "I know what your thinking Mr.Ichinomiya. 'Kiya is going to pay for what she said' but not really because Ms.Kiya didn't tell me a thing."Kyle said pacing in front of the bidders."Do you stalk us for a living or something?"Ota woth a confused look on his face. "No not quite you illegal bidders. I was a stalker to Kiya. Yes I just admitted stalking Kiya."Kyle said walking towards me. "What do you really want from us?"I said moving away from him to the bidders. "How many times do I have to explain this to you,Kiya? I told you and your precious Soryu that I want-"
Kyle fell to the ground bleeding from his head. "I was getting tired of his mouth"Ota said holding a baseball bat. "When did you even slide past him? You know what we can talk about that later let go get Sor!"Eisuke said. "Pretty lady show us the way please?"Baba said. "Ok" I took a step then something in my stomach just hurted like I was just stabbed. "Oww!"I said touching my stomach. I raised my hand to see bleed on my hand. "KIYA?"I heard Ota scream before I blacked out.
Soryu's P.O.V
I woke up from my black out. "Oww" I said to myself. My head is throbbing. "Oww!"I hear a familiar voice say. Its Kiya! "KIYA?"I heard another familiar voice say. That sounds just like...Ota! "Guys!"I shouted. "Sor? Are you there?""Yeah I'm here come help me out of these chains.""Hold on...Baba carry Kiya for now."Eisuke said. Carry Kiya? For what? "What's wrong with Kiya!?"I shouted. It got quiet. "What happened!?I said getting really angry. I started to get up and walking to where I heard the voice from. I was so mad I got string enough to break the chains off of my arms. "Hello do you gugs here me!?"I said. "Ueah we do but we have to discuss this later. We need to get to a hospital now. Kiya has been stabbed in her stomach"Ota said. They got closer and closer. WHAT!!My wife have been stabbed! "Soryu can you walk?"Baba asked. "Of course I could walk you idiot!"I said. Then I was right in front of the guys. I saw Baba holding Kiya in his arms. Kiya is bleeding from the stomach. I wanted to panic but I'm going to stay strong. "Lets Go Now!"I yelled running to the door around the corner. "Do you guys know where the close hospital i!"I yelled at the guys getting into an unlocked car. "The closest one is just 12 blockes down from here"Ota said helping Baba put Kiya in the back. "That's good." i said. After Ota and Baba got in the car. I pushed the gas so fast that it felt like I was racing in Fast N' Furious. I even dodged all of the cars in traffic. Hold on Kiya!
Kiya's P.O.V
I was in a white room. I was in a long white dress.(Dress above) The room was empty nobody was in here besides me. "Hello?"I said to see if anyone would respond. My voice echoed through the room. "Is anybody here!"I said again but nothing. Nothing but my echoed voice is what I heard. "Hello,Kiya"I heard a very familiar voice say. That voice sounds just like my grandmother's voice but she passed away four years ago."Granny?!"I asked. I saw a women walking towards me in all white. The women got close enough for me to identify the face. It was indeed my grandmother. "Its really you!?"I said covering my mouth and starting to cry. "Kiya baby don't cry. Please don't cry." My grandmother said to me. "But I haven't talked or seen you in four long years."I said wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. "I know. I miss you so much. I very happy for you and your soon to be family.""Thanks""Welcome the way you met Soryu you never thought that you would be with him did you?"Grandmother asked me. Sorry the grandmother name is De'Nise. "No I didn't."I said just staring at her. She looks beautiful. She's glowing and she looks very happy. "You look beautiful,Granny!"I said grabbing her hands. "You don't look half bad yourself Sweetie"Grandmother said. "Now Kiya.."Grandmother said with a serious face. "Yes?"I responded. "You can't leave Soryu like that. I've never meet him physically but he is a perfect man for you. He loves you deeply. So I need you to go back."Grandmother said hugging me tightly. "I don't want you to leave me again Grandmother"I said with my voice breaking down. "You have to."Grandmother said starting to cry. "No...""Kiya go now!"Grandmother said before all I seen was darkness.

Well that is all for that chapter for now. I hoped you liked it. I wrote 1275 words. That's shorter than the other chapters. Hope you continue to read my FanFiction Book. Love you

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