Chapter 8

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Kiya is pregnant. She got pregnant in October but found out in Late December she is two months pregnant. In March they find out what the baby is.
New Years Day
Kiya's P.O.V
I woke up this morning with a major headache. "Whoa!"I said feeling a kick in my belly. "What's wrong, Kiya?"Soryu said walking out the bathroom. "I felt the baby kick Honey!"I say rubbing my belly. Soryu walks towards me with his hands ready to touch my stomach. Soryu was close enough to touch my belly. "Hey there this is your daddy speaking. Make sure you don't hurt your mommy."Soryu said holding my belly. He would be an amazing father. I just stare at Soryu talking to my belly. Every time he would say something he would press on my stomach and the baby would just kick.
Two Months Later At The Ultrasound(March)
Soryu's P.O.V
Well I'm going with Kiya today to see what the baby is. I hope its a boy so he can take over the Ice Dragons when I retire. If its a girl maybe she cant still take over the Ice Dragons. Then my baby girl would be the first Ice Dragons Queen."Soryu you ok?"I hear Kiya ask. "Yes Kiya why would you ask that?"I asked. "Well its either something is wrong or you have something deep on your mind."Kiya explains to me. We were still in the waiting room having this conversation. Until... "Ms.Williams?!"a nurse called from coming out of a door. "Yes!"Kiya quickly gathered her things and followed the nurse. "Come on Honey"Kiya said following the nurse. I was still sitting there. We followed the nurse to a room with all types of technology.(I forgot what the equipment are called so just bear with me) "So what is your doctor's name,Kiya?""Dr.Powers""Ok" we exchanged words. Kiya's P.O.V
I'm happy that Soryu came with me here. We get to see what the baby is together.The door opened and in came Dr.Powers. "Hello Ms.Williams!"Dr.Powers said so happily. "Hello Dr.Powers."I respond. Then the room got quiet and Dr.Powers was staring at Soryu. "Oh yeah excuse me for my rudeness Dr.Powers this is my fiance Soryu. Soryu this is my doctor Dr.Powers."I break the silence to say. "Wow fiance. Last time you were here you said just boyfriend and girlfriend. Now its my wife and husband."Dr.Powers says. "Yeah I proposed to her on New Years Eve but it was after the countdown."Soryu explains. "Oh I get the point."Dr.Powers says thinking about it."Thanks that would have been a lot to say."Soryu says cutting the long explanation short. "So you guys ready to see what your baby is?"Dr.Powers asked getting all of the equipment. "Yes we are!"I said excitedly. "Ok!"Dr.Powers said. "Ok now Kiya I'm going to putting this ultrasound gel on your stomach now."Dr.Powers said. "Ok that's fine"I responded. I had to so I don't even know why I said that. "This maybe a bit cold."Dr.Powers said applying the gel. A bit cold!? More like Antarctica cold!! They must have has that in the freezer for some decades!! "Now I'm going to use this monitor to move around and detect what we have here."Dr.Powers said already putting the monitor on my gelly belly. "Well you should start to see body parts about now"Dr.Powers said. "I think I see...."Dr.Powers said then stopped. What's wrong Dr.Powers have never had that look on her face since she told me I was pregnant. "Umm..Dr.Powers whats wrong?!"Soryu beat me to it. "Umm its just that your not just carrying one."Dr.Powers said still moving the monitor and observing the screen. "How many am I carrying than,Dr.Powers?"I said getting nervous. "Oh my lord. This is so beautiful!"Dr.Powers said giggling. I swear if this women don't tell me something. Then I looked at the screen to see three heads. THREE HEADS!!!! "Am I seeing right because I see three baby heads!?" I asked to see if I was crazy. I mean it ain't nothing wrong with it its just WOW! "Dr.Powers is Kiya pregnant with triplets?!"Soryu asked still staring at the monitor. "Yes she is Mr.Soryu!"Dr.Powers says turning off the screen and monitor. "She is having triplets and they are two girls and a boy"She said very happy. "WOW! Ao I'm going to have two daughters and a boy!"I said about to cry. Dr.Powers nodded in response. I notice Soryu is still staring at a turned off screen. I wonder if he is ok. "Honey what's wrong aren't you happy?"I asked Soryu. "I will give you two some space."Dr.Powers said then walked out of the room. "Soryu what's wrong!?"I yelled. My patience is very low now ever since we found out what the babies was(which was about five minutes ago) he hasn't been speaking. "You don't have to yell at me!"He said turning to face me. "Well answer me then."I said tearing up. "Its that fact that during the pregnancy your growing to be very big and always needy and I don't know what to do"Soryu said looking at me. What he has been doing an amazing job with helping me. "What you have been doing perfect for me ,Soryu. Why would you think you don't know what to do. You are doing everything I need you to do."I said putting my hand on the side of his face. He stares at me a bit longer then smiles. "We are having two girls and a boy triplet!" He yelled and hugged me. I hug him back. So we are now just sitting there in a big hug ball. "Anyways can we go get something to eat I'm starving"I said to break the silent hug. "What would you like to eat Kiya?"Soryu asked getting our things together. "Ooo I want some teriyaki chicken and rice with some raw shrimp noodles!"I started saying things off the top of my head. Soryu just stares at me while we make our way to the car.
Soryu's P.O.V
I hear Kiya just saying food as we go to the car. Wow! She does seem pretty hungry. "Ohh and yeah can we go to Orange Leaf?"Kiya stopped saying food and asked me. Actually Orange Leaf doesn't sound bad right now.(Orange Leaf is a frozen yogurt shop. Its an all you can eat frozen yogurt shop.) "Sure we can it doesn't sound bad right now."I say opening the car door for her. "Yes!" I hear Kiya say getting into the car. She really is nothing but a grown baby. Well she is my grown baby pregnant with my babies. "Orange Leaf we're going to Orange Leaf" Kiya starts to make up a song while I pull off from the clinics parking lot. WOW!!Still can't believe we are having triplets. "I know right"Kiya says. "I could read what you were think from your face. That is probably the only time I could read your face."Kiya said laughing making me smile.
At Orange Leaf
Kiya's P.O.V
Ok at Orange Leaf there are different types of yogurt my favorite is Cookies N Cream collided by Vanilla and Chocolate. As for topping I crave for gummy worms,gummy bears,everything gummy, M&Ms,Skittles,also rainbow and chocolate sprinkles. My bowl usually cost about $12.74. You guys should see Soryu's bowl. I swear his bowl is bigger than mine. His costed $17.86 a lot more than mine. "Wanna stay here to eat our frozen yogurt or sewhere else?"Soryu asked me paying for our treat. "Can we go to the hotel?"I asked already eating my yogurt. "Sure come on"Soryu said. "Yay!"I said speed walking to the car. "You must be really happy to go to the hotel hu"Soryu asked opening the car door for me. "Yes I do be happy because the guys are like our family."I said getting in the car. "Yeah your right"Soryu said getting in the car.
Time Skip Passed The Car Drive
"Hey Kiya and Soryu!"Miranda said greeting us. "Hi Miranda" I said walking towards her. "Hey Kiya how did the sonographs go?"Ota asked me. Then everyone turned towards me. "Well we know its a girl." I said. "Haha Mamoru wjere is my $1,000 at I told you it would be a girl!"Eisuke said. "But...."I said then stopped. "What's wrong,Kiya?"Baba asked. "We are having triplets"Soryu said still eating his frozen yogurt. "Your having all girl triplets!?"Miranda asked. I nod my head eating my frozen yogurt. "That's amazing!"Ota said hugging me. "Thank you now that I know I'm having triplets I'm going to be a walking balloon."I said."Awww no your not your going to have a little more belly than other pregnant women but you won't be that big"Soryu said hugging me. "Awww Soryu does have a kind heart."Baba and Ota said. "Shut the fuck up you two!"Soryu yelled at the boys. I hit him on the arm."Don't talk to them like that."I said to Soryu. "Yeah Sor don't talk to us like that!"Ota and Baba said walking towards me and gave me a group hug. "Ughh Whatever anyway Eisuke when is the next auction?"Soryu said walking to his normal spot on the couch. Everyone was in their normal seating. The guys were talking about the auction. Miranda and I were just talking about what ever popped up in our heads. This is what I call a big confused family. Then someone kicked the door in. "Give me Soryu and Eisuke and know one gets hurt!" A group of men in black said. Really!? "Why do you want our husbands!?"Miranda and I yelled towards the Men in Black. One of them took of their mask. "OMG!!!! No it can't be...."Kiya said. "Yes it is honey it is me......."
To be continued
Who do you think wants Soryu and Eisuke? Do you think its someone we know? Well that's it for thus chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! I wrote 1676 words this chapter. A bit shorter than the last few chapters but its still close.

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