Chapter 18

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We finally turned the last block to Kela's Kingdom to see that police surrendered the buliding. "What the hell happened?"Miranda asked. I jumped out the car and rushed to the officers.

-Story Turner...or whatever you wanna call it-

Soryu's P.O.V
Kiya jumped out of the car faster than anybody could even unfasten their seatbelts. When we finally caught up to her she was flipping out on a police officer. I grabbed her before she went to jail for assualt on a police officer. To be honesty...I don't know when she got all mean and bold. She is usually nice, laid back and all but now like somwonw hit the 'Girlfriend its time to change' button. "TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!!" I heard Kiya yell at the police officer. I rushed over there and picked her up from behind to move her away. "Eisuke and Miranda keep her here please"I said placing Kiya in front of them. Then turned back the police men. "Sir may we please know what is going on?"I say nicely putting on a fake smile. "Sir there is an amored man instead the buliding. We need you all to step back"the police man said pushing me back. If he wasn't with the law. I'm not the person to be in the patient category. "What does he want?"I asked keeping my act together. "He said Kiya or Kela if we know who those people are. They are probably two imaginary fine ass women he wish was real so please step back."the police man spoke. "I'm glad you think I'm fine as hell now let me inside!"Kiya said standing next to me. Why..what is she doing this close? See where did the 'Ichinomiyas' disappear to? I then looked around for them to find them talking to Mamoru. "Well ma'am you are mighty fine. I'm Dan Wolinski. Please to meet you...Kiya?...Kela?"Dan said walking closer to Kiya. Who the hell he think he is? "Hello Sir! I'm her husband taking my Wife inside to settle things. Thank You!"I said taking Kiya by the waist walking to the entrance door. "I WANT HER BACK!! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HER! SHE IS EVERYTHING TO ME! I WANT MY KELA KAT!" Kiya and I heard coming in the building. "Is that Leon?!"Kiya said looking around at the people laying on the floor. "Yes it is Kiya!"The middle aged women said. "Hey who told you to talk!?"Leon walked up on tje lady screaming not noticing Kiya and I."Leon? Respect your elders!"Kiya yelled at Leon. "That wasn't quite respectful."I said causing Leon to turn around looking at Kiya and I. "Kiya!?"Leon said with a smile on his face. "Yes now Leon let these people go now!"Kiya said in a calm voice. "Why?"Leon said looking at Kiya stupidly. "Because they don't have anything to do with you. They come and talk to Kela or Kiya about business while you schedule their meetings. So let them go."I said in an annoyed tone. Leon looked at me confused. "Kiya who the hell is he?"Leon said still looking at me. "I'm her husband!"I said. Looked down at Kiya's hand to see a ring. "No sir! Your her fiancée not husband!"Leon said looking at me. I would have hated working with him. I would have been punched him. I let out a loud sigh. "Now excuse me I have to lead these people to safety."I said walking over to the lady. "Now everyone please stand and run out of here now!!"I yelled causing everyone expect Kiya Leon and I to leave. "How dare you!"Leon said pointing his gun at me. This guy has guts. To point a gun at me. Me. The Soryu Oh. "Now Leon. I don't know you very well and you don't know me well so I suggest you put your weapon down"I said smirking. Kiya looked at me then at Leon. "Leon just put it down."Kiya said then facepalmed. "And what if I don't!?"Leon said pointing the gun at Kiya. Oh yeah he done Fucked up! I pulled out my gun from the gun holder. "Put it down you habe really tested my patience. Pointing a gun at my wife!"I screamed. "She is not your wife! She is your fiancée!"Leon yelled still looking at Kiya pointing the gun at her. "Leon please don't do this!"Kiya said looking at Leon. "She left me Kiya. She left me for a guy named 'Baba'!"Leon said. "Yeah I know that's his close friend"Kiya said pointing to me.

Kiya's P.O.V
He is really in his feelings. So these two men just steal Kela and Kiya away from me!"Leon said looking at Soryu. "No! One I was never yours! Two you chose to be a asshole to my sister so fucking deal with it!"I yelled getting the drama off my chest. Leon looked at me and his eyes widen. "No she was controlling to me!"Leon yelled pulling the trigger.

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