"Hello Kiya and Miranda" Diamond said still smriking. "Hi Diamond." Miranda just stared at her with devil eyes. I elbowed her in the stomach. "Owww" Miranda looked my way and saw my face. "Hi Diamond." "Or should I say Daisy!" Miranda said under her breath for only me and her to hear. I elbowed her again. "Owww!" she said holding her side. "Well hush then" I said. The guys looked at us confused. But Diamond was just smiling. "Umm..ok so leta just sit and get to know Diamond. Baba said to break the silence. "Oh of course lets get to know Dai- i mean Diamond."I said. Then Miranda and I walked to the living room.Miranda's P.O.V
Oooo she just don't know what I want to do to her for the things she put Kiya through! She lucky I wasn't there I would have shoved my-"Randa!?"Kiya yelled poking my side. "Yeah! What? What happened?" I said snapping out of my lovely moment of shoving my-"Miranda!" Kiya said again. "What!""I can tell what your thinking and it isn't nice"Kiya said laughing. Yeah she has a point but it is pretty dreamy.
Kiya's P.O.V
I could tell what Miranda was thinking as she looked at 'Diamond'. I can say Miranda can be a bit violent but I guess seen I told her my high school years with Soryu.Yeah those were the days."Well lets all get to know a little about you Diamond."Baba said then Soryu came and sat next to me. "Right lets get to know her." Soryu said looking at her confused. I know that look. Its either an I know you look or the I wanna know you look. The little silence was interrupted by my phone ringing.
📞Phone Conversation☎
Kiya: Hello?
MyKela:Hi Big Sister!
Kiya:MyKela !
MyKela:Yuppie! Just one question do you still live 3457 Williams Street?
Kiya:....Yes how do you-
MyKela:I'm coming in!!
☎End of conversation📞
"SISTER!?" we heard MyKela scream coming in the house. "Well I guess everyone is just coming over today,huh?"Soryu said smiling. "Yeah I guess we are famous today"I replied smiling. "Yeah but i'm not here to stay."MyKela said walking around the room."Well who is this fine young women?"Baba said grabbing MyKela's hand and twirling her around. "Well Baba that's my LITTLE sister. Yeah thank you."I said grabbing Baba's hand and snatched it off of MyKela's. "Awww Kiya don't be so mean to this handsome man"MyKela said looking back at Baba biting her lip. "Haha now now MyKela lets not go there with-""Mitsunari Baba Kiya's brother in law. Soryu is like a brother to me. Please to meet you"Baba said kissing MyKela's other hand. "MyKela Richardson. Kiya's young sister. Please to meet you Baba"MyKela replied blushing. "Soooo...MyKela what made you come here?" I asked breaking up the little connection. "Hmmm...oh yeah...Kiya i'm coming to get my nieces and nephew for the next two weeks." MyKela said looking around for them. "What really...why?" I replied a bit happy but a little sad that they will be gone that long. "Because I haven't seen them in a year so Auntie Kela is coming to get them got it!" MyKela said in a demending tone. "I'm the big sister" I said in a childish voice feeling like a child but an adult. "Well big sister go get their things ready." MyKela said making a little way for me to go. "Fine just make sure you keep them safe""Really Kiya you don't trust me?" MyKela asked with a sad looked. "I do trust you but I just don't.....aww nevermind. Ughh...Soryu get the kids things ready." I said seeing what he would do. "Sure!" Soryu jumped up amd heading up the stairs. Miranda laughed. "Wow Soryu wants that break huh?"Miranda said laughing. "So back to Mister Baba. What are you doing tomorrow night?"MyKela asked. "Ughh...nothing much I have a date with you if that's ok."Baba said smirking. "Good because that's your schedule so stick to it 4:30 get you a suit Non-red please like a....-""Navy Blue?""Yeah"MyKela said looking around to who said that. She noticed Diamond and just stared at her. "Hey I think I know you"MyKela said still admiring her. "Haha maybe maybe not." Diamond said smiling. "Wait a navy blue suit?!"Baba said still stuck on that. "Yes like I said navy blue suit at 4:30 and be ready to pick us up at 6:30 got and that's an order Mr.Mitsunari"MyKela said poking Baba in the chest. "Mmmm"Eisuke said drinking some tea. "Well Baba you better be on it."Mamoru added. Baba turned to them and gave them a death glare but it didn't work like Eisuke's. "Well I will be sure to get a Navy Blue suit my dear."Baba said tuening back towards MyKela. "Good we will be going to a new place I just built not that far from here so maybe we can go to the grand opening tomorrow.""Um...grand opening? MyKela did you built another Maximum Playground here?!"I said getting excitement. Hey don't judge me!"Yesaids-""Wait your the MyKela Richardson!?"Eisuke asked. "Haha yes I am little Eisuke Ichinomiya." MyKela said smirking at Eisuke. "How do you know me?"Eisuke asked. "Well me and you are almost at the same net worth but i'm well I'm worth more than you old man"MyKela said. "I'm not even old!" "Really i'm only 24 with ten Maximum Playground all over the world. Making at least 2.4 billon dollars a day. While your hotels aren't even that close."MyKela said checking Eisuke. Eisuke gave MyKela a death glare but it didn't work on MyKela. MyKela gave him a death glare that scared him a bit. "Hm I won now where are my little ones?"MyKela said standing up. "Umm...well um...""Right here!"Soryu said holding six bags two for each kid. "Well Baba pack the car for me please?"MyKela said holding the keys to him. "Sure I guess." Baba said grabbing the keys. Baba walked past stopping at me whispering. "I'm in love with your sister" I laughed. "Yeah she is something but let me say something Baba don't hurt her please. She will haunt you down and hurt you in a way you won't like so please don't hurt her." I smiled and let Baba walk past. Baba seemed a bit shook but kept his act together and went to pack the triplets things in the car. "Sis I see you have gotten bold."I said hugging her. "Yeah I get it from my sister." we shared a laugh and said our 'see you laters' and she was out the door. "Well I guess Baba has a new girlfriend."Soryu said hugging Kiya from behind. "Eh...he won't last with MyKela she is so controling."I replied. "Little do you know Baba loves being controlled.""Ok don't say anything if Baba comes crying to you guys. Saying 'Oh guys she is so controlling she says everything that goes on. I can't even wear my red suit anymore. But the most painful of them all is she said I can't even wear my hats!' just watch."I said sipping some water."Right she isn't lieing it happens all the time then she comes running to us complaining about all the things that he does that she don't like"Miranda said leaning on Eisuke. "That little one reminds me so much of me. Kiya why didn't you introduce me to her long ago?"Eisuke said. "Maybe because she was busy opening her shops. I'm surprised she has time from the triplets. Maybe its her vaction."I said sitting down. "What do you mean her vaction?"Soryu butted in asking. "She takes off at least a month from work to just have her own have without being pressured.""Don't she work for herself?""Yeah she does but it gets a little stressful so she gets me or her ex boyfriend to watch over. I guess her ex is watching over this time."I responded. "Well ok then now back to Diamond."Mamoru said looking at Diamond. "Well I would guys but I can't I have somewhere to be. So don't hate me I had a wonderful time with you all."Diamond said gathering her things. "Awww it was a pleasure se- I mean meeting you."I said smiling. "You too Kiya. See you all later! Call me Baby!"Diamond said walking out of the door. "Kiya!?"Miranda said then nodding to the door. "Yeah!"Miranda and I sped walked to the door and hurried for Diamond. "Where the-"Soryu was cut off by the door being slammed behind me. Miranda and I hurried to Diamond's car and hopped in before she pulled off. "What the hell!?"Diamond said stopping the car. "Oh cut the act Daisy they might have forgotten but I haven't so cut it."I said. She laughed and parked the car. "Your right Kiya maybe they don't remember so what. They don't need to I'm in love with Ota.""Oh Yeah!? What happened to your ex?"Miranda said butting in. "Well Mrs.I-know-everything-because-i-have-a-rich-husband! I left him because he was still obsessed with your girl Kiya."Diamomd said staring at me. Wow he still had feelings for me-no wait Kiya-we don't care for him!-right! "Wow i'm so sorry Daisy"I said smirking."It isn't funny Kiya. You-""Don't know how it feels!? No no girlfriend keep that part to yourself."I said starting to laugh. "You wanna know something?Daisy? I'm happy you took him from me because now I have a very happy family in my house so thanks alot and guess what if you hurt my brother in law I will do things that you couldn't even imagine me doing! Got it!"I yelled caising Miranda and Diamond to seems scared. I smiled. "Now carry on with your day.Come on Miranda!"I said getting out of the car and walking away.Then Miranda followed. We entered the house and I pepped out the window and Diamond started to pull off. I smirked and turned to see everyone's eyes on me. "Well can I have my body back? You all stole it."I said staring at all of them. "Kiya can we talk?"Soryu asked with a unfamiliar tone. "Yes we can Soryu!"I said then headed to the bedroom. Soryu came in a little after me. "Well hello Honey"I said happier than my first kiss and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Hello Kiya now...let me just say this I know who that was."Soryu said wrapping his arms around my waist. "You do? Then who is she?"I asked to test him and was a bit worried. "That's the lady from the hotel that you hated with a passion"Soryu said smiling. "Yeah that's her!You have excellent memory." I said trying to pay it off with with a kiss."Yeah I do but anyway that's not..wait that was but lets tall about something else. What do you wanna do tomorrow?"Soryu asked me picking me up in bridal style."Nothing much probably talk to Ota about some of the things I would like the wedding to have." I said looking into Soryu's eyes. "Ok what time would that be around?""Maybe 4:30 to like 5:45"I answered. "Great then lets head back downstairs!"Soryu said all happy and joyful. Soryu must have forgotten he had me in his arms because he just started walking like I wasn't here. As I think about it I enjoy this because I don't have to walk down those stairs. "I know I still have you"Soryu reminded me going down the stairs. Well he seems to always know what I'm thinking at times. We reached the bottom of the stairs to everyone talk about Baba being being a servant to my sister. "No she didn't treat me like a servant. She just asked me to do things for her."Baba said drinking his Soda. "Yeah Baba you will be an ok servant to MyKela. She will treat you like our own Ken Doll."I added telling him like I told the rest of them. "Ok that seems fun to be treated from a girl like a Ken doll meaning they will treat you like your the best man in the world."Baba said smiling. "Ok Baba is now MyKela's Ken Doll."Miranda said smirking at me. "Ok to change the subject...Ota lets talk about some things I would like for the wedding!"I said looking at Ota. "Ok!! What would you like at the wedding?"Ota responded. "I want Jasmine flowers. I would love circle tables. I also Mexican food like,tacos,burrito...ew even its nasty but guacamole. And all other Mexican food."I replied with everyone staring at me. "You don't like guacamole!?"Ota added. "Nope I would throw it up in a hurry."I replied. "You all didn't know that by now?"Baba asked. "No I didn't really."Ota said."Didn't you eat some at my party I had?"Miranda asked. "No I did not. I didn't even go near it."I said. Wow they really didn't know that huh. I guess not. "So now that I know that lets continue on with the things you would like."Ota said writing it down on his little notepad. "Umm...I don't even know what else at the time so I will call you and tell you if I come up with more"I said. "Ok then I have to go so see you all soon."Ota said. "Yeah i'm going to go with Ota to bug him."Baba added following Ota. "Well I should get back to the office. Even if I don't want to finish that paper work."Mamoru said getting up and leaving. Soryu and I looked at Eisuke and Miranda to see if they were leaving. "Were staying."Miranda said grabbing Eisuke's hand. "Ok what should we do?"I asked looking at the four of us. "I don't know"Soryu added."Me either"Eisuke followed up saying after Soryu. "Hmmm what should we do?"Miranda said tapping her chin.Personal I wanna play Tag of even Hide and Seek. Yeah i'm a huge kid when the kids aren't around. "Me too Kiya that would be fun."Miranda said laughing. "Yeah it would be."I added starting to laugh myself.Soryu's P.O.V
All day those two have been secretly talking. I already know Kiya lied to me about Diamond. I knew that wasn't her from the hotel. The lady from the hotel had more of a curvy body than Diamond. Or should I say Daisy. I wonder if I should see of Eisuke still remember her. "Oh man I need to run to the store and get some eggs. Eisuke tag along!"I said hrabbing the keys and walking out. "Ok" Eisuke said following me. "Well ok oh yeah Honey get some olives! I ran out."I heard Kiya yell."Ok I will two or three?!"I shouted back. "Four!"Kiya yelled. Wow she never got that many. But she does need that many because she eats them all the time."Ok four giant bottles of green olvies coming up."I said getting in the car.
~Time Skip to Store~
"Hey Eisuke?"I said getting Eisuke's attention from the tea aisle. "Yeah Sor""Do you remember Daisy?""Yeah her name is now Diamond going with Ota."He said turning my way. Ok so he does remember. "Yeah I remember who could forget her."Eisuke said grabbing some Lipton tea boxes. "Right and why are you getting tea boxes if you have like a million boxes at home?"I asked looking at the boxes. "Because I need more I love tea."He said grabbing more."Buddy your a tea addict you need help."I said patting his back. "And you are an omelette addict you need help."Eisuke said patting my back. He has a point I do love my omelettes. "Ok you win"I said smirking. "Oh yeah her olives!"I said going to the olives aisle. "Wow they are amazing! Going grocery shopping for their house is so adorable."Two women said staring at Eisuke and I getting things. "They are handsome too"the one with the red hair said. "Exactly!"the brunette head said. "Thanks"Eisuke said. "OMG! They heard us."the brunette head said. "Yeah we do have ears"I said laughing. How couldn't we hear and they're right behind us. "They have nice butts too!"red head said. Eisuke and I turned around quickly. "Well thanks for the compliments we must be going now"I said carring the basket to the egg aisle. "Oh my don't leave!"they said when we walked away. "I'm Mia and this is Liza." Mia(red head) said. Ok so red head Mia and brunette Liza. "Yeah nice to meet you."I said. "What's the matter?" Liza said touchi ng my chest. I flinched. "Nothing!" "He's jumpy"Liza said smiling."Yeah but he seems controlling and I love being controlled."Mia said putting her arms around Eisuke.
Kiya's P.O.V
Miranda and I were at the house just talking about dresses I might like then I remembered that we ran out of Neapolitan Ice Cream. "Damn!"I said looking in my mini fridge. I had a mini fridge next to my favorite spot. It was filled with all of my frozen treats. I had cookies and cream but i wanted Neapolitan at the time. "What's wrong?"Miranda asked. "I ran out of our favortie Ice Cream!" "What!! No Neapolitan!?"Miranda said checking the fridge. "Come on we have to get some more!"I said getting up. "Yes!"Miranda got up and grabbed the house keys while I grabbed the car keys. She locked the doors and followed me to the car. "We will meet the guys there it seems."I said pulling off. "Yup we sure will. They will be like 'why didn't you tell us to get that?'"Miranda said mocking them and we both laughed.
~Time Skip~
Miranda and I arrived atthe store and we parked right next to Soryu's car. "Ain't that funny we got a parking space next to their's?"Miranda said. "Yeah it is"I added locking the car. We walked in the store and walked to the frozen dairy aisle. "Isn't it stupid they this store have the eggs in the frozen dairy aisle?"I asked Miranda as were about to turn the aisle. "Yeah it is. I don't get this store."Miranda responded. We turned the aisle to see four people. A red head and a brunette head hugged up on......
So that's the end of this chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it. I got an A on my Social Studies essay. A B on my Algebra essay. I recieved another A on my Science essay. I haven't seen the other grades yet but i'm just stating that I'm almost done with that so I could continue writing for you guys. So in this chapter we made it through 3236 words in this chapter. This is the longest chapter i've so far. But I can't wait for the next chapter. Who will Kiya and Miranda see with Mia and Liza? Comment what you guys think!! Love Ya!!!

KBTBB: Pregnant
RandomOMG you clicked my book thank you enjoy I would like it to be a funny surprise!!