"By the way when are you two going to have the wedding already?"Ota asked then everyone just stopped waiting on our answer. "Well it will be in a month or two."I paused and smirked then looked at Ota. "Ota would you like to plan the wedding?"I asked Ota. "Yes Yes I would love to plan your wedding Kiya."Ota said. "Good then its settled."Soryu said then drunk some of his tea. "Yup its settled."I said. "Yay!"Miranda said excited.
Kiya's P.O.V
So Soryu and I finally want to have the wedding. We think everything is settled so it's back. I still didn't decide who are going to be behind me at the alter.We have a little time until I decide who are the people. "Kiya!?" I heard Soryu call from the kitchen. I looked around to notice that he wasn't in bed. When did he leave? Wasn't he just here? "Kiya!?" ughh....."Coming!" I flipped the covers and put on my houseshoes. He treats me like a big baby. Yes! Even though we have THREE he still treats me like one. I mean I have no problem with it. I enjoy it at least I know he takes care of me as much he do the kids. "Kiya!?" "I'm-" when I turned to the door to see Soryu in a pink plaid apron. I laughed for a while. "I rock this better that you,huh?" Soryu said smirking "Lets not hype your head,mmk" I say walking towards him kissing him the went to the kitchen. " didn't have to say it like that" Soryu said following me to the kitchen. "Hi Raven! Hi Rachel! And hello Baby Sor!" I said giving each of them a kiss as I walked by. They giggle and wave. "Mmmm what smells good Mr.Oh?" " Well Mrs.Oh i've made omelets,grits, amd pancakes." "Oh wh-" "In the microwave" Soryu added. "Ok" I got up and grabbed my plate from the microwave when there was a knock on the door. "Knock Knock" We hear someone say. We didn't recognize the voice. Soryu and I shared a look. The kids high chairs had rollers on them so we rolled them in the dining room along the wall. Soryu grabbed his gun from on top off the refrigerator and I grabbed mine from underneath the table. We walked to the living room. He had one side of the door I had the other. "One...Two...Three!" Sortu opened the door. We both turned pointing our guns at the people at the door. "Whoa! Whoa! Its just us!" The guys shouted ducking down. We looked down at them and dropped our guns. The only person standing was Miranda. "Oh if you all don't get up! You should be use to making a unfamiliar voice and then them at the door like its World War 1!" Miranda said walking in the door. "Hi Randa! "Hey Kiya!" Miranda and I hugged tightly like we haven't seen each other in forever when its only been one week. "Well hello Kiya and Soryu where are the kids?!"Ota said looking around. Everyone heard the babies giggling. We looked around for them because they sounded close. We looked down; Raven was standing holding on to Ota's. Rachel was holding on to Eisuke's leg. And Baby Sor was holding on to Soryu's leg. "Well here they are" I said smiling. "They are so adorable struggling to stand up!"Ota said picking up Raven. "Well hi Rachel!" Eisuke said picking up Rachel. "Well we see Baby Sor is a daddy's boy" Baba said smirking. "Of course like Father like son."Soryu said picking up Baby Sor. It took me a while to think about it but how did they get out of the high chairs? Soryu must have seen my confused look. Because he looked at the kids too. "What's with the comfused look Sor and Kiya" Mamoru asked. "Well before we came to the door they were in their high chairs. So how did they get down?" I said still confused. "Well they must have their uncle's sneaky techniques."Baba said smiling. "Well then Daddy would have to hurt Uncle Baba, right?" Soryu said smirking. "No then Mommy would be mad at Daddy for hurting Uncle Baba" I said. Then the triplets all laughed. "Haha its not funny" Soryu said sticking his tongue out to the kids. All they did was laugh even more. "They seem not to talk you serious Soryu" Eisuke said laughing. Soryu shot a death glare at Eisuke. "I could do it much better" Eisuke shot Soryu back a death glare. "Oh why does everything have to be all thus between you two stop it before I death glare both of you!" I said. "Right then I will be the one laughing and recording it" Miranda added. Then everyone but Eisuke and Soryu laughed. "Yeah yeah we could beat you at anything!" Soryu said smiling at Soryu Jr. "Ooo" Ota said looking back and forth at us and Soryu and Eisuke. "Is that a challenge I hear?" Miranda said looking at me. "Oh yeah it is" I said looking back at her. "Battle of the Sexes!"Baba yelled. "Yup its on!" I said looking at Soryu and Eisuke. " was just a joke you right?" Eisuke said being sarcastic. "Oh no once youbstart it we finish it." Miranda said. "Losers have to do laundry and cook for two months" I said. "Deal!" we all yell. "Know who is going to lose so Miranda and Kiya get ready to dirty!" Eisuke said. "Ok Ota Mamoru and I will be the judges. The kids will be also." Baba said while they all sat on the couch. "Well how about they play a game of Michael Jackson the Experience?" Ota said playing with the triplets. "Yes this will be hilarious Soryu and Eisuke dancing! Yeah Kiya and Miranda won already." Mamoru said. "Well thanks for the luck Mamoru" Soryu said. "What's the first Michael Jackson to play?" I said while Miranda and I were turning on the Wii and putting in Michael Jackson the Experience. "Ooo! They Don't Really Care About Us!" Ota said smiling. "Oh Yeah we will win for sure!"Eisuke said grabbing the controller. "Don't hype your head too much now Eisuke" I said smirking. "Ready!?" Miranda asked. "Yup!" Soryu and Eisuke answered. They were Michael while we were the back up dancers. "Yeah we the stars!" Soryu said getting ready. "No were the stars we just let you feel special for a moment." I said laughing. "Oooo that's cold!" Ota said laughing. Eisuke and Soryu glared at Ota. "Dammnn Eisuke and Soryu back at it again with the death glares!" Baba said looking at Soryu and Eisuke. Then Ota Eisuke and Soryu gave him a death glare. Miranda and I laughed at them. "You guys are just so childish" I said laughing. "Its adorable. First Soryu and Eisuke glared at Ota.""Then All three of them glared at Baba for his comment" Miranda and I went back and forth telling and laughing at the moment they had. Then all of them looked at us. "That look don't work on us." I said. "Exactly we aren't afraid of you all." Miranda said. "Now now Kiya. You don't want me to do a look to make your knees buckle." Soryu said smirking. Making me blush hard. I drunk some of my orange juice to hide it. "Ooo Kiya! We not suppose to be pushed down on. We are suppose to be unpush-downable." Miranda said poking me. "Oh Miranda!?" Eisuke said winking and smirking at Miranda causing her to blush more then I did. I stopped drinking. "Wow Miranda! 'We are unpush-downable' remember" I said moking her. "Oh hush!" Miranda said play hitting me. We both giggled. "Awww look at the two girls playing." Ota said. "Aww Ota when are you going to get a girlfriend?"Miranda asked Ota. "Ooo snap!" Baba said causing everyone to turn their attention on Ota for an answer. "Well dear-" Ota was cut off by his phone ringing. Ota looked at his phone was laughed. "Well Mrs.Ichinomiya here she is calling" Ota turned the phone to us showing us a pretty mixed girl with alot of brown curly hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. "Wow she is pretty!" I said still looking at the picture."Haha her name is Diamond." Then Ota answered the phone. Ota put the phone on speaker so we could hear.
☎Phone Conversation ☎
Ota:Hello My Sunshine!
Diamond: Hi My Fragile Painter!
Ota: Haha that's a good one!
Diamond: Of course I made it up! Haha
Ota: I know. But anyway Koro! How-
Diamomd: Ota Kiashi! I know you did not call me Koro again! I am not a dog! You got that!? Now call me a dog again!
Ota's face went shocked amd blank causing the rest of us to laugh including the kids.
Ota: I'm sorry Sunshine. I won't do it again.
Diamond: Good now what was your question you were going to ask me?
Ota:Would you like to come meet and hang out with my friends/family?
Diamond: Yay! I finally get to meet the triplets!?
Ota: Haha yes!
Diamond:Ok I'm on my way.
Ota: But you don't know where I am?
Diamond:Yeah huh! You are located at Williams Street. 3457 is the house number.
When she said that it made everyone surprised that she knew our address.
Ota:How do you know that?
Diamond: You know I have my ways. See you in ten!
Ota: Uhh...
☎End of Conversation ☎
Wow! She sounds so familiar. She even looks familiar. I looked at Miranda and she looked back at me. "Kiya upstairs please!" Miranda grabbed my arm and we ran upstairs. "Is that?" "I don't know! She sound and looks just like her too!" "So what are we going to do about it?" Miranda said crossing her arms. "Well lets just see if everything going ok first." "Ok but if it don't Kiya we are going to have a problem." "Ok 'Randa maybe she changed." "No Honey Dew Melon! A girl like that isn't going to change." "Your right Your right" "I know" we were interrupted by the door bell. Miranda and I headed back down the stairs. Ota opened the door and greeted the person then stepped away for her to walk in. "Everyone meet Diamond."Ota added closing the door then grabbing Diamonds waist. "Hi" Diamond said wavung at the guys then turned to us. She must remembered us because she smirked. "Hello Kiya amd Miranda" Diamond said still smriking. "Hi Diamond." Miranda just stared at her with devil eyes. I elbowed her in the stomach. "Owww" Miranda looked my way and saw my face. "Hi Diamond." "Or should I say Daisy!" Miranda said under her breath for only me and her to hear. I elbowed her again. "Owww!" she said holding her side. "Well hush then" I said. The guys looked at us confused. But Diamond was just smiling. "Umm..ok so leta just sit and get to know Diamond. Baba said to break the silence. "Oh of course lets get to know Dai- i mean Diamond."I said. Then Miranda and I walked to the living room.Well that's the end for this chapter. I'm sorry for not updating in a little while. Busy with school. I had to do seven essays. One for each class. I have Algebra, English, Social Studies, Science, History, and Gym. I don't really understand why we had to do an essay in Gym but she making us to do. I'm done with four of them. So only three to go. I will still update when I have the time. I'm also qorking on another book if you didn't know. So yeah that's another reason why I haven't been updating. But I have to go see you guys on the next chapter. How your ready to see the history between Diamond and Kiya,Miranda. Be ready!!! Love You All!!!

KBTBB: Pregnant
RandomOMG you clicked my book thank you enjoy I would like it to be a funny surprise!!