Chapter 9

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"Give me Soryu and Eisuke and know one gets hurt!" A group of men in black said. Really!? "Why do you want our husbands!?"Miranda and I yelled towards the Men in Black. One of them took of their mask. "OMG!!!! No it can't be...."Kiya said. "Yes it is honey it is me......."
The Story
"OMG!!! No it can't be...."Kiya said. "Yes it is honey it is me Dr.Powers or at least you think that's what my name is."'Dr.Powers said. "My name is Kimberly Scott nope my real isn't Carol Powers."Kimberly said. "Why would you want Eisuke and Soryu for?"I asked still shocked that I trusted an imposter. "Oh Kiya no hard feeling towards you. I wouldn't hurt my patient."Kimberly said smirking.
Soryu's P.O.V
"My name is Kimberly Scott!" Kimberly said. Oh lord that's my ex girlfriend before Kiya. I never told Kiya. I thought I recognized her at the appointment but I didn't actually care at the time. "
Why would you want Eisuke and Soryu for?" Kiya asked. "Oh Kiya no hard feeling towards you. I wouldn't hurt my patient."Kimberly said smirking. Not to mention she is also Eisuke's ex girlfriend from way back. I don't know why then that Eisuke supported me amd Kimberly but he did. "Oh Ms.Williams do you know your fiance's history with relationships?"Kimberly said walking towards me.
Kiya's P.O.V
"Oh Ms.Williams do you know your fiance's history with relationships?"Kimberly asked walking towards Soryu. Yeah why wouldn't I. Soryu tells me all about his life. "Yes I do why is that important?"I asked being curious. "Mmhmm,Miranda do you know your husbands history with relationships?"Kimberly said walking away from Soryu towards Eisuke. Miranda and I are standing next to each other. We give each other a look. "Yes I do as well why is it important for you to know!"Miranda said. "Did you tell them all of your relationships,Eisuke and Soryu?"Kimberly asked the guys. Miranda and I ran towards our mans' moving them out of her react."Why do you want to know our business!?"I said getting irritated. "Well because I'm afraid they haven't told you about one specific relationship.....with me"Kimberly said sitting on the couch. Miranda and I shared a look then moved towards each other looking at Eisuke and Soryu. They were just standing there. "Soryu please tell me that this psycho BITCH isn't true?"I asked on the tip of going crazy. He just stood there staring at me. "Eisuke what the HELL is she talking about?!"Miranda said said getting irritated. Eisuke just stood there as well. "So it is true!?"I said walking towards the kitchen. "Kiya it was long ago!"Soryu said mad at me. "You could have fucking told me that then!"I said crying. "Could you let Baba and Ota leave Kimberly?"Miranda said. "I can't let them leave but I could put them to sleep for you?"Kimberly said. "That would be great!"I said. Kimberly made a sign for her crew to put them to sleep. They knocked them out and carried them to a room."Is that good enough?"Kimberly asked. "For sure!"Miranda said. "What are you doing Kiya!?"Soryu said. "I'm just going to sit here Honey and think about this right here."I said still crying. "Miranda why would you put them to sleep?"Eisuke asked. "Well I'm going to be a good friend so they don't see what Kiya and I are going to do to you two we requested for them to be put to sleep."Miranda said smirking at me. Soryu and Eisuke just backed away from us into a corner. "No need to be scared my dears Eisuke and Soryu I know what they are going to do to you guys because I would have done the same."Kimberly said drinking coffee. "HEY SHUT THE FUCK UP WILL YOU. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DID THIS SO JUST SIT THERE AND HUSH!"I yelled at Kimberly. "Ok ok your call"Kimberly said smirking. Miranda and I walked up towards Soryu and Eisuke. I took Soryu gun out of his suit pocket. Miranda already had a knife in her hand. I had a knife in my hand as well but I thought that the gun might to be suitable for what we are about to do."Hey Miranda don't you think it is wrong for your fiance or husband not to tell you about all of his relationships?"I said looking towards Miranda. "Yeah Kiya I actually do think it is rather rude for them"Miranda said looking at me. Then we put our focus back on Soryu and Eisuke. "You two are never going to hurt your men!"Soryu and Eisuke said. "Really I believe you two just hurted your women's heart not long ago not telling them that you went with her. So I believe you two can keep that to yourselves."Miranda said. We shared a look that meant on the count of three make your move. "One""Two""Three" Miranda and I both threw a knife at each of the crew members. I shot the reamins. Leaving only Kimberly. "What the hell!? Why would you do take!"Kimberly asked confused. "Sorry Kim we don't like having witnesses for a crime." I said. "Well you could have just said that I could have just made them leave."Kimberly said. "Nope they would have still knew something so we just did what we felt like doing so how about you just sit there and shut up!"Miranda said mad. Kimberly just followed the directions and sat there. "Now back to you two!"I said. I remembered I only shot six bullets. Soryu's gun holds twelve so meaning I have six left means I have enough to do my next step. "Well its been a nice run with you two so see you in Hell!"I said cocking the gun back. "Bye bye!"Miranda said. I turned arounded then shot Kimberly six times. Three in the leg and three in the chest. "You Bitch!"Kimberly last words was. "Yeah nice one Kiya!"Miranda said. "Well you did your damn thing too! Miranda"I replied. Then we both just danced a little then. "What the Hell!"Eisuke shouted. Miranda and I stopped our happy dance and turned towards the guys. "Yess?"Miranda asked. "So you two were just acting all along!"Soryu asked. "Yup that is the correct answer"I answered. "So now how are you guys going to explain this to the police!"Eisuke said. "Well the police already knows. I texted Mamoru when I went in he kitchen to get the knife. Then he replied they were looking for her forever. They were going to give her a death penalty. So I asked can we just end her for you. He said yeah she has killed 28 people and they were going to Bonnie and Clyde them all."Miranda said. "So in the end they were going to die."I added. Soryu and Eisuke were still puzzled. "Were just kidding but the police are the ones who killed them"I stated. "Alright boys!"Miranda shouted. Then police officers started coming from behind every door and everywhere. "Thanks Mrs.Oh and Mrs.Ichinomiya!"one of the police officers said. "Oh you all are very welcome!"We said. "Where are they I wanna see their faces!?"Mamoru said coming out of the bathroom. Mamoru laughed so hard he started crying. "You guys were so shocked huh?"Mamoru said wiping is laughing tears. Soryu looked like he was ready to push Mamoru. "Anyways.."I said standing in front of Soryu. "Well we had them plan all of this we told them to do come here and everything you four Soryu,Eisuke,Ota and Baba were the only ones who weren't informed."Mamoru said explaining the whole situation. "Hey guys!"Ota and Baba said. "Yeah we knew about the plan before we got knocked out. Miranda told us."Ota said. "You know what you all just clean this place up!"Eisuke said. "This isn't your real hotel suite. Its a duplicate. Your real one is next door."Miranda explained to Eisuke. Eisuke was lost for words and Soryu was just shocked that I pulled a stunt on him. "I'm going to go to my real suite. Take a shower and read a newspaper."Eisuke said walking towards the door then out of it. "Well that's it I'm gonna go with him. So see you later Soryu and text you later Kiya."Miranda said walking out the door. "Well come on we best be going to"Ota and Baba sped walked out the door behind Miranda. "Soryu you ok?"I asked. He just looked at me. "Yeah I'm ok. I'm totally fine."He said walking away with my hand. "Wanna go home?"I asked."Oh yeah were gonna go home and take a bath then your going to explain how you knew all of this."Soryu said. He seems to be going to bit insane. Well at least we got the Kimberly clan.

Well that's all for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Wrote a total of 1542 words. Yay! Umm... Another thing I'm going back to school tomorrow from winter break so I mght not be about to updated so fast anymore but if I can I will. Love you guys!!

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