Chapter 17

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"Wow they are amazing! Going grocery shopping for their house is so adorable."Two women said staring at Eisuke and I getting things. "They are handsome too"the one with the red hair said. "Exactly!"the brunette head said. "Thanks"Eisuke said. "OMG! They heard us."the brunette head said. "Yeah we do have ears"I said laughing. How couldn't we hear and they're right behind us. "They have nice butts too!"red head said. Eisuke and I turned around quickly. "Well thanks for the compliments we must be going now"I said carring the basket to the egg aisle. "Oh my don't leave!"they said when we walked away. "I'm Mia and this is Liza." Mia(red head) said. Ok so red head Mia and brunette Liza. "Yeah nice to meet you."I said. "What's the matter?" Liza said touchi ng my chest. I flinched. "Nothing!" "He's jumpy"Liza said smiling."Yeah but he seems controlling and I love being controlled."Mia said putting her arms around Eisuke.
Miranda and I arrived atthe store and we parked right next to Soryu's car. "Ain't that funny we got a parking space next to their's?"Miranda said. "Yeah it is"I added locking the car. We walked in the store and walked to the frozen dairy aisle. "Isn't it stupid they this store have the eggs in the frozen dairy aisle?"I asked Miranda as were about to turn the aisle. "Yeah it is. I don't get this store."Miranda responded. We turned the aisle to see four people. A red head and a brunette head hugged up on......

To Continue...
Kiya's P.O.V

We seen four people hugged up together in the aisle we were in. It was a red head and a brunette head. "If that was our  husbands with those...gorgeous girls...I would flip. I mean they are gorgeous but they seem like girls who use guys for their money."Miranda said looking back and forth from the girls and the Ice Cream. "Yeah I don't Soryu would even let them touch him"I added looking for the Neapolitan ice cream. "Now Kiya we all know if a man was to see a gorgeous girl with curves he would instantly try to get on with her."Miranda said looking at me. "Yeah but we know if it was Eisuke you would kill him and her."I said smiling and giggling. "Your right I love Eisuke too much to get divorce for him cheating." Miranda said. "I don't think he would ever cheat"I said looking at Miranda. "Yeah he knows what I would do"Miranda inputted laughing causing me to laugh. "Right." "Found it!"Miranda said picking up two cartons of our favorite ice cream. "Yeah!"I shouted. I looked at the girls dates to noticed something about them. "Randa don't those two guys look familiar?"I said patting Miranda. Miranda then looked at them. "Kiya they have on the same things Soryu and Eisuke has on."Miranda said. "Yeah Eisuke has on a blue and white plaid shirt with tan shorts. Soryu has on a navy blue button down with black pants."I said looking at the bottoms they have on. "Randa that is them!"I said walking towards them. We got closer. "Oh you are so strong. Mia feel his arms and chest."the brunette said. "No I believe he has more muscles."Mia said feeling all on Eisuke. "Oh Hell No!"Miranda said walking towards them. "Thank you we do work out together"Eisuke said smiling. Miranda and sped walked fast and got closer to them and stood behind them. I cleared my throat loud wnough for them to hear me. The girls turned around. "Oh Hi sorry if we are in the way. Our boyfriends needed help shopping."the brunette head said to us. "Yeah you can't get men to do anything right. Don't you agree?"the red head said. Then they grabbed Eisuke and Soryu's hands. Miranda laughed. "Yeah your right you can't TRUST them to do anything by themselves."Miranda said. "Well if you don't mind us taking your boyfriends which is actually our husbands we will be leaving." I said in a annoyed tone. "Oh really? They didn't tell us about that." Liza said. "Their joking they don't even know them. They are just jealous of us because they want them to themselves." Mia said. I laughed. "Little girls!Don't make us have a scene in this store."Miranda said smirking. "Now Soryu Oh and Eisuke Ichinomiya bring it!"I followed up saying after Miranda. "Ok Honey!"They said walking from behind the girls to the register. "So little one have a nice day. You should watch who you touch before you two come up missing" Miranda said grabbing me and we walked away leaving them standing there. We meet up with them at the cars. They were very quiet. Miranda and I got in the car and pulled off.

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