Chapter 13

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I was in a white room. I was in a long white dress. The room was empty nobody was in here besides me. "Hello?"I said to see if anyone would respond. My voice echoed through the room. "Is anybody here!"I said again but nothing. Nothing but my echoed voice is what I heard. "Hello,Kiya"I heard a very familiar voice say. That voice sounds just like my grandmother's voice but she passed away four years ago."Granny?!"I asked. I saw a women walking towards me in all white. The women got close enough for me to identify the face. It was indeed my grandmother. "Its really you!?"I said covering my mouth and starting to cry. "Kiya baby don't cry. Please don't cry." My grandmother said to me. "But I haven't talked or seen you in four long years."I said wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. "I know. I miss you so much. I very happy for you and your soon to be family.""Thanks""Welcome the way you met Soryu you never thought that you would be with him did you?"Grandmother asked me."No I didn't."I said just staring at her. She looks beautiful. She's glowing and she looks very happy. "You look beautiful,Granny!"I said grabbing her hands. "You don't look half bad yourself Sweetie"Grandmother said. "Now Kiya.."Grandmother said with a serious face. "Yes?"I responded. "You can't leave Soryu like that. I've never meet him physically but he is a perfect man for you. He loves you deeply. So I need you to go back."Grandmother said hugging me tightly. "I don't want you to leave me again Grandmother"I said with my voice breaking down. "You have to."Grandmother said starting to cry. "No...""Kiya go now!"Grandmother said before all I seen was darkness.

Soryu's P.O.V
We made it to the hospital about three hours ago. They took her to a room and all they know is that she wasn't breathing at one point. Then they said she was alive but in a coma and the babies are ok. That was the last update. That update was an hour ago. I'm really scared that my family is going to die. I will lose four people that I love so much at the same time. "Soryu would you like anything to eat or drink?"Eisuke asked me. "Yeah Soryu please respond you haven't said or responded to anybody since we got here."Baba said. *signs* "Yes I would like a drink but its an alcohol. If you get some make it whiskey."I said. "Were in a hospital you can't get that here... Plus I already tried."Baba said smirking. It caused me to laugh. "There we go. We can have everything everyone depressed."Ota said smiling. I saw the doctor walking towards us. We all stood up. Then Mamoru came in next to us. "Well your late"Baba said. "Not now"Mamoru said staring at Baba with a evil look. "Yes Doctor?" I said. "Well we have good news and bad news. Which would you like first?"Doctor said. "Bad"I said in a hurry. "Well there is a small chance that the babies might not survive. If Kiya wakes up in two hours then they will be fine but if not they will die."Doctor said hesitantly. My eyes widen to the news. I started shaking. I looked down at my hand it was shaking really bad. I have never shaked like that before. Eisuke must have seen me shaking because he stepped in front of me. "Doctor what's the good news?"Eisuke asked. "Good news is im on break!"Doctor said smiling. WHAT THE..."How the HELL is that good news for us!"I yelled at the doctor and reached in my suit pocket. "Soryu please sit down! I got this!"Eisuke turned and yelled at me. He is the only person that is brave enough to yell at me. Maybe because he is my best friend that I only accept him. The guys was pulling me to sit down. After I looked at the scared doctor in my hand. I finally sat down. "Now doctor.. What's your name again we never caught it?"Eisuke said putting on his fake smile. "Its Dr.Richardson" Dr.Richardson was shaking u terror during to me. "Well Dr.Richardson your not on break until our Kiya is awoke you hear?"Eisuke demanded the Doctor. "But.""No but's I just saved your life so don't make me regret it please."Eisuke said patting Dr.Richardson on his head. "Yes sir!"Dr.Richardson said then sped walked back to Kiya's room. Eisuke turned to me after the doctor left. "Now you see no need to harm anyone"Eisuke said sitting next to me. "You are so sweet"I said to Eisuke. He got upset but it was funny because of his face. "Just kidding"I said chuckling at him. "So Mamoru what took you so long?"Ota turned to Mamoru breaking the silence. Then we all turned towards him. "Well I found the man who kidnapped Sor and Kiya. He put up a fight but we still got him."Mamoru said fixing his collar. "Ok then acceptable. He's lucky Soryu wasn't armed."Ota said moving his hair out of his face. "SORYU HELP ME!"I heard Kiya scream out of her room. I got up and busted in the room. "Soryu Help Me Its Hot please get me out of here? where Am I?"Kiya shouted. I'm lost where is the doctor? "Soryu!"Eisuke yelled as he busted in the room. I was hold Kiya. "Soryu what's wrong?"Ota asked. Then Mamoru and Baba walked in. "She was screaming for me. I came in and the doctor wasn't in here."I said rocking Kiya in my arms. "SORYU!!"Kiya yelled again. Then she opened her eyes. "Kiya?"I said. "Soryu?"Kiya said shaking. "Yes I'm here whats wrong?"I said kissing her forehead. "Where are the others?"She said looking around. "They are here too"I said still hold her tight. "Where are my babies?!"Kiya said feeling her stomach. I didn't notice but her stomach isn't big anymore. I looked at the guys then back at Kiya. "Soryu where are the babies?!"Kiya said crying trying to get up. I don't know where they are. I let Kiya go and ran out of the room.
Kiya's P.O.V
When I woke up I found myself in soemone's arms.
"Soryu?"I asked. "Yes I'm here whats wrong"He replied. I feel much better hearing his voice. I didn't see the guys from where I was looking. My vision was blurry. "Where are the guys?"I asked looking around. "They are here too"He replied. I touch my belly to see if my babies were ok. I felt my stomach and it was flat. "Where are my babies?!"I asked beginning to cry. The room got quiet. "Soryu where are the babies!?"I cried again. Then I no longer felt his arms around me. My vision started to get clear but still a bit blurry. All I saw was a tall figure moving really fast. I also seen more tall figure standing there. "Eisuke?Baba?Ota?Mamaoru? Is that u guys?"My vision started clearing and then I come clearly see. I saw the guys sitting next to my bed. "Hi there pretty lady!"Baba said smiling at me. "Hi guys!Where did Soryu go?"I asked."We don't know,Kiya"Baba said then everyone looked away from me. "So instead of you guys looking for him your just sitting here?" I
said smiling and sat up. They sit just sat there. I grabbed a pillow. Since they were in a line the pillow would just go down the line. I swung the pillow and it went down the line."Hey!"Mamoru said. "What was that for,Kiy"Ota said. "What we do?"Baba said. "Well its what your not doing!Your suppose to be looking for Soryu!Now go look for your friend!I will be fine." I said. They all left the room. But Ota came back. I grabbed a pillow. "Wait wait wait the plan was for me to stay and watch you while they went to find him. So you are watched and safe."Ota said then sat down next to my bed. "Ok that's fine."I said putting the pillow back under my head. "Why did he leave me ,Ota?"I asked Ota. "He didn't leave you like that Kiya. He went to find the triplets."Ota said then grabbed my hand. The babies? "What the babies are-"I stopped when I didn't feel my bump anymore. "Kiya did you forget?"Ota asked me. Forget? Forget what? "Ota what are you talking about?"I look at Ota so confused.
Ota's P.O.V
Oh No! She forgot everything she just said. She looked at me confused. "Hold on,Kiya" I said. "Ok"Kiya said then layed down. I took out my phone and called Baba.
Phone Conversation
Ota:Baba there's a problem
Baba:What is it
Ota:Kiya doesn't remember what just happened. Like the part about why Soryu left
Baba:So she just had a quick case of amnesia
Ota:I guess so you guys find Soryu yet
Baba:No we...
Baba:We found Soryu
Ota:Is he ok?
Baba:No he isn't
Ota:Whats wrong?
End of Conversation
I just looked at the phone because Baba just hung up on me. "Ota,what's wrong?"Kiya asked sitting up on the bed. I put on a fake smile and turned around. "Well they found him."I said. "Yay is he ok?"Kiya said going from happy to nervous. You could tell it in her eyes. "He didn't say. He hung up."I said getting upset. Then there was a knock on the door. Then it slowly opened. "Oh my goodness-"Kiya said.

That's the end of this chapter. Wrote a total of 1670. That is acceptable for now. Hope you stay tuned for more! Love you all!

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