Ch. 13~ Âme, A History

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Weird adventure after another! First was a yeti, then I landed in Hetalia (and next to Russia, of all countries) and I just got OUT of the Ouran Host Club!

Why do I always get the crazies?

I just hope Fayth and Cyle are having a better time at this than I am.


Partly in shock, I tried to figure out what happened to my arm. I trailed my fingers over the cool metal lightly.

I think it's like Ed's or maybe a Rockbell model? I thought as I brought my left hand to my eyes. Lightly, I fingered the lids and lashes in darkness.

"Maybe..." I thought aloud. I closed my eyes and dropped my arms to my sides.

I want to see... I thought. Opening my eyes, I saw nothing but darkness. Sighing, I tried again.

"I want to see" I whispered and got the same result.

"I want to see" I spoke at a normal level and started to get angrier at every attempt.

"I want to see!" I screamed. Suddenly, there was a pain in my eyes. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I hissed in pain. When the pain faded, I opened my eyes to see a wooden floor.

"I-I can see..." I breathed as I looked around to find myself in a long hotel like hallway with blue-green walls. I looked at my automail and saw a faint reflection of my eyes. They were no longer green. They were gold now.

"These'll have to do for now. Along with this arm." I sighed as I looked to find a different door in front of me. This door was different from the others. The other doors were plain, simple, wood doors while this one was made of marble and seemed like it came from Ancient Greece.

"I just hope I don't land in Hetalia or something like it," I muttered as I opened the door and stepped through.

Opening my eyes, I saw I was in a gigantic library with hundreds, heck thousands, of books.

"You have plenty of memories. More than the average human being" a familiar voice spoke from behind me. Turning, I gasped in surprise as I was face to face with myself.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I said, still in shock. Breaking eye contact, she began to walk around me.

"Most humans only live for a couple of lives until their souls wither and die permanently. But for some reason, you and a couple others have lived for thousands of years and your soul is as strong as ever" she explained.

"Live for a couple on of lives" mean reincarnation?" She nodded and stopped in front of me.

"Yes like reincarnation. I'm sorry, where are my manners? I am the guardian of memories and past lives" she bowed low.

"I'm Fayth Car-"

"I know who you are. You are the one who cheated death way too many times" I blushed in embarrassment at the comment.

"How come you look like me?" I asked as the blush slowly faded.

"I take the form of anyone I meet, which is not often. You must be the first person I've met in about 200 years or so," she began to walk down one of the rows, "follow me." Obeying, I ran after her.

"These you are your current memories" she gestured to the tall bookshelf, which was the size of a two story building, that was only half full.

"Oldest on top, newest on the bottom" she muttered as she flicked her wrist. A dark blue volume flouted from the shelf and into her hands. She handed me the book.

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