Ch. 5~ An Unwanted Meeting

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"Did you hear my question?" The man with dyed white hair. I shook my head to dislodge the shock.

I haven't seen this man in two years and I was hoping to keep it that way.

"What?" I whispered.

"I asked what you were doing here,” he said as he wheeled his way into the room.

"M-my cousin got ran over by a car and I got a friend of mine to drive us here," I explained while I quickly jerk my thumb to Ed, "and what are you doing here?" I countered with suspicion in my voice.

"I was just getting my legs checked. I need to do that every month,” he explained with a smile that showed pure white teeth. I nodded. He looked from me to Ed and than back to me.

I just wanted him to leave.

"You know, you and your cousin look nothing alike" he stated.

"That's because we're not related by blood, only by marriage" I'm sending out lies out left and right.

"Excuse me?" A hand tugged at my shirt. I turned to see Ed looking up at me with confused filled gold eyes.

"I'm sorry, Corny, but you have to go now. Ed's have a little trouble remembering some small things and I'm helping him out. Bye" I said with a huge fake smile on my face as I turned the man around in his chair and pushed him out. Once the door was shut, I sighed and slid to the ground.

"I don't think you even told me your name" Ed's voice broke the silence.

"Sorry, I'm Fayth" I said as I stood up.

"So, your name is Fayth and I'm Ed?" He wanted clarification.

"Ed is a nickname. Your full name is Edward"

"Are we really cousins?" He asked. I shook my head.

"We are no where near related but we need to tell them that because I'm the only one that knows your background. But for the time being, will you play along?" I whispered. He nodded.

"I've got no memories, so I've got any role down!" He smiled as I laughed.

Ed was in the hospital for a few days after that. Doctor scurried around for those days taking temperature, heart data, and how his memory was coming along.

And then there was my father. It's weird to see him now, two years younger. You really do see a difference in someone in one year.

When I got home that first night, he asked why I had dry blood on my hands and arms. I told I really wasn't at Emily's but at the hospital. I told him that one of my cousin's from mom's side of the family that he has never met had made a surprise visit but became a victim to a hit and run accident.


On the fourth day, Ed was released into the real world.

"Yes, finally! Freedom!" He cheered as I pushed him out to my dads’ car in a wheelchair.

"Glad to leave, I'm guessing?" I laughed.

"Duh! Hospitals are hell!" He said while looking back up at me, his golden hair falling back. I haven't really had the time to put it up or anything so he's just had it loose.

"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you but the doctor told me that I have to keep in bed for a day or two more. Just be happy there are no more doctors,” I explained as he hung his head in depression. I laughed at his expression. Over the past few days, he's learned to become my friend again and more about his past.

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