~Epilogue~ 7/7/2014

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When I opened my eyes, I was looking up at an off white ceiling.

"Where...?" I breathing as I sat up. Looking around, I realized I was in my bedroom. Turning my head the left, I found myself staring at a copy of a Fullmetal Alchemist manga.

"How am I...?" I whispered as I stood up and started for the door. I when I open the door, I heard shouted. It sounded almost like...cheering. I tip-toed my way to the stairs.

"H-Hello?" I called down them.

"Sorry, Fayth, did I bother-yes!" Dad?

I hurried down the stairs to see him drinking a can of beer and watching a Twins baseball game.

"Dad" I breathed. I stared at him for a minute. He didn't even notice me, he was to wrapped up in his game. I couldn't contain it inside. I leapt forward and tackled him in a hug.

"Fay-Fayth! What's this for?" He stammered in surprise.

"I missed you so much!" I smiled.

"You were down here an hour ago" my eyes widen in surprise. I let go of him and ran towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He called.

"Going to Cyle's! Go Twins, boo Green bay Packers, and love you, Dad!"

"The Packers are a f-" the door was shut before he could finish. I was halfway down the driveway when I remembered someone.

Hoshi! I thought as I ran towards her house.


Standing at the end of the burns driveway, I could hear loud music coming from an open window and I faintly saw a figure dancing wildly to the music. I laughed at the sight.

"She's alive...good," I whispered with a smile, "but will she die in the future? We'll have to wait and see, I guess" I shrugged it off and turned to run towards Cyle's but I ran into someone.

"Fayth!" A voice exclaimed. Picking my head off the ground I saw the human wall.

"Cyle!" I cried with joy. Without thinking, I leapt forward and tackled in a hug. He laughed me but accepted the hug.

"How's Hoshi?" He asked as I pulled away.

"Listen for yourself" I jerked my thumb towards the music.

"Yup, that's her"

"There's one thing I really want to know..." I trailed off.

"Yes?" He prodded.

"Where's KC?" I whispered. Cyle sighed sadly and shrugged.

"I don't know" he muttered. At this, a black Ford Taurus drove up next to us and stopped. A woman in her early twenties with long straight red hair stepped out, turned, and rested her thin arms on the roof of the car.

"I knew I'd find you both one day!" The woman said as she pulled off her sunglasses. I looked at Cyle in confusion and he did the same.

"You two just woke up, right?" She asked. Who is this woman.

"We're sorry but who are you?" I asked as politely as I could in this confusing situation. Her head fell onto her arms and she chuckled.

"Have I really changed that much?"

"Are we supposed to know you?" Cyle asked.

"It's me, KC!" She laughed. Both our jaws fell to the ground.

"But you were eighteen when with saw you last!" I exclaimed.

"Truth be told, I was in that limbo for five years. I aged mentally but not physically. I'm actually 23 years. And I was wrong about me being dead! My mom found me unconscious in my bedroom and couldn't wake me. So she took me to the hospital and I was proclaimed to be in a coma. Apparently, I woke with a day of being diagnosed. Enough about me, did you two just wake?" We both nodded.

"Then how did you come to think you were dead?" Cyle asked.

"Apparently, a family friend had died the day I went into as said 'coma'"

"You sound so calm about that" I said with caution in my voice. Cyle and I both took a half a step back.

"What? You both seriously think I'm a copy?” I shrugged. She laughed.

"You don't" she smirked, "I messing with you! You know that Copies can't use Âme powers?" We both nodded, "well, meet Alice" she said as she one if the back doors.

"Come on, don't be shy" she said kindly. A young girl with yellow hair with a black bow tied in it.

"Is this proof enough?" I nodded but I could tell Cyle was having thoughts but accepted her.


We spent the rest of the day catching up. KC left around six in evening but said she'll visit soon. Cyle decided it was his job to walk me home. I didn't at all but I could myself home.

"Do you think...?” I whispered.

"What?" He prodded.

"Do you think our lives will ever be normal?" I asked. Cyle laughed.

"Not in a million years" he smiled.

"I had the chance to change my fate today...save Ed or ignore him...I saved him again. I couldn't change anything, why?"

"Because you are too good for anyone's wellbeing. And that's what I love most about you" I smiled as he kissed the top of my head and I left him for my house.

I was stopped by my phone ringing. Pulling it out, I saw it was Hoshi call.

"Yes, Hoshi?"

"Um...I think Alphonse from FMA is in my bedroom" her voice was full of uncertainty. I chuckled. Sooner than I thought.

"Cyle and I will be over soon" I told her before hanging up.

Yup, life will never be normal.

The End

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