Maybe I Was Just A Crazy Woman

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Chapter One

"I have a shipment coming in tomorrow afternoon," Edward said puffing on his cigar.

"Yes I'm aware, why does that matter," I replied kindly. I was bothered by him stating this, he had sent me a message for me to meet with him so late in the evening, to tell me something that I was already aware of, yet I did not act sternly, for two reasons. One ; is that it is unacceptable for a lady to speak rudely to a man, and secondly ; I need the money that might or might not be coming from this next mission.

"It matters because....... I have evidence to believe that the queen is catching onto us with all the recent shipments, I think the queens guard dog has been investigating," Edward spoke of this guard dog with such distaste.

"Yes Mr. Huffman, yet what does this have to do with me sir if I might be so bold," I asked, my expression slightly confused.

"I was hoping that you could take the dog out," Edward flicked ash from his cigar.

I had heard of this guard dog. He was well known in the Under World communities, yet so was I and Jonathan. I had also heard that he was dangerous, no one who went against him ever survived. Neither has any one who has went against me and Jonathan. I was not completely diving into this, nor was I going to reject it either. I wanted to test the theories that everyone had been making about this dog.

"I'll do it," I nodded hungrily," but if you wish me to do this the right way I need information on this dog you speak of," I added. Edward put out his cigar and leaned forward.

"Somehow I believe you can manage this all on your own Mrs. Camble," he replied smirking.

••••Early The Next Morning••••

I was holding the body of my mother in my lap. Her dark blue eyes stared up as if she was seeing beyond me, her expression was....... blank. My chest tightened and my own sobs shook my body as I sat in the puddle of my mother's blood.

She was dead, and so was my father and my little sister. The only people I had ever cared about, all of there throats cut open. Blood was everywhere.

"Do you have a wish, a dream, what would you like," a raspy and unforgettable voice whispered in my ear. The first image that came to mind, was the person, no wait, no human would do such a thing. The first thing that came to mind was the thing that had done this to my family.

"I want whoever did this to them to suffer," I replied. My voice was strong even though there were tears streaming down my face and I felt completely hollow inside.

"Are you sure that this is what you want?" the raspy voice sent shivers down my spine. I looked up but no one was visible.

"I know what I want," I replied back gritting me teeth.

"Yes mistress," the voice responded. I felt a sudden mixture of pain and pleasure on the back of my hand. I looked down to see an intricate marking there, a fiery red interlacing of line-

"Mistress it is time to wake up," the raspy woke me from my sleep. I jumped to see Jonathan standing beside my bed through my squinting eyes. It was a dream. My chest tightened at the thought of that night " I gathered all of the information about this guard dog that you asked about last night, I will explain everything after you have gotten ready and ate breakfast," Jonathan set the antique tea tray down on my bedside table. I opened my eyes wide and pulled the covers off of myself. I looked down at the marking on my hand. It took a moment of recovery for me to finally get up and let go of the dream, thinking about would just bring me more pain that I didn't need. I needed to do my job.

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