Every Nook And Cranny

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I opened my eyes. They were almost glued together. There Jonathan stood in all his glory. Had I been saved. Or was this heaven, or hell.

"Jonathan... is that you... is this real," I stammered foolishly.

"Yes Mistress." Edward and his companions lay every where across the yard. What I mean by this is, Jonathan had torn them limb from limb and individual body parts lay across the lawn. Blood covered Jonathan and the body parts. "I am sorry for my absence," Jonathan stated plainly as if he actually could care less.

"Let's not discuss this here please go help Sebastian in the house," I demanded slightly angrily.

You can't let him open those feelings again Anna. He will only hurt you.

"Yes Mistress."

Jonathan walked away swiftly and into the house. After many days of wanting him back to just see his face, now I was upset that he had the nerve to even show up and face me. How dare him, after ripping my heart out? He was the only thing I had and he just vanished. I would not let him back in. I would not let anyone back in. I would keep every individual person at arms length.

I got myself together, fixing my cast and making sure my stab wound was not bleeding. I wiped my face of any tears, I stood and walked into my old home. I stopped at the door.

"Aw this won't do," Jonathan stated sadly.

"Whatever do you mean," Sebastian asked.

"You have ruined your tailcoat," Jonathan picked the back of Sebastian shredded tail cost up and looked at the object with disgust.

"I would not have ruined if you had been here taking care of Ms. An-."

"Stop, both of you, I'm okay, you two are okay, and as far I can see that reaper is dead and so is Edward and his rats. We're done here, let us take our leave."

I implied this firmly. Both of the demons exchanged glances as I walked away from the house. The house that held so many memories for me, some good and some bad. As we got into the carriage I felt as if I was leaving my emotions behind too, not just the home itself. Yes there were things that I was still dealing with. Such as the fact that I might be half demon. I felt more brave and confident now that I could handle these things now.

The ride back to the Phantomhive manor felt short. Although we had traveled such a long journey. As soon as we got out of the carriage Sebastian swiftly made his exit to Ciel as always. Me and Jonathan were left alone in the entrance of the Phantomhive manor.

"Ms. Anna, may I have a word with you," Jonathan asked. I turned to face him.

"Yes Jonathan" I hid the despair I felt as he opened the door and led me back outside and down the victorian staircase. We were now beside the carriage again.

"I am not going to immaturely ignore that fact that something has happened between us. Yet I will not open that topic right at the particular time. I believe what I am trying to say is that I am sorry, my intention was not to hurt you," Jonathan after giving me an apologetic look nodded and walked up the stairs.


I yelled it so loudly that Jonathan actually jumped in shock. He snapped his head to me.

"You do not get to do that. You just make up your mind and then you leave. Well guess what it's not that easy this time! Jonathan you were all that I had, I cared about you, I loved you! And you left! You can't just show up, say that you are sorry, and expect it to be okay. It doesn't work that way," tears began to form in my eyes but I wiped them away and began to walk away towards the road. Just wanting to get away.

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