The One That Got Away

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The room was dim, the curtains were pulled, only letting few rays through the clear windows and into the room, dust mites dancing in their wake. Questions ran through my mind at a consistent pace.

Why I was still in the Phatomhive manor?

Where was Jonathan?

Curiously I sat up slowly in bed, yet I forgot of my wound, both of them. I yelled out in pain, and fell back onto the pillow. I pulled up the thick covers with my right hand to see that I was only in a thin dress, there were bandages under the thin dress, wrapped around my torso.


My mind called out him automatically, just as like always when I was in pain. My torso was throbbing violently.

"Mistress do calm down, your yelling will startle the entire mansion" Jonathan walked into the with a tray with peculiar things on top of it.

"Easy for you to to say, you have n-not been stabbed neither have you a broken limb. Speaking of the incident, why are we still here....What happened" I asked slightly angry.

"Ciel Phantomhive has invited us both to stay until you heal, he also wants you to join him tonight for dinner," Jonathan set the tray down on my bedside table.

"How strange, is he that prideful that I will not strike again," my demon butler let a flash of concern reach his eyes," is he insane or is he.... he is planning something is he not Jonathan," I asked as he lifted my dress to put, what seemed to be some sort of paste on my stab wound.

" I am sure that he is not. Speaking of the incident, again, may I ask, what you were thinking Mistress, why did you not call on me in the first place I could have killed Ciel and we could have left swiftly, you would not have gotten hurt, you insane woman!" Jonathan remarked, I snapped my head to him.

"Last time I checked Jonathan, I was the one moving my chess pieces, besides you knew what you were getting into when we made our deal, if I'm such and insane woman why did you make the deal," I replied sharply. I looked out of the large window as I spoke.

"I was not expecting to fall in love with the insane woman!" Jonathan said firmly yet lovingly. I snapped my head towards him. Jonathan stood straight and strong with confidence. He was finished tending to my bandages and rearranging my sling and held the paste in one hand. His eyes were full of something I could not quite put my finger on. The only thing I could tell was that whatever he was feeling he was feeling strongly. After a long pause I finally got the nerve to speak.

"...... Jonathan" I uttered softly and shocked. Jonathan's eyes changed after I spoke, he stepped back.

"Mistress, forgive me, I'm sorry I...... I will take my leave now" he walked over to the tray that he had set at my bedside only moments before.

He was close to me now, I could've reached out and took his pale, slim hand ( because I was aware that for months now I had been.... I was feeling strongly for Jonathan) or I could've let him walk away and ignore the annoying and nagging feeling. I thought for only a moment.

I reached out and brushed my hand softly against his. He turned his head to me, slowly and cautiously, as if he could not believe that it was actually happening. His dark eyes were full of hope, boring into my blue ones. His hand cupped my face. I turned my face into his hand, kissing his palm gently. Inhaling his pleasant scent.

I felt my upper body being lifted and opened my eyes, I turned my face away from Jonathan's hand. He lifted my small body, somehow managing to not move my wound much, I felt only a small sting but it was ignored. Jonathan's tender lips crashed into mine, with desperation. I kissed him back with no hesitation. His kiss was soft and vulnerable yet firm and desperate. Our lips moved in sync, sending electricity through my entire body.

His nature asked for nothing more than that. He did not fasten his pace, or kiss me harder, Jonathan was content, yet so was I all I wished for was him, like this.

What felt like eternity in heaven was only seconds in a dream. Suddenly Jonathan pulled away. I gasped and glanced into his eyes. Where there was once passion, now was shock and dread. Jonathan sat me down gently. He backed away.

"Mistress, Anna you have no idea how much I want this, yet you are my prey, we have a deal, you are not prepared, not in your right mind, your view on our deal is blurry," Jonathan said.

"Jonathan I may be wounded but my view on our deal is not blurry as you say.... I know what I want," I replied. Jonathan picked up the medicine tray and began to leave. "Please Jonathan," I cried, he paused in the door frame, hope flooded me, yet he continued, and slammed the door behind him. In panic I reached my hand out for the door trying to reach the knob. Instead I fell. I rolled off the bed and hit the ground as hard as seemed possible. I was in pain instantly and my eyes filled with tears, from my physical and emotional pain. I could not contain myself, I felt as if I was loosing everything all over again. The night that my family was murdered I was all alone, then Jonathan came along and some possible yet impossible way filled the hollow place that they, my family, use to be in my heart. Now after admitting what he felt for me, and I the same, he walked away from me.

My bandages came undone and  blood again covered a large spot on my nightgown. I yelled out in pain and used my hand to put pressure to my wound. Tears streamed down my cheeks and onto the hardwood floor.

I will come come back Mistress

It was Jonathan's voice.

•••••••Two Hours Later••••••

After what seemed like hours. I felt numb. I did not know why I had felt so much pain. Jonathan was suppose to be my butler. My demon butler that helped me during missions. I was not suppose to grow feelings for him. But I did.  My cheeks ached and so did my wound.

"Ms. Anna! What are you doing on the floor, you are all bloody, I'll call Mey-Rin, she'll patch you up and make you good as new!" A boy with barrettes in his blond head leaned over me. He lifted me and sat my on the bed. I cringed in pain. The boy left and soon the red headed girl, Mey-Rin came into the room. She undressed and bathed me and then dressed me again. All awhile making conversation (that I endured unhappily) and repeated herself several times, almost as if in agreement, example ; "Master ordered me to come help you get ready for dinner, yes he did," Or " I feel as if something is wrong Miss Anna, yes I do." Which I replied to with...

"Yes but I do not wish to speak of it," I replied firmly. She seemed ashamed afterwards and was silent the rest of our time together that night. After she was finished getting me ready she and Sebastian walked me to the dinning room. The table was filled with delectable food. I did not realize how hungry I was until then. I quickly took my place to the left of Ciel.

After me and Ciel were settled, Sebastian went into great detail explaining the food that would be served that night. I greatly appreciated his detail and the amount of passion he put into each meal, but I was dazed for most of his speech. Soon after the food was served and I was less starving, I remember that there was a reason Ciel asked me to join him tonight.

"This is delicious, thank you for inviting me stay for dinner after my dreadful behavior," I lied. I would never apologize for doing my job.

"Do not speak of it Mistress Anna, you are forgiven..... on one condition," Ciel replied sharply. I snapped my head up.

"What might that be sir," I asked innocently.

"One ; drop the pleasant act it's annoying, and secondly ; let me help you find your parents murderer," Ciel replied.

"Listen Ciel Phantomhive, I may be a woman but you have no power over me remember that, you are  just a child with a very powerful chess piece! But yes,  I will let you help me," I responded sharply.

"Deal," he smirked

"Deal," I nodded.

Yes MistressWhere stories live. Discover now