I Have None Sir

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Chapter Two

"Please help!" I screamed as loud as I could muster several times. I did this so much that my throat became sore, and speaking was hard. My hope was that someone in the Phantom mansion would hear me and tell there master, or maybe even the master himself would hear. "Please, I need help!" I screamed even louder, if such thing were possible.

"Madam, please your yelling is disturbing my master, why must you do this so loudly," the bold voice came from behind me. I spun on my heels. There stood a tall fair skinned man in a tail coat. I assumed this was the guard dogs butler.

"Thank goodness your here, my carriage was wrecked I have broken my arm, please help me," I said with complete fear and sincerest words the butlers eyes widened when he saw my broken arm. I stumbled towards him, he caught me by my shoulders.

"Yes I will help you," the man replied annoyance in his voice.

"Thank you sir."

"Close your eyes malady," the man whispered into my ear. I did so obediently. The butler reminded me much of Jonathan. Tall, pale, dressed in black, with a voice that made any person want to crawl under a rock. Although my Jonathan had piercing blue eyes that turned red whenever he turned into his true form, he was also more angular than the man before me. I felt myself being lifted into the air, I did not open my eyes still. Air seemed to pass by us with such force, it seemed as though we were flying. I knew that if I was going to convince anyone that I was a typical charity case I was going to have to pretend to be normal, meaning not use to this kind of thing. I gasped in fake shock as air went by us. "Won't be long now Mistress," the butler responded.

Suddenly we stopped and my feet felt solid ground. I opened my eyes, the Phantom mansion rose high above my head. I gaped at the beauty of it all. The tall man led me inside of the home.

"Sebastian I believe I told you to take care of the problem, not to bring it home," the voice came from Ciel Phantomhive. He stood at the top of a Victorian staircase. I held my hurt arm in front of me, trying my best not to move it.

"I did as you ordered young master, this young lady was in a mild carriage accident, I thought that the great Earl Phantomhive would never turned down an injured woman, and leave her out in the cold," Sebastian explained this smoothly and convincingly. Ciel looked over me in judgement.

"Fine, your right, I would never do such a thing, Sebastian why don't you show her to a room and have her injury inspected and taken care of," Ciel ordered, I noticed that his expression never seemed to change, he was either annoyed or bothered.

"Thank you sir" I blurted sounding as falsely grateful as I knew how. Ciel looked surprised at my out burst.

"It's the least we could do madam," he replied tonelessly.

"Come miss, we need to get your injury assessed," Sebastian laid a hand on my shoulder, something in me wanted to snatch his filthy demon touch away. Sebastian led me into a nice guest room, I was filthy and bruised and hurting so Sebastian ran me a hot bath, I was bathed and my arm out in a homemade arm sling, meant to keep the bone in place, Sebastian asked me if I would like to dine with Ciel which he referred to as "Young Master."

"Even though I am exceptionally exhausted, it would be rude to decline the offer, I am staying in his home," I replied. Sebastian lead me to the dinning table and this is when the hard part began. I knew that Ciel Phantomhive would want to know more about the strange woman that had shown up on his door step, but I had to choose my words carefully.

"So what is your name, you never mentioned it before," Ciel was cutting into the small piece of meat on his tray.

"My name is Anna Nicole Camble sir," I replied sweetly.

"Should we send a note to your parents," Ciel asked looking down onto his tray.

"No sir," I replied taking a bite of my food. Ciel stopped eating and looked at my directly.

"Oh, why is that," he responded. Sebastian stood at his side right behind his chair, just like a shadow.

"I have none sir," there was no hesitation as I said this.

••••Later That Evening••••

Ciel's POV

"Young Master, I have seen to our guest, she is safely in bed, don't you think that you should do the same," Sebastian was standing beside the the door.

"Hold on, I am almost finished," I was at my desk in the study room, looking at an old file from a past case that the queen had asked me to take care of, but we could never find the person responsible. Sebastian came and stood beside my chair.

"I knew her name was familiar."

"Yes, I imagine you would remember her, the Camble case was a very particular one, a family was murdered, and there were suppose to to be four members but there were only three at the crime scene, one was missing; Anna Camble," I sat back in my chair and closed the file.

"So you are suspicious of her?"

"Of course I am," I stood up and walked toward the doors of the study room, Sebastian was right, it had gotten very late.

"Would you like me to keep an eye on her Master," Sebastian offered.

"Yes a close one at that."

Anna's POV

I could not see anything, it was dark, yet I could hear everything, there were screams of pain and agony. I wanted to run away or run to the screams I would have liked to have done anything but remain in the one place that I was in.


My mind screamed his name out. I wondered if he was watching me and waiting for my command, I wondered if I would need him, maybe I could manage this in my own.

Maybe you can my Mistress, you have always been very independent.

My vision was still black, yet I could hear his voice, his unforgettable voice. I did not know if this was a dream. I did not want to know, I wanted him now more than ever for some strange reason, even it was just a dream, even it was just his voice.

Trust me Mistress I will be there soon enough. Do not fret.

I jumped up. I was in bed in one of the Phantom guest bedrooms. There were tears streaming down my face. I was not sure why. I wiped them away and laid back down in bed.

I can do this.

I reassured myself this several times.

Yes Mistress.

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