Murder House Has One Good Memory

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Sebastian mumbled something harsh under his breath. I snapped my head to the man or woman standing in front of us. Why was here? Who was he? Something inside of me screamed in rage. I came home to this "Murder House of Bad Memories," to make peace and I was almost sure that this Reaper Sebastian spoke of, was just simply a shot in the dark. I was suppose to find an empty home naked of all furniture or anything of personal value except my families eerie presents, instead I find some stranger in my loft pretending to know me.

"And oh Bassy, did you bring me Anna as an anniversary present," I was overwhelmingly confused. The man slash woman came over to me with unhuman speed and put an arm around me, his red coat sleeves were to long for his arms and hit my cheek as he laid his arm across my shoulders," you know it has been exactly one month since I laid eyes on this hunk," the red head added. Suddenly there was a loud thud and the red head laid on the ground rubbing his cheek sadly. Sebastian had slapped the man slash woman.

"It would be much obliged if you kept your filthy Reaper paws off of Ms. Anna," Sebastian replied with a cheery smirk.

"What did I tell you about hitting woman, Sebastian!" the apparent woman screamed. I could not take much more of the nonsense.

"Excuse me, but would someone like to explain to me what is happening," I asked patiently. The red headed woman stood in shock.

"Do you not remember? I mean I did good work here if I do say so myself!" the woman examined her nails as she spoke.

"Excuse me Ms. Anna but this is Grell Suttcliff he is a Reaper, your Reaper," Sebastian said bending down to me. It was as if I suddenly had tunnel vision, I began to storm to the Reaper angrily. How dare he take my family, the only thing that mattered to me and all I had! Sebastian knew I what I planned to do and through an arm out to hold me back. "Grell do you remember Anna vividly," Sebastian asked.

"Yes of course I murdered her family, but not her, I was very angry about that too," Grell leaned against the stair railing.

"Why did you not kill her, was it because you could not find her," Sebastian pushed.

"No it was because- wait, you don't know , oh this is rich," Grell smirked.

"Just answer the question!" I exclaimed.

"Think Bassy, what is one thing that a Reaper can't kill unless they get in they way of members of the "The To Die" list," Grell asked. Sebastian gasped.

"But Anna is not a demon, she has no abilities....," Sebastian thought for a moment. " Ms. Anna you have always been protected by Jonathan, you have never had to use your abilities, you may be part demon."

"No both of my parents were human I am sure of it," I replied weakly. My heart began to beat and my arm and wound began to ache. No this cannot be. I was not demon and neither were my parents.

"Oh come on, Anna my darling how could you not know that you're adopted," Grell asked almost angrily. " You would think that after all this time you would do your research."

I stumbled back against the wall. I really thought that all of this was going to be was a mission, a simple mission to take down the Queen's Guard Dog and that was all. Now I was adopted and a demon and Reapers were actually a thing, not just stories sibling told each other to scare one another. Tears clouded my eyes and it was silent for a moment. Everything hurt.

"Well since you are here and you are not a demon, I can finally have you my little fugitive," Grell said and stood straight and wore a devilish grin. He pulled something large out from behind him, something bright red. A chainsaw. With another burst of inhuman speed he shot toward me but was close lined by Sebastian. Both of the supernatural creatures began to fight violently. Blood spattered the walls again and once again I stood shocked in my door way.

"Ms. Anna run!" Sebastian yelled. I did as told and stumbled desperately out of the door and down the hazardous stairs. I went to the carriage and got in breathing heavily, Sebastian would hold off the Reaper long enough for me to catch my breath and bottle my emotions so that I could run.

Jonathan! Where are you?

I shouted the thought in my head.

"Hello Mistress Anna," voice rang in my ear. A familiar voice, a man who held a cigar in his hand. I froze but turned my head. He sat across from me on the far end of the carriage. I ripped my way from the carriage and found myself in steel like grip of several men. I kicked and screamed, anything I could do. "Struggling only will make it worse and more painful, did you know that the police are onto me now, they know who I am now because of you," Mr. Edward held a pistol and was standing in front of me a cigar hanging from his mouth weakly. If only he had known what I had been through these past day.

"Jonathan! Sebastian!" I screamed. I felt hopeless thought. No one was coming, I was alone in this. I was going to die. After all of this, this is the way I am going down. Edward pointed the gun at my heard and I shut my eyes tight. I waited for several seconds that felt like an eternity. Hoping that all of this was a dream. I heard it. I heard the gun shot, it was the most loudest noise I had ever heard. There was silence and nothing more, I could not help but wonder, is this what death felt like, nothing? I felt no pain.

"Hello Mistress," the most beautiful voice I had ever heard rung through my ears.


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