[1] Roommates

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I do have to admit, this story does have a couple of errors. I've reread myself to find them, and did find most of them (with help from you guys) so thank you! I also want to thank you for how far this story has come, because you all made it that way. Love you to bits and pieces, and for new readers, I hope you enjoy this adventure that changed my life. <3


"Woohoo!" Jack shouted as he sped through the bright lights of this city, his city. The buildings past in a fast blur as his legs pumped himself forward. Cars sped by, but nothing as close to the speed that he was achieving.

Meanwhile, Mark was cramming for his upcoming 'test.' The boy's eyes ran across the page as he finally sighed in defeat.

"Fuck this." He mumbled to no one as he ran his fingers through the blue hair setting a top his head.

"Fuck what?" Jack stepped into their shared dorm and softly shut the door behind him. Taking a quick glance at the state Mark was in, he immediately regretted the sly comment. As he peeled the sweatshirt off over his head, Mark removed his fingers from the pillow of his hair.

"Tests. Can't stand this damn thing. Stressin' me out, dude." He breathed out while looking at Jack.

"What'cha gotta study for?" The Irishman asked as he walked over to the desk Mark was planted at. Before Jack could even look over his shoulder, the other boy slammed his textbook shut.

"T'fuck was that for?" Jack questioned, placing his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"I don't need your help, Jack. I'm fully capable of taking care of myself," Mark snapped, placing his hands firmly on top of the desk. Mark's eyes stayed glued to the ground, not wanting to see the shocked expression that had crossed over Jack's face.

"Damn, just trying t'help a friend out." Jack huffed and began to rummage through his dresser. He pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants, disappearing into the bathroom to change his outfit.

Mark sighed, feeling the instant regret of snapping at his friend wash over him. As Jack walked out of the bathroom, Mark hastily tripped over his words in an apology.

"S-sorry, I just flipped. Super stressed about this, uh, test. Sorry, dude." He finished and clasped his hands together nervously in his lap. Rubbing his thumb in circles on the back of his hands, he looked up at Jack with apologetic eyes.

"It's all good. I can understand how cramming can get you worked up and such." Jack played with the hem of his shirt, then walking over to the bottom bunk of their bed. "'M hittin' the hay, or whatever weird phrase you guys here say. Night, Mark." A small chuckled slipped from his lips before he climbed into bed.

"Night, Jack." Mark watched Jack until he heard a small snore erupt from the younger man. His head turned back to the blue textbook in front of him, flipping it back open. His eyes scanned over the words again, trying to make sense of what was wrote down. Finally giving up, he flicked the lamp light off. Mark clambered to his top bunk. With the second his head hit the pillow, he was asleep.


The sound of constant beeping from an alarm startled the two boys awake. Jack flung up, hitting his head on the bunk above.

"Fuck!" The green haired boy yelled out. A fit of laughter erupted from the bunk above, making Jack's head start to throb. A floof of blue hair appeared in-front of him, upside down.

"Good morning!" Mark happily chirped, flashing Jack an award winning smile.

"Mornin', Fischbach." Jack grumbled as he rubbed his forehead. Swinging his legs from the confines of his blankets, his feet hit the floor same time as Mark jumped down from bed.

"It's actually 12, but I would say that's morning."

"Whatever you say." He walked over to where Mark was, in-front of the window. He was over looking the sight that their dorm gave, which was a beautiful one at the least, even in the middle of the day. No other buildings blocked the way, giving the advantage of watching the sunrise. This morning they had missed it, but there were other mornings where Mark would swing on down and shake Jack awake, just so he could show him the sunrise.

"I've seen it Mark, I've seen it. This is the second time this week."

"But look! The colors for this one are different! See that pink! That wasn't there Tuesday!"

"Beautiful. Extravagant. 'M tired, knock yourself out buddy."

Jack pushed the random memory away as he carried on the conversation.

"When's your test?" Jack glanced over at the slightly taller man, then back at the window.

There was a small pause before he gave an answer.

"Around two." Mark walked over to his dresser, pulling out an outfit. "Why don't you get yourself some breakfast or something?"

"Whoa, don't go all 'mom' on me." He joked, walking to the other room where the cereal was. He grabbed two bowls, that were actually clean, and set them on the counter. A box of Froot Loops was then removed from the cupboard, when Jack thought of a risky idea. Taking a few steps back to make sure Mark wasn't watching, for which he was plucking clothes from his selection, Jack smirked and stepped forward. Using his speed, he made the two bowls of cereal with a whoosh of air.

Mentally patting himself of the back for the quick shortcut, he strutted into the room Mark was in. Giving Mark the same award winning smile he gave Jack earlier, the bowl of cereal was handed to him.

"Shit, that was fast." The American stated as he happily took the bowl from Jack.

"Steady hand." Jack shrugged, taking a bite of his breakfast.

"You bet." Mark spoke, a piece of colorful cereal spewing out of his mouth. As if it were a reflex, Jack caught it in between his index finger and thumb. Mark lifted an eyebrow at the fast reaction Jack had, looking up at him.

"Steady hands." Jack laughed awkwardly, eyes roaming the ground like it had the answer to this extremely revealing and awkward moment. 

"Steady hand my ass. You're a ninja." Mark chuckled, getting back to his cereal as if nothing had happened.

Jack was quick to flick the piece of food away, coming to the realization that it had shot out of Mark's mouth.

"Heh, totally."


Jack and Mark had already left for classes, Jack getting back earlier than Mark. Expecting him to show up soon, he jumped in bed and took a nap.

Falling asleep was the wrong choice and waking up was a disaster.

"Hate napping..." He groweled, sliding out of bed. Reaching for his phone, he tapped it on to check the time.

"It's 8, where the hell is Mark?" As if the Gods above had heard his request, a drunk-looking Mark stumbled in the door.

"Dude, where the hell were y-" The Irishman's words were cut off when Mark had looked up. Red cuts outlined his face, but that's all Jack got to see before he collapsed to the ground.

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