[28] Final Fight

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"Wade, you don't have to do this..." Mark attempted at reasoning with the enemy, but got a firm shake of the head in response.

"Shut your god damn mouth, you fucking lab rat!" Wade yelled, pushing the gun more forcefully against Ryan's head. That comment made Mark physically flinch, his ground being lost for a short moment before gaining it back.

"Who the hell do you think you..." Mark's voice faded out as Jack zoned in on the situation, inspecting each and every part of what was happening.

He glanced to his left, seeing Mark's lips moving in perfect motion. Those beautiful, pastel pink lips that turned a rose red after Jack got to them. The taste of early morning coffee frequently lingered on his mouth for the first half of the day, Jack's favorite part. Getting his head out of the gutter, he looked over to Matt. His blonde hair stuck out before him, some strands sticking to his forehead with sweat. His tongue darted out to lick his lips anxiously, clearly running ideas through his head on how to deal with the problem.

Jack turned to what was in front of him, internally flinching at the scene. Ryan looked like he was about the embrace the sweet release of death, sweating more than Mark, Jack, and Matt put together. His brown eyes were darting across the area, searching for who the hell knows what. Wade looked menacing as ever, a smug look on his face from gaining the upper-hand. The pistol's safety was still off, which actually made the difficulty far more worse than it had to be. His finger could do one little slip over the trigger and Ryan's head would be painted on the ground.

If only Jack had that damn gun.

"...one cares!" Wade's voice cut in, still gesticulating wildly with the gun. Mark was still using the negotiation technique, which was interesting enough because it wasn't fucking working.

Jack was done with this beating around the bush bullshit. Time to use some superpowers.

Finally putting his head on his shoulders, Jack sped as fast as he could towards Wade. He knew the only threat Wade posed was having a gun in his hand, which was nothing.

Nevermind, it was something.

Wade's arm suddenly whipped from the side of Ryan's head and pointed it at Jack. He could only watch as his finger hovered over the trigger, and without mercy, pressed down on it.

Three bullets came right towards Jack's body, making him shudder in anticipation. The Irishman had never tried dodging bullets before, but if the Flash could do it, Jack could too.

The first bullet wasn't much, just one lean to the right. The second bullet was more of a challenge, because it was headed straight between Jack's eyes. In one swift motion, he bent backwards, watching the bullet zoom by above him, following it with his eyes. There was still one more bullet, but Jack hadn't noticed it.

The pointed lead came at him at an alarming rate, right above his shoulder. Jack shifted his body a tiny bit to the left, which would unexpectedly be his downfall.

The small lead piece found new home in the side of his neck, but flew out the second it was in. The bloody bullet flew out, joining the other bullets that were shooting to fuck all.

Jack let out a wretched scream, hand flying up to apply pressure to the bullet hole. His mad dash towards Wade came to a immediate halt as Jack fell to his knees, hand latched to the side of his neck. His screams had died down, and he was left with a warm hand and raw throat.

He was too disoriented to notice anyones reactions, which was probably for the better. The whole idea of Mark sobbing his his head in his hands because his boyfriend just got fucking shot was too much for Jack to handle.

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