[9] Party Stoppers

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Felix barely ever made eye contact with Jack the whole time, only doing so to snarl at him or to give him a dirty look. His actions repulsed the Irish boy, excusing himself to get a drink. Pouring his third cup of beer, he sauntered over to the couch, collapsing next to a very intoxicated couple making out. He looked over to the two, seeing both with jet black hair. Both of the young boys had their hair down, each brushed opposite ways of each other. Moments before he could identify the two boys, Mark tripped over to talk to Jack.

"Hey there, Jackyboy," he slurred, slipping himself next to Jack on the couch, making mind of the others making out. "You have a drink yet?" His arm fell across the top of the cushion, scooting closer to his friend.

"Well," Jack gestured to the red solo cup in his hand, "t'is my third cup o'beer." Mark raised his eyebrow, looking at him with confusion written all over his face. The younger one abruptly remembered that he couldn't even get drunk. Hypermetabolism was a huge shame at times like this, especially after the episode he had with Broverse the other week ago. Of course, he wasn't going to tell Mark about that.

"Well, whateva!" Mark tottered up, making his way over to the table where all the drinks were set. Jack ripped his eyes from Mark, at the same time attempting to ignore the boys next to him that were basically sucking each other's faces off. He didn't have much time to ignore them when the one of the boy's spun his head around, puking into Jack's lap.

"Oh. My. God. I am so sorry-" his sentence was left incompleted, for Jack had already leaped up, storming his way to the bathroom. Nearly ripping the door knob from the door, he slammed it shut, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. Standing in-front of the mirror to take a quick look at himself, he glanced down at his jeans.

"Well shit, Jack, isn't that a shame?" A voice from the left of Jack made whip his head to the area the sound came from. Sitting on the toilet, was none other than Felix.


Mark was wobbling around, gripping a red cup in his fingers. His current mission was to find out where the hell Ryan, or even Matt, was. His biggest issue was that he decided it was a great idea to get drunk. He honestly could care less now, but maybe that was the alcohol making his thoughts all fuzzy and his brain scrambled. A tall, lanky figure came into view, making Mark's eyes sparkle with happiness. He felt a hand grab at his shoulder, shaking his body around a little.The Korean looked down at the hand, then back at Matt.

"Are you feelin' a little tipsy by any chance, Mark?" The blonde asked, concern filling his eyes. The drunken bowed his head with a nod, examining the crack on the wooden floor. Matt let out a long sigh, pulling Mark by his arm towards a different room, with less intoxicated people.

"Wha-where, where are we goin', Matt?" His feet nearly dragged behind him; which was shocking for Matt's fragile body to be unusually gaunt.

"I'm getting Ryan. Once we get Ryan, we're going to find Jack. Then, we're gonna blast outta this joint," Mark let out a small giggle at his comment, Matt smiling down at him. Finally after 5 minutes out Matt dragging around poor Mark like a sack of potatoes, they ran into Ryan talking up a girl with long, brunette hair. He turned to look at the two, holding up a finger to the girl.

"Is Mark drunk again?" Was all he got to ask before Matt bundled up a ball of Ryan's polo, tugging him towards his chest. Ryan tripped, his head slamming into Matt's shoulder. Somehow, Matt held himself straight, marching around the house with two men on his side, searching for Jack.


"Look, buddy, I don't see what your fuckin' problem with me is, but it's kinda pissin' me off. The vibe you're givin' me makes me want to punch your perfect, little face." Jack snapped at the Swede, making Felix put an offended hand over his chest.

"It's not you I hate, it's what you do," Felix stood from his seat, leaning against the wall.

Beads of sweat began to form on Jack's head, bringing his sweatshirt-covered hand to his face to wipe it away. Does he know? There's no way he could know. "Wh-what I do?"

"Your little," Felix took a step towards Jack, then looked at him up and down. "Thing." He eyed Jack like a hawk hunting down its prey. His gaze made Jack squirm, taking a step back, only to be pressed up against the wooden door behind him. The grey shirt he was wearing clung to his skin with sweat, while the Swede took another step towards the smaller boy.

"If you know so much about me, then prove it," Jack said with shocking amount of confidence. Felix just gave out a low chuckle, throwing his arms forward to punch the Irish boy in the face. Just as Felix expected, Jack used his speed to grab at his wrist before any damage could be done. The blonde smirked at him, proving his speculation. With the window of opportunity open, Jack slammed his fist into his stomach. Felix stumbled backwards, giving him another chance to land a hit on him. Using his speed, he ran behind Felix, kicking him on the back, making him fly forward and slam his head on the door. He whipped his head around, snarling at Jack. Using his sleeve, he wiped off the blood that was trickling down from his nose.

"You clover lookin' fuck!" Felix yelled, darting towards Jack like a bull. His head slammed into Jack's stomach, making him groan in pain. His fist collided with Jack's face. Again. And again. That's when one noise became audible in Jack's ears, beside the ringing pain growing in his head, was a door whipping open. Jack looked up to see who appeared, seeing three faces peak in from behind the door. Mark, Matt, and Ryan.

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