Chapter 4

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Samantha's P.O.V

Samuel and I were watching Mickey Mouse on the TV when Nicki walked in with Ariana in her arms and Jade behind her holding' Braxtyn. Jade looked at Dallas asleep on the couch, " Jade will wake your father up please?" Nicki asked taking Braxtyn out of her hands, Jade nodded.

Jade poked Dally on the arm, "Baby girl if you keep poking' me you will not be going' to New York for your birthday," Dallas said lookin' at her, she smiled and started pokin' him again.

"I never wanted to go to New York in the first place," Nicki looked at her from the doorway. "You didn't want to go to New York?" Nicki asked hugging Jade and then sittin' next to Dallas, Dally put his arm around Nicki's shoulders. "I tried to tell you babe," Dallas said, looking at Nicki, she gave him a look and he smiled. Jade looked at us, and then to Dallas.

"Has Johnny and Ryan came in yet?" We shook our heads, and Nicki then looked at us. "Alright, now I think I should make lunch," she said standing up and walking into the kitchen. Dallas smirked then, looked at us. "Hey, Dally can you do me a favor?" Nicki asked looking at him, he looked at her. "Yeah?" He asked standing up, she smiled.

"Can You put Braxtyn to bed?" She asked handing him over to Dally, he smiled. "Alright son, lets put you to bed," Dally said walking up the stairs with Braxtyn in his arms. I looked at Jade, she was lookin' at the clock, that read 5:28. I looked back to the T.V. and watched Mickey Mouse.

Sweetheart's P.O.V

Alex and I were walking to the Dingo and I was thinkin' about so many things, but the one thing that was on my mind was Jack. "Hey, Sweetheart are you ok?" Alex asked lookin' at me, I shrugged. "I guess I am," I said lookin' at her, she smiled. "Your thinkin' about somethin', or someone," she said teasing me, I looked at her and couldn't help, but smile. "You are," she added with her eyes wide open. "Yes I am, but I can't tell you," I said lookin' at the Dingo from a distance. She looked at the Dingo too, and nodded. We opened the door and a little toddler tried to run out the door, but I quickly grabbed him.

"Hey, little guy I don't think your parents would be happy to see you in trouble," I said lookin' at him, he smiled. "Hey, Braxtyn, don't run off on us," a guy said, he had light- brown ,almost red hair and greenish-gray eyes. He was very familiar lookin' "Hey, so is this your kid?" Alex asked lookin' at him, he looked at us. "Yes, and I'm really sorry that he tried to run out the door," He said, I smiled. "It's ok," I said, he smiled. "I'm Sweetheart Curtis, and that's Alex Randle," his smiled faded.

"Oh, Nice names, and I have to get going, bye," He said then him and a muscular guy walked out the door. I looked at Alex. "That was odd," Alex said as we sat down. "What do you mean?" She looked at me. "Well, When I you told him our names he stopped smiled," she said, as a waitress walked over to us. "Ready to order?" She asked, we looked at her. "Two Pepsi's with two burgers please," I said, she nodded and walked away. "Well, there was somethin' about our names that did that," she said. I nodded saying I understood, but I really didn't understand what she was talkin' about so I just went with it. We both waited quietly for the waitress to bring our food.

Ponyboy's P.O.V

"That was Sodapop and Steve's daughters Sweetheart and Alexa," I said as I looked at Braxtyn. Darry just looked at me. "Are they the one's that Jade has been hanging out with?" he asked, I nodded. "Mama," both Braxtyn and Ariana said. "No Jade is your sister," Darry said in a sweet voice, which surprised me because Darry wasn't the least bit of a sweet talkin' person. "I think they were talkin' about me," we turned around to see Nicki and Jade. Jade had that smirk like Dallas often had when something happened.

"I'm here too, so," Jade said taking Braxtyn. "Hey, Jade did you know the girls Sweetheart and Alexa are Soda and Steve's girls?" Darry asked, she looked at him and nodded. "I knew that the first time I met them," I looked at Darry. "Come on, Dallas will wake up soon and I want him talk to you Jade," Nicki said as they walked away with Ariana and Braxtyn.

Sweetheart's P.O.V

While we were walking home from the Dingo, Alexa and I stopped by Jack's house to see if he was home, or still at my house. I opened up the screen door, but to see the door ajar. I looked at Alexa as she shook her head. "Riley?" I called out. "Riley? Are you home?" I looked back at Alexa, and continued to walk into the house. "Hello, Riley, Jack," I yelled out. "Anyone?" Alexa said from behind me.

The room was a little messy, which was unusual since Riley was always neat and clean. Books and papers laid shattered across the floor and glass along the carpet around the windows and couches. I looked at Alexa, who looked at confused as I did. "Should we call Jack?" she asked as we made our way to the kitchen. "I don't know, I guess we should and tell him, his house was robbed."

"And that his mother is dead," Alexa said, I turned around right as I was about to hit a wall. I looked into the kitchen and saw a woman with golden blonde hair laying on the floor. Smears of red foot prints everywhere as if someone was walking in her blood. "The prints led to the back door, but why would anyone want to kill Riley?" Alexa asked clearly confused.

I shook my head trying to think of a reason but found none. I walked into the living room and grabbed the blanket she often covered herself with when she took her naps. I walked back into the kitchen and threw it over her, tears in my eyes making everything blurry when I was looking down at her. "Call Jack, tell him about his mother," I said looking at Alexa, she nodded and ran to the living room.

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