Chapter 3

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Michelle's P.O.V

I woke up and looked at Michael who was still asleep, I looked at the clock on the wall 10:27. Momma was suppose to wake us up 2 hours ago, I looked at Michael. I got up and walked over to him and shook him. "What Michelle?" he asked, I looked at him with worry. "Momma did wake us up, it's 10:28," I said, he sat up and looked at the clock and noddied.

"I wonder why she didn't wake us up," he said, I nodded. We got dressed for the day. I wore a tank top with a blue jean vast, a pair of blue jeans, my converse, and my long dark brown hair in a ponytail. Michael wore a shirt with the sleeves cut off, blue jeans, converse, and grease in his hair. We walked out of the bedroom, and heard Sweetheart and Dylan talkin', I looked at Michael and nodded. "Their 9 years old Dylan do you really think they won't cry, they may be tuff greasers, but their just kids," Sweetheart said, Dylan looked at her.

"Sweetheart it's goin' be harder to tell them, because I know the fellin'," Dylan said huggin' her, I looked at Michael and we walked into the livin' room. Dylan looked at us and stood up, Sweetheart looked at him and then she turned around to see us. "Hey, what are ya'll talkin' about?" I questioned my cousins. Dylan and Sweetheart looked at eachother and back at us.

"Michael, Michelle this will be hard, but Amy was shot and she died," Dylan said softly, I felt the tears go down my cheeks I shook my head. "I don't believe you," I said, Michael put his hand on my shoulder, he looked at me with a look that said 'Don't cry' but ingroed it. "I'm sorry Michelle," Dylan said huggin' me, I hugged him back and started to cry alittle bit more.

"Dylan what's goin' to happen to me, Michael, and Sweetheart?" I asked, he slightly smiled. "Ya'll are goin' to be put into my custody," He said standin' up, I looked at Michael, then I looked at Sweetheart and Alex and nodded. "We're stickin' together ok Michelle," Dylan said, makin' me smile and nod.

-2 Years later-

Sweetheart's P.O.V

I was walkin' home from the Dingo, when someone quickly ran passed me. I didn't see the face, but I know it was a girl because this person had long blonde hair in a ponytail. But after she ran by me, I started to get curious, so I followed her. She was fast, so it was hard to keep up. She turned a corner, I was at the corner when I heard gun fire. I turned the corner to see the girl layin' on the ground with a heater in hand and several cops with their guns pointed to her. I run to the girl and looked at her, and saw who she was.

-2 weeks earlier-

I was at the house with Dylan, Michael, and Michelle. I was makin' a Chocolate cake for the fun of it, Michael was doin' homework, Michelle was readin' Gone with the Wind, her dad's favorite book, and Dylan was readin' the paper. "Hey, anyone home? Great, how was ya'lls day, that's great, my day was good can borrow your tv? And thanks," Jack said walkin' in and sittin' down infront of the tv. He turned it on and watched it, I walked into the livin' room with the mixin' bowl in my hands, and looked at him.

"Your welcome Jack," Dylan said settin' the paper down, and lookin' at me, I smiled my movie star smile, and he returned it. I looked at Michael and Michelle. Michelle looked at me and giggled. "What's so funny Michelle?" I asked her, she looked at me again with a smile. "You have some batter in your hair," she said lookin' at me, I felt my hair and I looked at my hand to see the chocolate batter on my hand.

"Hey that means you real are Sweetheart Curtis," Jack said lookin' at me with a smile, I smiled back. "You mean Sweetheart Emily Curtis," Michael said lookin' at Jack, then to me, I looked at him and smiled. "Wait your middle name is Emily?" Jack asked standin' up and walkin' over to me, I smiled and nodded. "Yes it is and what's yours?" I asked lookin' up at him with a smile, he smiled. "Ross, my full name is Jack Ross Mathews," he said lookin' down at me, I smiled and looked at the Chocolate batter.

"I think it's time to make a cake with this," I said walkin' into the kitchen and settin' the bowl on the table. I heard Jack laughin' about somethin', but I ingnored it. I poured the batter into a pan then put it in the oven. I smiled at me work and started the timer, I walked into the livin' room to see Alex sittin' on the couch, I smiled and jumped on the couch next to her. She looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, Sweet what are you up to?" Alex asked looked at me, I looked at her and smiled. "Makin' a cake," I said lookin' at Jack, then back to Alex, she smiled and looked at Michelle and then to Michael. "Are the kids ok?" she asked lookin' back at me, I nodded then I heard the timer go off, but before I could stand up Dylan gave me a look that said sit down. He got up and walked into the kitchen, I smiled and laughed a little bit. I heard the door open and in walked Jade cursin' under her breath and the Cade kids behind her, Jade sat down in a chair and she didn't look happy. I looked at Samantha and Samuel, and asked "What's with her?" Jade looked at me and Alex, and then to Jack, then to Michelle and Michael, then to the Cade kids.

"My parents are fightin' over the smallest thing and I just can't stand it and Ponyboy isn't in a good mood, Two-bit and Johnny are the only ones in a good mood, and maybe Darry," she said, I looked at her and then to the Cade kids. "So what are they fightin' about?" Alex asked, Jade looked at her and looked down at the ground. "My mom wants to take me to New York for my birthday, but my dad doesn't because he's afraid i'll be too much like him," she said lookin' at Dylan as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Wait what happened?" Dylan asked lookin' at Jade, she looked at him and sighed. "Jade's folks are fightin', so she needs a place to stay tonight," Alex said lookin' at Dylan, Jade looked at Samual and Samantha and smirked alittle bit. I looked at Jack, he quickly looked at the tv, I looked at Alex. "So Jade how about you and Caleb come with us to the game tonight?" Alex asked lookin' at Jade she looked at her, and shook her head. "Naw, Caleb doesn't want to do anythin' that involves me," She said standin' up, and walkin' over to Michael and Michelle.

"What did you do this time Jade?" I asked lookin' at her, she looked at me and shrugged. "He said that he saw me hangin' with a guy a the Dairy Queen, but it was only my Ponyboy," she said lookin' at the clock on the wall, then to the Cade kids. "I think you two should get home and tell my parents that i'm stayin' at a friend's tonight," Jade said walkin' over to the chair and sit in it. They nodded and walked out the door, I looked at Michael and Michelle, "Hey, are ya'll goin' to the moviehouse today?" I asked, they looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah we are, why?" Michael asked closin' his history book, and standin' up, I looked at him, then to Michelle. "Just needed to know," I said standin' up, and lookin' at Alex. She stood up, and looked at me, I looked at Dylan. "We'll be back later Dylan," I said as me and Alex walked to the door, Dylan looked at me. "Where are ya'll goin'?" he asked, as I opened the door, I looked at him. "Dingo, then to the DX," I said, he nodded. We walked out the door and to the Dingo.

Samantha's P.O.V

Samual and I walked back to the house where in was quiet, I looked at Samual then back to the house. We walked in and saw Nicki and Dallas asleep on the couch, we smiled and looked at eachother then back to them. I walked over to them and poked Dally on the arm, but instead of him wakin' up Nicki did. She looked at us, and smiled. "Hey Samantha, hey Samual what are ya'll up to?" she said sittin' up and lookin' around the room, "And where is Jade, Braxtyn, and Ariana?" She asked lookin' at us. "Jade is with our gang and Braxtyn and Ariana are with Ponyboy and Darry," Samual said lookin' at me and then back to Nicki, she sighed then looked at Dal.

She looked back to us, and stood up. "If Dallas wakes up tell him I went to get Braxtyn and Ariana from Pony and Darry ok," she said walkin' over to the door, we nodded and sat in the floor in front of the tv. "Samual, I love our home but don't you want to adventure?" I asked, he looked at me and shook his head, I frowned as he turned the tv on and watched Mickey Mouse. I looked out the window, to the mountains out in the distance with trees of green and light brown dirt that looks like brown sugar. "Adventure out of Tulsa," I said softly.

Hey, guys OutsidersFanGirl here, sorry it took so long I was havin' problems with thinkin' and i've been busy with school too, but hey, I got it out. Hey I have a new story comin' out called Southern Love (An Dallas Winston love story), it's book one of 7 in it's series. Annaleelee has A new story out too, called Fight fire with fire, please check it out if you can and check ou more of our stories too, Please and Thank ya!                          -OutsidersFanGirl

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