Icepop or Greaser Kids?

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Hey, Guys!

So, I've been looking through some of my stories (and actually cringing a little bit) and a thought come to my mind. Which story do you guys want me to rewrite first?

Icepop Matthews or Greaser Kids?

I have some points for you guys to possibly help you.

For Icepop Matthews:

1) I started writing it first and so I should rewrite it before rewriting any other of my stories.

2)There are more stories to Icepop then for Greaser Kids. So I should go ahead and go for it and rewrite the last three seasons into the books.

3) More people read Icepop.

For Greaser Kids:

1) It's only one book, while Icepop will most likely be more.

2) There aren't that many chapters written at the moment, so I should go ahead and rewrite those chapters and continue where I left off.

The choose is for you guys to decide. I need you guys to tell me in a private message or in a comment. Please, because if you don't neither story will be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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