Chapter 2

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Jade's P.O.V

Me and Two-bit finally got to the drive-in and we did it my dad's way, slippin' under the fence. "So do you remember what the kids look like?" Two-bit asked with a big grin, "Shut up Keith," I said turnin' to look at him. "Hey sorry kiddo," he said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes and we continued walkin'. A boy and a girl ran into me makin' me fall and Two-bit was laughin'.

"Shut it Keith Mathews," I said gettin' up and lookin' at the boy and girl. "Alex? and a boy I don't know," I said lookin' at Two-bit and back to them. Alex looked up at me, "Hey, Jade what's happenin'?" she asked gettin' up and helpin' up the boy. "Nothin' much man," I said shakin' her hand. "Oh, this is Jack Mathews," she said pointin' at the boy. "He looks like my dad at Buck's partys when he's drunk," I said then laughin'. "He is drunk," she said, me and Two-bit looked at him.

"How old is he?" Two-bit asked, she looked at him. "You the fuzz?" she asked, he smiled. "If he were the fuzz I won't be with him right now," I said crossin' my arms. She smiled "17 he's 17, and i'm 13, and Sweetheart behind you is too," she said, we turned around and saw Sweetheart. "Hey, Sweetheart Curtis, age 13," she said, Alex started laughin' she looked at Two-bit. "I'll need your name, last name, nickname, and sercurity number," she said, Two-bit smiled. "Keith, Mathews, Two-bit, and none of your business kid," he said then lookin' at me.

"Ok, I'm Alexa Randle, but you can Alex," Alex said shakin' Two-bit's hand, Two-bit looked at me. "Hey, Jade we better go find Michael and Michelle, their with Samual and Samantha," Sweetheart said, I looked at her. "Samual and Samantha are here?" Two-bit asked, they looked at me and Two-bit and nodded. We walked to the sits for people who don't have cars, and we saw Michael, Michelle, Samual, and Samantha.

I walked behind Samual and Samantha, and yelled "Hey, Greasers." Samual jumped and man he was as white as a ghost. He was a lot like Johnny, he is very jumpy and he looks like Johnny too and Samantha looks like their mom, acts like her. "Jade Shay Winston stop it," Samantha said lookin' at me, I was laughin' really hard that I couldn't breath. Samantha rolled her eyes.

"Come on Sammi it's just a joke," I said, she looked at me and then to Two-bit. "Watch it Winston," she said, I smiled. "Gettin' a little wise aren't you Samantha?" I asked her, she smiled. We sat down to watch the movie.

Michael's P.O.V

When Jade got here she was with some guy, she sat next to me. "Hey, who's the guy?" I asked her, she looked at me and Michelle and smiled. "Two-bit Mathews," she said, I looked at Michelle she was confused. We turned back to the movie two-bit left after about 5 minutes. About 45 minutes into the movie we heard laughin' like drunk Socs laughin'. "Hey, look what we got here Jade Winston," The soc boy said, he had short red hair and brown eyes. We all looked at him except Jade.

"Hello? Your not answering me huney," He said lookin' at Jade, she just watched the movie. I looked at Jade and back to the Soc. "Come on baby, can I get you something?" he asked smilin', she looked at him. "You got somethin' to drink?" she asked, he handed her a beer. She looked at it and back at him. She throw the bottle and it busted. He soc looked at her, "Opps sorry," she said then lookin' at the movie. The Soc grabbed her wrist and she punched him in the nose, he let go and smiled.

"Your going to pay for that," he said, then he grabbed her wrist and kissed her on the lips, she hold out her hand and Jack put his beer bottle in it. She busted the bottle on his head, he fell and Jade started spitin'. "You ok Jade?" Jack asked her, she looked at him and smiled. "Thanks for the bottle," she said then looked at me. "Are you ok kid?" she asked me, I looked at her and nodded. "Who is that?" I asked, she looked at him and back at me. "Some soc named Cherry Valance's son his name is Teddy Turner," She said lookin' at me, and smiled. "My dad actially was flirtin' with her one time the night Ponyboy and Johnny ran away," she said me and Michelle looked at her, she knew our dad.

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