Chapter 1

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Michael's P.O.V

When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkest of the movie house I had one thing on my mind. What's mom going' to say when I tell her I lost Michelle again. I didn't mean to loss her but I did how I don't know. She's like Sweetheart and Dylan they can't stay still. I'm Michael I have light blown hair, and blue-green eyes but I wish they were more blue like Michelle's eyes. "Michael Curtis you lost me again Mom won't like that," Michelle said grabbin' my wrist, I looked at her. "Well, she won't know if you keep your month shut," I said, she smiled that one smile that reminded me of dad.

We had a long walk home and all me and Michelle could think about was Socs. Socs are the rich, preps and Greasers like me and Michelle are poor, greasey kids. "Here lets take a short cut," I said pointin' down an alley. "Mick, Sweetheart told us to never go down alleys cause there might be Socs. Sweetheart and Dylan will kill us," she said, we never made Dylan mad because he's like his dad, he looks like him too. I look like my dad, Sweetheart looks like hers, and Alex looks alittle like hers, but not a lot. We didn't go down the alley, but we might have been home now.

I wish people would understand me like Michelle and Sweetheart do, but Dylan doesn't even try to. Sweetheart is like her dad she understand everthing, well almost everything. She has her beautiful blue eyes that are all was dancin' and laughin', she is the most beautiful girl ever and will never grow up, she is also my cousin. Dylan never grins or laughs, he has blue-gray eyes that stare into your soul, he has light brown hair like me. Sometimes I wish he wasn't my cousin.

Anyway, we were walkin' home, I was think about that movie and Michelle glad I found her before I left because Greasers can't walk alone cause they'll get jumped, or someone will come and scream "Greaser!" at you and you don't feel so hot after that. Soc is short for Socials and like I said before the rich preps, West-siders, and the jet set. it's like the term "greasers" and again the poor, greasey east-siders.

"Michael we have company," Michelle said lookin' at me, I turned around to see a red mustang. "What do we do Mick?" she asked lookin' at the mustang. I was never really one of the wild greasers but I can propably name some like Alex Randle, she loves fights like her dad, Steve Randle, and Sweetheart loves fight cause there like dances or drag races or something. I mean she is way to much like uncle Sodapop, she even gets a lot of attention from boys. The Mustang pulled over, 6 socs got out. "Hey, greasers goin' for a walk?" he asked us, Michelle looked at me. "Yeah, sure," I said lookin' at the Socs.

Why couldn't we have wait for Sweetheart or Alex to get off of work maybe even Dylan. "Well, greaser it's your luckly day you won a prise," one of them said lookin' at me, I looked at Michelle she didn't look so scared until one of them started with flirtin' with her. He put his arms around her waist, and she started to get very mad. Her hand formed into a fist and she punched him in the jaw. She looked at me and mouthed run. I did as I was told an run to the DX gas station where Sweetheart and Alex were propably at. Michelle was tuffer then me even though we're both twins. I saw Sweetheart outside with Alex fixin' a car.

"Sweetheart, Alex please help hurry," I said runnin' up to them, they looked at me. "Michael what's wrong?" Sweetheart asked droppin' her wrench. "Michelle she's in a fight," I said out of breathe, they looked at each other and back at me. "She ain't in a fight with Jade Winston is she?" Sweetheart asked walkin' over to me, I shook my head. "Socs," Alex said lookin' at Sweetheart. "Come on," Sweetheart said, we started runnin' to where I left Michelle.

When we finally got there, we saw Michelle on the ground and what looked like a girl beatin' on the Socs. We ran to Michelle, the Socs quickly got back into the mustang as the girl threw a big stick at the car. "And stay out of our territory," she yelled, Sweetheart looked up at her. " So finally decided to help someone huh Jade,"Alex said as we helped Michelle up. "Nah, man just lookin' for a fight," she said walkin' away with a smirk. "So your Jade Winston?" Michelle asked, the girl looked at us and smirked. "Yeah, and i'm pretty sure your mothers gave ya'll names too so lets hear'm," She said crossin' her arms, I looked at Sweetheart and Alex. "I'm Michael Curtis and this is Michelle Curtis my sister," I said pointin' to Michelle. "Alexa Randle but just call me Alex," Alex said then lookin' at Sweetheart. "Sweetheart Curtis."

"Curtis? Randle?" Jade asked lookin' confused, we looked at her. "What's wrong with our last names?" I asked her, she looked at me and smirked alittle. "Nothin' man, just they sound familier," she said then two kids ran passed us quickly, Jade looked at them and smirked. "Well, well, well looks like momma let the Cades out again," Jade said as the two kids stopped and looked at her. "Hey, Samantha and Samual come here," she added with her smirk. " Hey, Jade what did we do this time?" Samantha asked stickin' her hands in her leather jacket pockets and lookin' at the boy. "Meet some friends that I just got from doin' something," Jade said lookin' at us. "Great what did you do this time Jade?" Samual asked lookin' at her. "None of your business kid," Jade said lookin' at him. "Why do you treat us like babies Jade?" Samantha asked lookin' at me. "Cause ya'll are scared of ya'lls owe shadows and my mom puts a roof over ya'lls heads," Jade said then smirkin'. "Plus Ryan trusts me to watch you guys," she added then lookin' us.

"Hi, I'm Michelle Curtis, but you can call me Chell," Michelle said shakin' Samantha's hand, she smiled alittle bit. "Sweetheart Curtis," Sweetheart said with her movie star smile. "Alex Randle," Alex said then lookin' at me. "Michael Curtis," I said, they smiled, "Nice names and hey are any of ya'll goin' to the drive-in later?" Samantha asked. " Me and Michelle are goin'," I said, she smiled. "Great see ya'll there," she said then they ran off but Samual stopped. "By the way Jade your dads lookin' for ya," Samual said then they continued runnin'. Jade smiled "So he's out of the cooler huh, well see ya'll at the drive-in kid," she said then turnin' and walkin' away. "She's not that bad now is she?" I asked Sweetheart, she looked at me and smiled. "Guess not kiddo now come on me and Alex have jobs to keep," Sweetheart said messin' up my hair.

Jade's P.O.V

I just met three Curtis's and a Randle, cool. So my old man is out of the cooler that means he got out early, probably for what he calls "Good behaivor." I just love my dad bein' Dallas Winston it's awesome. I walked into my house to see Two-bit watchin' T.V. "Hey dork, what happenin'?" I asked layin' out on the couch, he looked at me and smiled. "Hey kiddo," he said with a smile, "I'm not a kid Keith," I said lookin' at him, he knows I hate bein' called a kid, but he does it anyway. "Is Ponyboy or Steve here?" I asked he looked at me and smiled. "Their in the kitchen with your dad," he said lookin' back at the T.V. I smiled.

I walked into the kitchen to see my dad, Ponyboy, and Steve. I throw my arm around my dads neck and yelled "Daddy!" then I kissed him on the cheek, he smiled. "Hey, Jade how's my girl?" he asked as I let him go and I shrugged. "Got in a fight, made some friends, and their last names were what got me," I said lookin' at Steve and Ponyboy. "So what were these kids names Jade?" Ponyboy asked, I looked at him and smirked. "Michael Curtis, Michelle Curtis, Sweetheart Curtis, and Alexa Randle," I said, they all looked at me with surprise I smiled. "Oh, so ya'll know these kids," I said lookin' at Steve and Ponyboy. "Well yeah, Alexa is my daughter and Michael and Michelle are Pony's," Steve said lookin' at me, I smiled. "Really well I got to get goin' i'm goin' met up with Michael and Michelle and the Cade kids, so see ya," I said walkin' out of the kitchen.

"Keep your pretty little blue eyes pilled for Socs,"My dad yelled from the kitchen. I turned I yelled "I may have a blonde hair but i'm not dumb," I said walkin' out of the house. I stopped and stuck my head back in and looked at Two-bit. "Hey, Two-bit want to come with me to the drive-in?" I asked him, he looked at me and smiled. "Sure i'll come," he said standin' up and walkin' out the door.

We walked in silence for a few minutes, but Two-bit broke it. "So you have a gang now Jade?" he asked, I looked at him and smirked. "Sure, why not we're all greaser and our fathers are a gang," I said look forward, he smiled. "So do they have names?" he asked lookin' at me. "Michael, Michelle, Sweetheart, and Alex," I said not lookin' at him, he looked forward and silence come again tell we got to the drive-in.

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