Chapter II: Cannibal

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~*~*~*~* Darcie *~*~*~*~

I was seated on a bench in the cafeteria, eating a bowl of breakfast when the news turned on. Apparently our college had some crazy cannibal who well....ya know...was eating our students. There was nothing I could do to avoid I just shrugged it off.

***** *****

I had just sat through....probably the longest lecture of my life, the words going in one ear and out the other. It was just a warning about staying in our dorm rooms at night because of the cannibal dude, but I could care less. He wasn't going to get in the way of me going out to drink....illegally.

"Darcie, could you take out the trash I'm kinda busy with my report." Harry asked kindly, his eyes focused on the glowing screen.

"Sure Harold." I rolled my eyes, knotting up the bag and hesitantly making my way down the stairs. It was 12 in the morning, and my eyes were drooping due to lack of sleep from last night because of a late essay....I JUST got here!

Running my free hand through my matted blonde hair, I sluggishly made my way through the large parking lot. As I walked, I counted the faded white lines of the parking spaces. My eyes drooped slightly as I slowed to a stop near the trash thing. Tossing my bag of trash into the garbage disposal, I spun on my heel and hummed the tune of Haunted by Taylor Swift. As soon as I got to "Now I'm haunted" I heard the crack of a stick. I flipped around, searching the bushes.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked, my breathing becoming pants, and my heart beat quickening. Hesitantly turning back around, I stared down at my pink, fuzzy bunny slippers. I wiggled my toes as I walked, until a hand clasped around my mouth and I was thrown to the ground. My head slammed onto the concrete, causing my head to ache. A knife was placed to my throat, and I let out a weak sob.

"Shut up!" They hissed, causing more tears to slip down my cheeks. The next events were a blur. The guy that was pinning me down got kick in the head, then took off running. Clambering to my feet, I felt my head spin slightly.

"Darcie, clam down, it's me Harry, I've got you." His voice cooed, as he draped hesitant arm around me. I nuzzled into his side, tears falling like a waterfall. We climbed up the stairs and into our room. Harry attempted to make me let go, but I repeatedly shook my head.

"Darc I-"

"No." My voice quakes as more tears formed. He sighed, falling onto his bed with me tightly clutching on to his torso.

"Are you going to class tomorrow?" He inquired softly, running his hand through my hair. I shook my head, gripping onto his hand as it came down from the clumps of strands.

"Can I sleep with you? Please.....I just....don't feel all the stable right now." My eyes were filled with tears so his facial expression was slightly blurred.

"S-Sure. I mean I-I guess that's fine. Whatever you want to do." He sympathetically smiled at me. He stripped to his boxers and I had forced my eyes to stay on his. I shimmied out of my jeans and slipped my slippers under my bed. He laid down on his bed and I snuggled next to him. I kept on tracing the lines of his abs. They were deep and made me smile, I couldn't exactly explain why, I was just glad that this time....he wasn't dead.

"Do you think he'll come back?" I whispered, softly sniffling.

"Who?" He asked, looking down at me, his piercing green eyes light and caring....filled with kindness.

"The cannibal you think he''ll come back for me?" I questioned, placing my head on his chest.

"Naw...I don't think's not like him to-" He stopped mid-sentence as I stared up at him in shock.

"You know him?!"

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