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Back at the academy

Sakura's POV
I woke up feeling a little dizzy. My alarm clock had just went off. It was only 7:30am in the morning. The academy starts at 9am. I looked around and saw a very,very pink room, 'Wow~...I was really girly wasn't I?' I sweat dropped. I got out of bed and remembered what Lady Tsunade told me. I looked down to see myself holding a photo of the future me in the other world's photo and behind it, a photo of he future Uchiha Sasuke in both is human and curse mark form.

I felt my insides drop as I looked at the photo. I sighed and took out a beautiful crystal photo frame for the picture. As I past my mirror. I saw the old me with parts of my future self. I still had the 100 mark seal on my head and I'm a bit taller than I was suppose to be and my cleavage a bit bigger than I'm suppose to be. I had my long silky hair. I shook my head and went to pull out some comfortable clothes from my closet. A red dress with my clan's symbol on it and my headband. I grabbed my ninja tool back and filled it with empty scrolls, shurikens and kunais, and then went to brush my teeth and hair.

"Sakura, dear! Breakfast is ready!" I familiar voice called. Mum. I haven't seen her in years! "Coming!" I called back. I looked around and realised that I didn't have my gloves with me and sighed. "Seriously..." I breathed out. I walked down stairs. "Good morning mum." I greeted. "Good morning de- what is that purple diamond on your forehead?!" She exclaimed. "Calm down, it's a seal that I've been working on that contains a mass amount of my chakra." I explained.

She sighed in relief and went to go wake dad up. "Mum..." I said as I was halfway eating my piece of toast. "Hm?" I swallowed my food. "Can I have some money to buy some gloves for training?" I asked. She was surprise when I asked. I guess the old me didn't like training much. She nodded and put $20 on the table and walked off astonished. I giggled as I finished my breakfast. I put my plates in the sink and went to get my bag and collet the money and went to put on my future signature boots. "Man~ why didn't I wear theses in the first place?" I whispered to my self. "I'm off! Mum, Dad! I'm going to train after school at 3:30pm till 5pm!" I yelled as I rushed out. It was only 8:15am when I left the house, so I decided to head to the shop that I bought my gloves from when I was in the other world.


I put on my new gloves and decided to head to the academy early since it was only 8:35am. As I reached my class room and entered it, I saw Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke. He was sitting alone and his gaze focused on the table. My heart felt like it was going to pop out and hug him tight. But remembering that this was the past. I couldn't. I sat by the windows and stared out onto the school grounds. Ignoring every noise around me until someone called my name. "Sakura-chan!" A annoying voice yelled. I turned around to face him. "Yes?"

He gasp and pointed at my forehead. "What's that THING on your forehead?!" He exclaimed, catching everyones's attention, even Sasuke's and Ino's. I twitched my brow. "Good morning to you too, Naruto and this so called thing is a seal that contains a massive amount of MY chakra. If there is anything else then please don't annoy me." I said sternly. "Why are you wearing gloves?" I sighed. "These are my new training gloves. And if you ask one more question I will send you flying to the hokage's office." I said with a glare and focused my gaze out side the window again as the room was silent and shocked.

"Oi, forehead! Why are you acting so cool?!" Ino exclaimed to me. I chuckled and confused her. "Don't you get it? You cannot be a fangirl for your life, Ino-pig. Your gonna have to move on one day." I shook my head. Other girls came up to me as Ino walked away angry. "You're just jealous because Sasuke likes us more than you~" they said. I smiled at them. "We'll watch and see if I'm right or wrong." I smirked.

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