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Sorry for the late update guys, but I've been busy with work and school, and if you have realised, I had recently finished another book.

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"Cherry blossom style!...

Sakura's POV
"Cherry blossom style! Tornado Petals!" I chanted and clapped my hands together. A tornado swirled around them and lifted all of them up. "Sasuke! Naruto! Now!" I ordered. They gave a sharp nod before performing their jutsus' with quick hand signs. "Fire Phoenix!" Sasuke chanted. "Rasangan!" Naruto held out his rasangan and Sasuke blew his jutsu into it. The jutsu flew out even bigger and into the tornado. The minute it touched the tornado, it set the entire thing on fire. Screams were heard and I winced. Letting the jutsu go, the men were burnt and were thrown into the water.

"Kakashi-sensei...." I turned towards him when he placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's alright Sakura, they were criminal who killed many innocent just to get what they wanted." I nodded and sighed. I turned back to the water and sighed again. "Let's go, Sakura-san." Haku told me. I nodded. "You guys go back first." They hesitated, but left afterwards.

Turning around. I glanced at the limp, dead body of Gato that landed into the bridge. Take a deep breath, I lifted one of my hands and the and water rose. It carried all the dead bodies, including Gato's and me and carried us over to solid ground. Lifting my other hand up, the ground lifted up and the I made the water place the bodies under it. I gently let the ground crumble onto their bodies before tying two pieces of wood together to make a cross and sticking in the ground in front of where they were buried.

I bowed and turned around. Glancing back, I shut my eyes tightly. Teleporting to back to Gato's house, I entered the house and everyone's attention snapped towards me. "What?" I asked. Inari ran up to her crying and jumped. She caught him and he nuzzled his head in her neck. "Inari? What's wrong? Why is he crying?" I asked. Naruto scratched the back of his head. "Naruto..." I warned. He laughed awkwardly. I walked over to him. "U-Um Sakura-chan... I swear, all I did was try to talk to him..." He said. "Yeah, before you made a stupid face and scare him." Sasuke scoffed. Tsunami smiled warmly at me and giggled.

"His taken a liking to you." I nodded before smacking Naruto with my free hand. "That's for scaring him. His just a kid, don't do that, they'll get nightmares." He rubbed his cheeks, crying and nodding. "Ok, Sakura-chan, I try not to do that again..." He fake cried. I sweat dropped as he sat in front of a wall and mumbled to himself.

"Lunch is ready..." Tsunami giggled and started taking out the plates. I walked over with Inari in my arms and helped. He sobbed a bit but stopped crying and his breath slowed. He was falling asleep. Placing the last plate down, I patted his back and rubbed it. He snuggled closer and yawned in his sleep. "Oh, here, I'll take Inari." Tazuna said. "I don't know...." I answered, unsure if I should give Inari to him, since Inari did come running to me after all. Tazuna reached out and gently took Inari out of my arms slowly.

"Nn...no! Waahh!" He started crying again as he awoke. His hands flung onto me and held my shirt tightly. "Shh, shh...it's ok." I cooed. Tazuna looked more surprised than ever. "He's become even more attached to you by the minute." He chuckled. "I'll take him to his room." I told the group. Haku looked interested in what I was doing while Zabazu was staring at me and the child in my arms.

"Wanna come help, Haku?" He hesitated, but nodded. Getting up, he followed me to Inari's room. "How are you coping with Naruto and Sasuke so far?" I asked him quietly. "Good." He answered and gave a small smile. "Naruto?" I called, sensing his chakra coming near us. His head popped in the room. "Yea?" He asked quietly and watched as I tucked Inari in. "Where is the closest seal in Konoha near the hokage's building?" I asked him. "The roof of the building." I lifted a brow. "What? I was bored, so I placed seals around the village that only the three of us can use." I chuckled and shook my head. "Go eat lunch you two, I'll be back later." The nodded and Haku walked out the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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