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Chunin exams

Sakura's POV
I opened my eyes, only to be greeted by the bright morning sun rise. Sitting up, I rubbed my eye and looked around. I was in the hospital....again. I turned to find Itachi asleep on the couch. Getting out of bed, I stood wobbly and walked over to he couch. "Ne....Itachi....wake up..." I called and gently shook him. He didn't budge. "Itachi..." I called and shook him again. Suddenly, his hand gasped my wrist and pulled me on top of him.

I looked at him shocked, "Are you serious? Itachi!" I called trying to get out of his grasp. He grumbled and snaked his arms around my waist. "Go to sleep cherry blossom. It's early." He grumbled. I glanced at the time he was right. It was only five in the morning. It was warm, he felt so warm and welcoming. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Sakura...Sakura wake up." I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I was on top of something warm and comfy but yet it's hard. Wait. Hard? I opened my eyes to find Itachi awake and realized that his arms were still on my waist. I blushed furiously. "I-Itachi." I greeted and he let go of my waist and I got off him still blush. I probably looked like a tomato. I sat down on the hospital bed still red and kept on glancing at Itachi. He rubbed his head and yawned before looking at me.

"Sakura..." He said and got off the couch and walked over to me. He kneeled down on one knee and stared at me. "Go out with me..." He said. "Huh?" I asked as if I heard wrong. "Will you go out with me...?" He asked and stared into my eyes. I was lost for words after hearing what he just asked me. "I...I.." I closed my eyes and images of him helping me and caring for me flashed through my brain.

"I will..." I gave him a small smile. His eyes lit up like a candle and he picked me up before spinning me around until we both got dizzy. I giggled as we landed on the bed and I sighed. Glancing at the clock I saw that it was 7:54am. "Itachi!" I shrieked. "I need to go change for the chunin exams." I explained. "They start at 9:30 and I need to go pick up some weapons." I told him. "It's alright blossom, it's not like you are walking back and fourth." I blinked a few times before realising that he was right.

"Ahaha...whoops." A nurse came in and smiled at me. "How are you felling Haruno-san?" She asked. "Fine, a little shaky." She nodded and jotted down somethings on the clipboard at the end of the bed. She then walked over to check my chakra. "Your chakra level are alright, just don't use too much or you'll pass out." She explained. I nodded along. "Apart from that, just take some chakra pills every time after two jutsu. You can go check out now if you like." I nodded and thanked her before Itachi and I walked out to the entrance and he signed me out once again.

"Why can't you just use the chakra from the seal on your forehead?" Itachi asked. "This seal might obtain chakra, but I'll will only use it between life and death situations. Besides, after the exams, I'm going to need to start refilling the chakra into it." I sighed. "Well, I gotta go change...." I said and looked up at him. He smiled. "No goodbye kiss?" He asked as his smile turned into a small frown. "Awwe...fine." I giggled and kissed his cheeks before teleporting to my room. Placing the bag of pills that the nurse gave me down, I went to take a shower.

Getting out of the shower, I dressed in a red one piece with a dragon around it that went above mid thigh. I wore red and pink socks and put on black shoes with red on the bottom, I let my hair down and wore my hitaiate on my head. Slipping on a black and red glove, I went down stairs to greet the maids. "Ohayo!" I called before grabbing some fruits, plenty of sandwiches and a seven big bentos and sealed them into the scroll.

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