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Fight against Rokoru

Sakura's POV
"SAKURA-CHAN!!" I turned around groggily to see Naruto run to me. I was too tired and cried too much already. My head was heavy and all I wanted was to sleep first.

I slumped back down onto the pillow before yawning. "What do you want?" I asked glaring at him. Before he could touch me, the sand moved to protect me.

"What the- Gaara's sand?! Why is Gaara's sandy protecting you Sakura-chan? Why are you sleeping all the way up here?!" Naruto demanded.

"Because.......he is now my brother, Naruto." I answered right before Sasuke appeared.

I glared at him and scoffed as he softened his eyes at me. "Let's go back Sakura." He told me and held out a hand. "No." I answered.

"No? Why?!" Naruto yelled again. Sasuke's eyes darkened and he reached for me, only to have Gaara's sand protect me. He staggered backs few steps and his eyes widened.

Gaara suddenly appeared. Sasuke and Gaara glared at each other as Naruto backed off since he knew Gaara and was friends.

"Stop glaring Uchiha. His my older brother now." I spat and stood up groggily. Gaara rushed to my side before I fell because of my tired body. As I was sleeping I have poured as much chakra into the seal as possible because the jutsu I used was quiet annoying because it took out almost 2/5th's of the chakra stored.

I sighed and leaned on Gaara. "What going on here?" We all turned our attention on Kakashi-sensei. He closed his book and narrowed his eyes. That's when I realised that all four of us didn't have our chakra hidden.

I quickly pushed as much chakra as I could into the part where I was going to use so that I could up straight. I turned to Gaara.

Then I realised that he....he had Shukaku in him...but something was different. His chakra was stronger than I remembered in the past.

"Care to explain?" Kakashi-sensei narrowed his eyes out to Gaara. He backed away from me a bit before standing up straight. "I'm sorry Sakura. But I came on orders from the Suna elders....." Gaara looked down in guilt.

I shook my head annoyed. "So what? Now everyone from the future is going to start coming back?" I spat extremely annoyed.

I then walked over to Sasuke and slapped him without thinking. "This was all your fault you fucken asshole! Is you didn't come for me or tried to destroy the village then NONE of this would've happened!! If you came back after averaging your clan even though your own brother was the real Hokage in people who knew the secrets' eyes, then none of this... NONE of this would've happened!!" I shouted at him.

"I will forgive Gaara because the elders told him to and he was kazekage. But you two can here on our own accord and didn't have the hokage's permission!" I yelled.

"Wait Sakura.... You mean all four of you are...from the future...?" Sensei asked. I looked up back at sensei with dull eyes before I suddenly caught a kunai on my own reflexes.

"Who's there?!" I yelled. We heard snickers and a huge bunch of men came out wearing black with had the Rokoru dragon symbol on it.

They surrounded us and smirked. This time, most of the men didn't have a cloth covering their faces so we saw them smirk before someone emerged from them....

"So you are the brats that killed one of my mens...." The man was tall alright but....um..... He has a moustache and has a huge sword behind on his back, he has a tattoo on his left cheek of the the symbol he owned.

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