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I think you guys just killed me! The book reached 30k?!
Someone pinch me!
I love you ninjas sooooo much!!


Sakura's POV

Everyone either ran through the entrance or jumped over the gates and on the trees and branches. "Hold on guys." Naruto said and glanced around. "Here." He tapped Sasuke and my back. I felt like something was stuck on me. "What was that?" Sasuke asked. "I learned it from my dad. It's a jutsu that allows us to teleport to each other when we are separated." Naruto explained. Sasuke and I exchanged glances. "Let's slit up then. We'll meet when it's midday." I suggested. They nodded and I teleported to a random spot in the forest. It was next to a lake with rocks everywhere. The forest sure was gloomy.

Walking around, I past a few small animal shelter and looked inside carefully. "Finally! Found one!" I exclaimed as I stuck my hand in the 43th one I past. Taking it out, it had the word, 天, symbol for heaven written in on it. Glancing around, I opened one of my scrolls and sealed it inside before teleporting over to Sasuke. "Sakura, did up you find one?" He asked me just as I appeared. "Yeah, a heaven scroll...you?" I asked. He sighed and lifted it up to show me. 天. I sighed this time. "Dammit! I can't find any!" Naruto whined as he appeared next to us. I smacked his head. "Shut it would you? Do you want others to come and find us?" I scolded him. "Itte!" He held is head.

We heard rustling. Kunia's came flying at us. I quickly took out my katana and blocked them all. "Come out you sound cowards." Sasuke growled as his eyes turned red and spun into the third stage of the sharingan. Looks like Itachi taught him well. "An Uchiha? Hokage's son and the heiress to the weak Haruno clan? What kind of team is this?" A deep voice asked. Three sound nins came out of hiding and faced us. Two boys and a girl. The girl and one of the boys dressed similar where as the last guy had his body hanging with a furry coat on his back and his face covered with bandages.

"I see you got a heaven scroll." The man with the bandaged face said, glancing at the possession in Sasuke's hand. "And I see you have non." I smiled sweetly at them. "Sorry, but we are kinda busy looking for the chakra scroll...." I said as Naruto disappeared first. "Goodbye." I smiled once again before Sasuke and I teleported to Naruto. "Hey look!" Naruto exclaimed and pointed towards a chakra scroll. We headed over to get it before Sasuke stopped him. "Hold on dobe." He said. "Doesn't this look too...easy?" I asked. Sasuke nodded as Naruto kept his eyes fixed on the scroll.

Before we could stop him, Naruto went to grab it before he was hanged upside down. "Ugh! It was a trap!" He hmph. We sighed and helped Naruto down. Once again, kunias flew at us, but slower this time. I kept my concentration on them before catching the ones that could hit Naruto, who Sasuke was still trying to get him down, or Sasuke. I threw them back and three Stone ninjas came out of hiding. "Are. You. Serious?" I asked as Naruto came down and sheepishly smiled at me.

"Let's split. And Naruto, leave that scroll, it's a fake." I called. He frowned before disappearing. Sasuke and I followed after as we teleported to different places. Looking around trees and in them, I felt a gush of wind come from the right of me, if I wasn't paying attention, I wouldn't had heard a groan that rang through the forest for just a second. I quickly jumped in that direction until I reach the same guy in the chunin exams, his red hair blowing in the wind. I jumped down and was that he was holding his head.

Shukaku was trying to take over. "Kill....need blood!" Two voice rang through the air. I slowly took steps towards him. "Shh...you need to calm down, Gaara, Shukaku..." I hushed as I got closer to him. He breathed in big ragged breathes in. When I close enough to bend down to look at him in the eyes, he stared into mine. One of his eyes was Shukaku's why the other was his normal eye. I placed my hands on his head gently and he looked at me shocked. I activated the 100 Healing Mark, his eyes followed the lines that danced around my showing skin. Closing my eyes before opening them, I slowly pushed some chakra into his head. Calming down his headache. He stopped groaning.

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