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Sakura's POV
"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Mama screamed at the ten bad people in front of us. They smirked my way.

I glared at them. They looked so taken back when I glared.

"What? Haven't seen a five year old glare before?" I bellowed. They took a step back, hesitating to attack.

Then, launching forwards, they aimed towards me with katanas in their hands. I dodged them and kicked three of them in the stomach with all my force before landing wobbly before falling on my butt.

The three bad people flew to the gates and hit them. Hard. I winced a bit then realised something.

'Wait. How did I do that....?!'

Mama and papa looked at me shocked before they attacked the other seven. Then, a big fat man came in.

He ran as mama and papa with shiny katana.

Normal POV (sorry but writing Sakura without using better language is hard since she's a child)
Mebuki and Kizashi launched at the so called 'fat' rogue and dodged his attack swiftly.

Then, the other rogues that were hidden from sight came out of hiding with poisonous kunais and headed to killed Mebuki and Kizashi.

They dodged until Mebuki got a deep cut with poison slowly dripping into her veins and blood.

She dropped into her husbands arms as the poison started taking effect on her.

"Hurry. The jutsu." She spoke softly.

Mebuki and Kizashi's hands clasped together. They performed quick hands signs before whispering something under their breaths.

Light shined from their bodies, coming out the bright lights was wall that slowly killed the rogues when they touched it and it quickly surrounded the village. Keeping it safe.

After the bright light went down back to the normal day light, it started to rain.

There, little Sakura watched as her mother's body went limp and her father's body dropped to the ground, with her mother in his hands, lifeless.

Sakura raced over and shook their bodies and cried. "MAMA! PAPA! DON'T LEAVE ME!" She cried as the rain got heavy and she cried harder.

"Mama....papa....I love you....please....I love you. Wake up." She whimpered and cried into their chests.

Itachi's POV
I watched in horror. She just lost her parents in front of her. Such a small young child.

I quickly teleported to the hokage's office. "Lord fourth-" "I know.....I sent them on that mission...."  He replied, cutting me off. I looked at him horrified. How could he do that to such a young child?!

"I know what you're thinking Itachi, but she is the legend of the Haruno clan." He explained. "The one that comes once in a hundred years?" I asked as my eyes widened in disbelief.

the fourth nodded and dismissed me.

I've read about that legend before. Meaning that he did this on purpose, but still, him knowing her parents and their loyalty, they'll do anything to protect the village.

I sighed as I thought hard about what would happen to her in the future. A child only Sasuke's age, without a family.....

I sighed, then, my mind went back to the time where Danzo and the elders gave me a choice to kill my clan or not. But if I do, in return, Sasuke would be safe but he'll go out for revenge on me and I'll have to leave the village.

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