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Good friends

Sakura's POV
Sakura awoke with a groan and rubbed her eyes as she saw white. "Where am I?" She croaked out as she sensed another chakra signal in the room. "In the hospital. You fainted when we got here." Itachi's voices rang through the room. "Thank you." I said and got up slowly. Glancing at the time on the wall, it was only 7:30 in the morning. There was a knock on the door and a nurse came walking in with a glass of water and some pills.

"Here are some pain killers and your water." The nurse smiled and placed them on the table beside my hospital bed. I returned the smile with a small one and got out of bed. "Let me check your chakra levels..." She trailed off and as went to get the clipboard at the end of the bed. "Sakura...." Itachi breathed out with relief.

"Ok...your chakra levels are fine now. They are back to normal. You can check out now if you want." With that, she walked out the room. "Well...I have school so I better get check out." I said and slipped out of the bed. Itachi followed behind and signed me out before walking me to my compound in silence. "Sakura-sama!" Some of the maids including Shuie was there wait for me.

'It's a good thing we hid halve of our chakra.'

"Thank you Itachi-san." I bowed. "Any time.... I need to you train Sasuke now. He is such an early bird. Goodbye." He said before disappearing into smoke. I walked into the compound and the maids followed begin while asking me questions. "Sakura-sama! What's that diamond on your forehead? Did you paint it there?" One of them asked as they tried to rubbed it off my forehead.

-/ To the academy \-

I walked into the academy Naruto bumped into me. I fell back but was caught by a large arm. I turned to see Itachi smiling at me and Sasuke holding my weights. "Itachi-san. Sasuke-san." I greeted. Sasuke passed me my weights and I thanked him. I slipped on the weight on my wrist and ankle before holding my waist weight in my hands. "Excuse me." Said before jumping into a tree where most of the leaves were able to cover me. I held my shirt up a bit and slid on the weights before jumping back down. I patted my shoulders and smiled at the boys.

'Remind me to go add more weights after school, inner.'

'No problems!'

"What's that purple diamond on your forehead Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked, snapping everyone's but Itachi's attention to me. "It's just persevered chakra that I was able to contain that. my body will use or I will use when I need strength and healing. It's actually not quite useful now but will be when we become genins." I smiled. The guys smiled back at me.

"Aren't those heavy?" Naruto asked. I shook my head. "I've been wearing them for four months now." I answered and smiled. Naruto looked at me confused before smiling. "Hey Sakura! Do you want to come with me and teme to train and practise the shadow clone jutsu after school?" He asked me. I blinked a few times looking at him before smiling and nodding. "Yosha!" Naruto pumped his fist in the air before dragging me and Sasuke into the building of the academy. I waved bye to Itachi as we entered the building and classroom.

"Kyaa! Sasuke-kun! Naruto-kun!" Many of the girls squealed. (See what I did there? *wink wink*). Of course they would get attention...who wouldn't want to be the hokage's son's girlfriend or the strong Uchiha clan's second born's girlfriend? I sighed to myself as people gave me glares and stares while the boys just gave me sympathetic looks. Over theses past years, Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kiba, Choji, Ino, Hinata and Shino have all become great friends, and of course they found out about my parents' death just at the end of last year.

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