Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I did as I was told and I enjoyed it much more than I ever thought. It was a good job I always left a sketch pad and some pencil colours in my handbag. I walked from one room to another and sketched whatever came into my mind. There was one area I particularly liked. It had two large windows from which I could see the sea. It was marvellous, considering we were so far away from the seashore. I would have remained there forever if it wasn't already been time for me to leave and reach the photo studio. I glanced at my watch, almost a quarter past eleven. I had to leave now, or else I wouldn't make in time. I closed my sketchbook and put away the colours. I felt satisfied. I had made a lot of sketches and I already had many ideas whirling in my head. Hopefully, Mr. Tremonti will like what I'll propose.

I followed his instructions, and as he said, the studios weren't difficult to find. I stopped in front of the dark-panelled door and took some time before knocking. I always felt nervous when I had to meet him. His stance, the way he kept himself so straight made me feel uneasy and the way he always glanced at me, I could catch a dangerous glint in those amazing eyes which could be cold as ice when angry and yet hid a warmth in them that struggled to come out without success. I knocked and waited, but no one answered. Maybe he wasn't there anymore, maybe there was no one. But I was wrong. I opened the door a little, and I heard him yelling. I froze, shocked at the anger of the words he spat. I looked inside and was stunned to see that the studio was enormous. Light fittings hung everywhere, and there was an infinity of stands holding different clothing and costumes. His harsh voice caught my attention again, and I tried to focus to see where he was. But I couldn't see him. One spotlight was blinding me. I tiptoed inside; I didn't want to disturb, not when he sounded so angry.

"What the hell!? And you call yourself a model!"

"I'm.. I'm sorry." A female voice murmured. It stunned me to realize that there were at least fifteen people inside, all staring at the poor girl that looked like a prey that had just been attacked by a predator. There was not a sound, not a breath. Only his voice could be heard, and the girl's crying.

"Great, now you will smudge the make-up. Stop this damn nonsense and let's finish. I haven't got all day!" He snapped.

"I'm trying, but I can't." She cried.

"What the hell is so difficult? Just smile, move around and look at that damn mirror on the left. It's not as if it is the first time you're doing this!" He kept pacing in front of her and his hands moved nervously in front of him as he talked.

"I'm trying." She said again.

"You're trying!" He repeated after her. "But you're not succeeding. Have you forgotten how to smile? Even a blind man can see that you're forcing yourself to do so. You have to appear natural."

"How can I smile when you keep shouting at me?" She said, breaking down into tears. I felt awful for her and I thanked God for not being in her place. Mr. Tremonti could be really cruel.

"Listen, take a five minutes' break. Go outside, smoke a cigarette, do what the heck you want, but when you return I want you to be ready. This has to be finished today. Tomorrow it will be on TV and on the billboards of every centre. We have a contract with Ives Cosmetics and a deadline we have to respect!"

The girl nodded and rubbed her tears away, smudging her makeup even more. She moved out with such a speed that she almost tripped. Mr. Tremonti hit the wall with his fist. His crew walked away, leaving him at his anger. All of them but one remained. He was a good-looking guy, tall as much as Mr. Tremonti, with fair hair and deep brown eyes.

"You're exaggerating." He told him.

"No, I'm not. But I'll do if she keeps behaving like a beginner. She was supposed to be the diva, the best model of Opulence models, and I find myself with an idiot who doesn't even know how to smile."

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