Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Despite being so tired that night, I couldn't sleep. And even though I had promised Aunt May to make them pay, I couldn't believe Gianluca had anything to do with what happened in the past. I squeezed my eyes, trying in vain to fall asleep, but I kept imagining his face, his deep gaze, and the sound of his voice. I was totally besotted with a man that I should hate with all my being.

The next day, at 8.00 sharp, I was outside, exactly where Gianluca had parked his car the night before. I looked around, trying to spot one of the company's cars, but I saw none. I glanced at the watch; it was already ten past eight. I didn't want to arrive late to work and even though it wouldn't be my fault; I was sure he wouldn't believe me. Probably he'd think I had overslept and left the driver waiting. Another five minutes had gone by. I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor. When it was almost eight-thirty, I decided to leave. Hopefully, I'll be in time to catch the bus. But when I turned around, what I saw made me stop in my tracks. He was behind me, resting against the wall.

"I wondered how long you'd wait before losing your temper." He said, amused. "I'm impressed. Half an hour is not bad."

"Gianluca? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I've come to take you to work, of course."

"But I thought a driver would have come for me."

"Right, here I am. Since today we're the only persons to have permission to start working late, I came for you myself. I pass from here to go to work, anyway. You're getting better, Justine. You were out here waiting at eight sharp. How does it feel when someone leaves you waiting?" He asked mockingly.

"You mean to tell me you've been here at eight and you left me waiting on purpose?" I asked angrily.

He smiled. "Exactly. Rule number one: if you want someone to stop doing something that you hate, make sure you try it on him so he'll know exactly how irritating it is. I would have waited until nine, but you didn't resist that much. Come on, let's go, my car is parked over there."

I would have hit him. But instead, I hurried with an angry gait towards his car without saying a word.

"Not even a good morning?" he asked a gurgle of laughter in his voice.

"No!" I retorted curtly.

I went inside the car and closed the door. I put on my seat belt and waited for him to get in. But he didn't.

"You don't have any appointments this morning?" I asked, annoyingly.

"No. I'm in no hurry today. This morning I had a pleasant talk over the phone with Mr. McGregor, and he was delighted. He congratulated us for the marvelous work, and he wants to meet you later today. We're having dinner at his mansion at 7.00." He informed me casually as if this was something we normally did.

"What? Oh no, I.. I can't."

"You have other plans for tonight?" He asked. In reality, I didn't, but I couldn't pass another night out. I was tired after a sleepless night and I had to speak to Mrs. Priestley.

"I guess your boyfriend wouldn't approve if you dined two consecutive evenings with your boss, right?"

"I don't have a boyfriend," I replied without thinking. He smiled.

"Then there is nothing to hold you back from coming with me."



"I can't. When will I continue my work if I spend every night out? And I have nothing appropriate to wear."

He opened the door and climbed behind the wheel. "That's easily sorted, my dear. Choose something from our studio. There are plenty of dresses."

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