Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Gianluca's POV

I stopped the car, parking it carelessly. I rushed out, slamming the door and ran towards my house. I stopped in my tracks as I saw the house in flames.

"Oh my God." I cried.

"Gianluca." Timothy called. "I tried to go in but there is no way. And the house is falling apart. Are you sure Justine is inside? Have you called her?"

"No, I didn't, but she must be there. Her car is here. I'm sure she's inside."

"The fire engine should be here soon"

"No, I can't wait that long. If she's inside, she'll die until they arrive."

"No, Gianluca, you can't go." Father said, grabbing my shoulder.

"Let me go." I said as I moved forward. "Dad please." I said when his hand didn't take away his hand.

"You will die. I can't let you."

"I will die just the same if I lose her." I said, looking into his eyes. He pressed his lips together and then with reluctance he let go of me. "Be careful. Please."

I nodded and ran towards the house, but as I went near, the extreme heat that was coming out of the house thwarted me. I couldn't go further. What was I going to do? I glanced at the house, trying desperately to go in. The garage section seemed the worst bit. I wondered what she had done. She had told me to burn the car. Probably she tried to do it herself. I moved frantically around the house and saw that the kitchen part wasn't on fire yet. I climbed from the broken window and jumped inside. I coughed as I found it difficult to breathe. I covered my nose and mouth with my hands and moved inside, hoping to find her.

"Justine!" I shouted before covering my mouth again. It was excruciatingly hot inside. And my face burnt with heat. "Justine!"I cried again. She didn't answer. I walked along the corridor with difficulty as parts of the ceiling started coming down. A piece of wood almost hit me. I had to arrive at the garage, but it wasn't going to be easy. Not when all that smoke was coming out. The fire must have started there. "Justine!" I shouted, hoping this time she'll hear me. I moved swiftly along the corridor and when I almost arrived at the garage door and felt dizzy. Probably it was because of the smoke I was inhaling or because of the extremely high temperature. I was sweating with heat. I tried to open the door but I couldn't. It seemed stuck. I kicked with all my strength until it gave in. "Justine." I cried again. I felt my heart stopping as I saw the high flames that surrounded the front of the car. I coughed as I tried to look around with the hope of seeing her. Just then I heard a yelp, and I looked at the floor just a couple of metres far from the car.My stomach twisted as I saw my wife laying on the floor.

"Justine!" I rushed to get her but as I moved, I burnt my hand and my sleeve was going on fire. I tried desperately to pat my arm to get the fire out, but in doing so I burned my other hand. I took off my jacket quickly instead and then I knelt down and scooped Justine in my arms. But as I moved her up, she cried in pain. I looked on the floor and I saw that her leg was trapped under a heavy bag of cement. I moved it and freed her leg.

"Justine, are you OK?" I asked.

She looked at me, but she seemed dazed. Her eyes fluttered, yet she wasn't looking at me. I panicked. "Justine!" I shouted as I hugged her to me. I swung her up into my arms and carried her out of the garage with difficulty. I was breathless. I couldn't stop coughing. I thought I was going to die suffocated, but I didn't stop.I walked out into the corridor again and was going to go back to the kitchen again, but I couldn't. There was a mess, furniture burning, and a column had collapsed. I had to go out of there immediately. The house will soon go down. I looked around me and for a moment I thought it was the end. There was no way out. I looked down at my beautiful Justine. She was unconscious. Her eyes were closed. I had to save here, it couldn't finish like this. I kissed her and promised to her I will protect her with my life. Just then, I turned around to see the garage door on fire. The fire was moving quicker than I thought. If I had arrived a minute later,Justine would be death. I moved back towards the bedroom. It seemed the only part of the house that hadn't caught fire yet. At that moment, I heard the sirens of the fir-engines. They were near. They were coming to save us, but they will never make in time. I looked at the window and felt bad. The windows were stuck. I had tried to open them the first time I came in the house, but I hadn't managed.Unfortunately, there was no way for me to open them. They were too old and rusty. I put Justine on the bed and searched for something to try to break the glass. There was nothing, just a small wooden statue. I grabbed it and hit the glass desperately.

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