Chapter 1

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Chapters with two "*" are from Amos' point of view, chapters w/ three "*" are from Ava's point of view. Enjoy!

"No! You don't want to do this!" I cried. Ropes were tight around my chest, binding me to the stake in the ground.
"Burn the wretch!" Someone shouted in reply.

I shut my eyes, tears streaming down my face, the stench of smoke filled my lungs, and the brush below me began to crackle. I could feel the heat at the soles of my shoes.

I looked out at the sea of familiar faces, faces I had known my entire life, faces all set for my death.
"Please," I begged as flames engulfed my legs, glowing like a white-hot iron...

I awoke with a start, bolting upright on my bed mat. The writhing patterns of fire swam before my eyes. I blinked hazily, absently looking to see if my legs where burnt to a crisp. Morbid thoughts I know, but they plagued my mind.

My eyelids began to droop, and I soon fell prey to the predator that is a weary mind, and fell into a sleep that was blessedly dreamless...  

My chapter are very short... I am sorry about that but that's how i write

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