Chapter 17

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A/N: I am so sorry for all the grammatical errors you have been suffering from. I promise that I will try to go through and proof-read every chapter to make sure you no longer get any sentences that confuse the word "were" with "where", or the like. So sorry...


Turns out that the 'somethings' that Ava needed to pick out were ball gowns. Because there is a ball (obviously), being held here.

And I asked her if she would come to it with me.

And she said yes.

I was so happy after that, that I had to get out into the garden and run for a bit, because my small room couldn't couldn't contain my excitement.

Now, there was just one obstacle, I didn't have the foggiest idea of what I was going to wear.

- - -***- - -

I sat in my room, humming to myself. The time until the ball wasn't passing fast enough, there were still two days left! My heart had soared after Amos asked me, though deep down I had known he would.

- - -**- - -
I steeled myself before kicking the door to the King's bed room, for the second time in my currently changing life.

He was fully rested this time though, and answered the door with a bright smile.

"Come in, son, and we'll talk it over."

"Um...Do you already know what I was going to ask you about?" I asked, growing very uncomfortable with the thought that he always knew why I had come to him.

"Well of course! I am the King after-all. Now, about your wardrobe problem," he said, inviting me inside.

I gulped.

The room was huge, a large bed dominating the center. I saw something move under the covers and Chanel's caramel head poked out, yawning.

"Now, what do you think about this? I've already had it tailored, but if it needs some more adjustments, just say the word and it shall be fixed." The King said, returning from somewhere in the room, even though I hadn't even noticed that he had left.

I turned and saw what he held up, and my mouth fell open.

- - -***- - -

I was lingering on the edge of the crowd, looking around nervously for Amos. He had requestedthat I walk to the ball-room by myself, to wait for him. I was almost unbearably curious, but hestill hadn't shown up.

Just as I was about to storm off and go looking for him, he appeared in the archway, looking nervous, unsure, and-

-I had to resist the urge to open my mouth with surprise. He was clad in a fantastic dark, darkblue vest, with gold trim. Or at least, that's all I could see of the shirt, because he had a velvety blue cloak thrown over his shoulders, though I could still see flashes of white and black as he waded into the swarming crowd.

He was wearing plain tan pants, but they were in much better condition than the pair he had been wearing just the day previous.

He finally made his way to me, sweat just barely beginning to bead on his forehead.

I could see his cloak shift as he nervously ruffled his wings (it was one of his nervous habits).

"So, I-I'm sorry I took so long, Your father kept trying to get me to pull my hair back, like a girl. I just barely got away." He said with a little smile, starting to loosen up a bit.

I gasped in mock-horror, "He couldn't have tried to pin your porcupine hair!"

"Funny, he said it looked like Chanel's head after she rolls around in the garden."

I laughed, thinking of all the times that the little dog had come to me with her head dirty and the fur all fluffed up. It really did look a small bit like Amos' hair, though his was much...spikier.

I lightly touched the cloak, a sobering expression falling across my face.

"Why are you wearing this?" I asked softly, rolling the fabric in-between my fingers.

His cheeks reddened.

"Well, there's, there's just so many people here, and I, I don't want-"

"Don't worry, they won't do anything, come with me." I said, taking his right shoulder (since his wing wasn't available).

I took him up to the elevated area where the band was playing slow music.

"Could I have everyone's attention please, attention!"

Some stopped and turned, but most kept milling about.

That is, until the band suddenly played several sharp and incredibly high notes that sounded like a shriek. I saw Amos cringe slightly, gritting his teeth.

"Thank you," I said, "Everyone, this man here is my friend Amos. He's a little different from the rest of us, but he is to be treated with the utmost respect, if not, you will find yourself explaining your opinions to the King."

I turned and put a hand on Amos' shoulder. "Is it all right?" I asked softly. He looked scared and his face was pale, but he just nodded.

I slowly took the cloak and pulled it away.

I heard several gasps and quiet murmurs of, "Oh my goodness," and "What is he?", and at each Amos flinched like someone was about to hit him.

"Come on," I said, taking his now-accessible wing and guiding him back down to the ball-room floor.

"I'm so stupid," I muttered.

"No, no you're not, they're just not as open-minded as others."

I almost cried. Here he was, being gawked at and avoided, and he was comforting me.

I threw my arms around his shoulders, ignoring the many gasps I heard. "I'm so sorry."

I felt his warm wings wrap around me, and I dropped the cloak I had been holding.

"Don't be," he said gently, holding me closer.

I sniffled and my vision was blurred, but I nodded and he pulled back.

"Now, if I'm not mistaken, this is a ball, so, may I have this dance?" He asked, stepping away and bowing.

I smiled, "I wouldn't dance with anyone else."

We really didn't dance, but we swayed side to side with the music (A/N: Which really isn'tdancing if you think about it).

We stayed like this until most of the guests had left. The band was still playing their slow, soothing tones.

I heard him mumble something, his head resting atop mine.

"Hmm...?" I moaned, savoring the moment.

- - -**- - -
I took a breath repeated what I said before, only a little louder.

"I love you."

I felt her get even closer to me (if possible) and say softly,"I love you, too."

She looked up at me, and I looked down, and we kissed.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Awwwww. This whole chapter is basically what is sometimes called "fluff", otherwise known as a chapter that is really nothing but romance between two characters that you already knew loved each other.

The next chapter will be...never mind, I can't disclose that quite yet ;)

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