Chapter 8

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  A/N:  This chapter is in Ava's POV. When you see a "- - -**- - -" it means that the next paragraph is in a different point-of-view, for example if the first paragraph is in Ava's POV, then after the "- - -**- - -" the paragraphs turn to Amos' POV. Enjoy :)

I squirmed uncomfortably in the tight-fitting dress, tugging at my fluffy skirts with annoyance. Don't get me wrong, dresses are just fine, but this particular one felt like it was made out of hay and nettles.

The ambassador's seemingly monotonous voice just droned on and ON. I looked out the long, floor-to-ceiling length windows and sighed.

"Excuse me,Your Highness, but what do you think of the matter,...My Lady?"

I snapped out of my trance. "I'm sorry, Mr. Gunnepeli (A/N: pronounced- "goo-na-pell-ee"), you were saying?"

"Uh.." he cleared his throat, "Our spies have reported that the Cariths are mustering their forces at the our border. Do you think we should retaliate?"

"Oh ambassador, the Cariths are nothing more than a few thousand acres of shrub-land. Hardly anything to worry about. However, have a counter-force ready as an extra precaution. But let them make the first move.

"Oh! And make sure word gets to the port-masters to keep a wary eye out for any foreign ships, seeing as the Carithians are rumored to have allies over sea. Of course, only if that's okay with you, Father," I said looking up at good ol' Dad, sitting in his velvet throne.

He chuckled, his rich laugh blooming in his chest. "Why not?" He said, shrugging good-naturedly. "This council is over," He said, rising from his throne and going, most-likely, to the kitchens.

Finally, I thought, rushing up the many flights of stairs to my room. I changed into a worn pair of brown riding pants, and a soft green tunic.

I checked all of my arrows, and my bow, seeing if the feathers were intact, seeing if the bow-string was still taught on the birch-wood frame.

I came out into the hallway, looking for my elder brother, Alistair. He had promised to take me on a hunting trip for my eighteenth birthday, but royal duties had delayed us for three months.

Now, finally, we were on our way. Alistair strode down the hallway, wearing bright blues and fiery red.

He was like a peacock compared to my dull tones.

I looked at him, all the way from his too-shiny boots, to his too-blue collar.

"You're going to scare all the game away."

"I take it you're ready to leave now?" He replied, smiling.

- - - - -

We were racing Southeast, cutting straight into the Laden forest near the peasant-town of Reeston. I laughed enjoying the feel of being on horseback. I urged my horse, Toronto, to go even faster, laughing with joy.

- - -**- - -
I awoke with a start, the sun was already halfway into the sky.
The fever must be getting worse, I thought, wincing. I still got to my feet with a smile though.

After all, I could have been off much worse. I was just thankful that the sores and burns were all I had to worry about.

The burn on the left side of my face was swollen, probably due to infection, and I could hardly see out of my left eye.

I shrugged, slowly making my way to the little creek that wound its way through the clearing where I was currently staying, swaying a little on my feet.

- - -***- - -

We were now deep into the forest, the sound of our horses hardly made a noise against the moist soil. I saw a flash of white, and signaled for Alistair to be quiet.

I saw it again, it was a wing, pure white, and tipped with black.

I slowly dismounted.

- - -**- - -

I heard a slight, ever so slight rustle in the bushes. The soft twang of a bow being pulled back seemingly filled my senses. I tried to dodge, but the fever slowed me, made me weaker. I felt the arrow thump into my shoulder, I saw silver eyes in the woods, looking alarmed. And that's the last thing I saw before I blacked out, those silver eyes...

- - -***- - -

I heard a satisfying thunk where the arrow hit, I hadn't been able to see the whole bird, but I guessed my arrow hit it somewhere along the neck or shoulder.

I walked over to my prize, stopping in the underbrush to see just what kind of bird it was.

What I saw nearly stopped my heart. I saw a boy, no older than 19 with a long and infected burn on his left profile. His shirt was up, and revealed nasty-looking yellow-ish burns, they looked painful.

His hair was a mesmerizing red-bronze color that shimmered in the dappled sunlight. Only then did I see the wings.

The were partly folded, but still very large. They were a magnificent white, gauzy silver near the tops and pitch-black near the ends. But something was wrong, the left wing was horrifically bent, probably broken.

I ventured out into the small clearing and felt his neck.
Thank goodness, I thought, he still had a pulse.

I screamed, knowing I had caused him even more pain.

Alistair ran over. I heard him gasp. There was a soft twang.

I got in between Alistair, who had his bow raised, and the boy, who lay helpless on the ground.

"Ava, get away from it."

"It? He needs help."

"Please Ava, it's simply not human. Besides, I'll be putting it out of its misery."

"I can help him, I know it." I said, getting angry. I struggled, trying to lift the boy onto my horse; Alistair finally came and helped me.

I held onto the boy as we pounded towards Rees, the capitol of Arenthia. Only stopping to rest once.

Sometimes, he would groan and stir, but I would rub his head and whisper to him, and he would drift off once more...

To Be Continued. . .

A/N: Alright, I know that this a very long, and rather boring chapter. But I had to introduce Ava and the other "Palace of Rees" characters. :) Thanks for reading!  

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