Chapter 14

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  A/N: This chapter will be very special, why do you ask? Well, you'll just have to read and find out ;)



The candles in the one-room house flickered dimly, giving everything an orange glow. A woman was in the bedroom area, her hair stuck to her forehead with perspiration.

The name 'Gwendylin' echoed through my mind, and I knew what I was seeing. It was the night I was born, the night of my mother's death.

A baby's shrill cry pierced the night. My mother told Renold, my father, to hand me to her, Iago watched in the background, eyes smoldering.

Even though I was wrapped in a thread-bare blanket, one could still see the small, down-ish feathers.

"What, what is it?"My father asked, eyes wide. Iago's mouth dropped.

My mother completely ignored their stares and words, and instead held me closer.

"Amos, Amos Anthony," she said softly, "my little angel."

She looked up to my father, her eyes glistening.

"No one must know." She said, before laying back and closing her eyes.

Father held her hand, crying silently, and gently took me from her.

The dream flashed to a few months after my birth, my father was holding me in the crook of his arm, holding a cup filled with milk.

He sighed, looking down at me, "You look so much like her," he said softly, putting the now empty cup down...

I woke to the soft gray of a new morning, the gentle light flowed into the small room.

I sighed. Same dream as every year. For as long as I can remember, I've been having that dream, and always on the night before my birthday.

Amos Anthony Tanner, 20-year-old bird-man staying in the guest room of the King of Arenthia, I thought to myself, shaking my head and smiling softly.

I stayed lost in my thoughts until about mid-morning, when Ava came in.

"Why don't you ever leave your room?" She asked, plopping down casually on the bed beside me.

"Because I'm scared that if I left, I wouldn't be able to find my way back."

Ava laughed.

"Well, happy birthday," she said, taking me off guard.

"H-how did you know?" I asked, incredulous.

She giggled, "I came in last night to see if Chanel was with you because I couldn't find her, she was with my father by the way. You talk in your sleep. You kept saying, 'Twenty years tomorrow, twenty years,' so I figured you were talking about your age since you told Mr. Gunnipelli when he visited that you were nineteen," she took a deep breath then went on,"so I was right then? Today is your birthday?"

I just nodded, I had never known that I spoke in my sleep. I also didn't know that Ava could talk so fast.

"So, do you want to come to the dining hall for breakfast? I hate that you're in here eating by yourself all the time."

My stomach rolled at the thought of eating in front of other people.


"Oh, I am SO dull!" Ava said, smacking herself in the head. She was scarily hyper today, and I was getting a little worried.

"Would you mind if I just grabbed something for you and myself and then we came in here?" She asked, I almost expected her to cock her head like a puppy.

"Uh...No." I said, a little pacified now that Ava was acting a bit more normal.

"I'll be right back then." She said smiling.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Happy Birthday to Amos! Can anyone guess why Ava is acting like she is?

If you do then please tell me, because I don't know why she's hyper either:)

This chapter was kind of short, so I'll make the next one a little longer, hopefully.

If you are thinking, "Hey, wasn't Chanel with Amos in that last chapter? How come in this one she was with King Algernon?" It's because I flashed a few days ahead in this one.  

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